Can't open uploaded file in github - github

I have just uploaded a project on github but I can't open the project files.
Doesn't anybody know what that arrow file mean?
I was expecting to access the file on github after the upload but it isn't working.


Open and Run Python file after cloning from Github

I have made a clone of a repository of Github in Google Colab. It is done successfully and I can see the files there. After cloning when I tried to open the individual file of python I was unable to open the individual file.
Kindly guide me on how to work on individual files after creating a clone as we open them as a normal file directly from the link of GitHub in collab.

how to push CS50AI project to GitHub

I did upload my degrees Project0 to, I did only Python files
so my question is just uploading file and commit is enough for project submission or I need to do anything else ? is uploading file means pushing code?
I see my files in my GitHub account however it shows 0 submissions in
any one please help if I am missing anything to upload the projects to GitHub

Unable to save to my repository after forking at GitHub

I forked a repository from GitHub and opened a ipynb file it contained in Colab. However, when I go to File and try to save a copy in GitHub, it shows me the directories of the owner of the notebook, not my own. Did I do something wrong?

Is there a way to upload a folder to GitHub with more than 100 files?

I have a folder with more than 100 files I would like to upload to GitHub because I am working on a project with a few people. I am trying to create a repo and than upload the 5,000+ files folder to it.

How to upload more than 100 files at once in github?

I want to add a folder that has 713 files 150 folders inside it.
Uploading directly shows an error that I cannot upload more than 100 files at once.
Is there any chance I could upload a .rar file and then later extract in github?
There is no way to send an archived file and extract it in GitHub. However, Like Fake Name said, you need to download Git on your system and use it to send your files to GitHub. You can go through the tutorials on Git here.
Yes, you can't upload more than 100 files using the Graphic Interface.
You can instead upload a .rar instead as you said, but it's not recommended. When you will try to update the repository you will find that you will re-upload all the .rar.
So what I recommend you to do is upload using the terminal (using terminal you can upload more than 100 files).
And for information on how you upload on GitHub using terminal, follow those steps: