Managing private NuGet package registry VS Code - visual-studio-code

I recently switched to VSCode from Visual Studio 2022 and needed to manage custom NuGet packages made by my company. I want it to be somewhat similar to Visual Studio 2022's NuGet Package manager.
This is what I've tried so far with no success:
NuGet Gallery VSCode extension
I downloaded the extension and installed CredentialProvider to be able to authenticate the package source
I added an environment variable with the suggested json format:
{"endpointCredentials": [{"endpoint":"http://example.index.json", "username":"optional", "password":"accesstoken"}]}
I then added the name and url as a source from the VSCode extension settings:
enter image description here
NuGet.config file in the project directory
The problem here is that it does not help me manage packages easily (browsing, updating, downgrading, etc.)
NuGet Package Manager VSCode extension
Problem here is that it has no way of configurating package registries
For information, I am using .NET 3 to 7, and the package registry is on GitLab.
Can somebody please help me fix this issue because I've looked everywhere and ran out of options?


Autofac.Extensions.Hosting NuGet?

Does anyone know how to install Autofac.Extensions.Hosting from a NuGet package within Visual Studio (2019)? I see the project here GitHub Autofac.Extensions.Hosting. Within the project instructions, it states that you can "reference the from NuGet". However, I can't find it within Visual Studio's NuGet Package Manager. Is it not available yet, or am I doing something wrong.
It was never published because it's basically just one extension method. The readme needs to be corrected. If you need the extension method, just copy paste it.

package manager in visual studio code

I've been using visual studio code as a second display (with visual studio as the first) to view/edit code mostly JavaScript since you can right click/format the code with easy.
But I recently took to time to study how it's c#/ core debug functionality has evolved and it seems it has become even more easier to start whipping debug in no time.
But there is one thing I haven't figured out and whether it's even possible. That's it managing nuget packages. Visual studio offers a nice package manager ui to view installed packages and which packages might need a version bump.
It's there an alternative for visual studio code other than browsing the nuget site and checking which of your referenced packages have updated and editing the .csproj manually or running dotnet add <project> package ...?
This is probably not relevant anymore, but for anyone else also searching for something like this, there is a pretty handy extension for VSCode called Package Manager GUI here.

Debug NuGet package with Azure Devops and Source Link

I am trying to get SourceLink to work with a private NuGet package.
I am running a netcore2.1 web application which references a netstandard2.0 NuGet package hosted on our Azure Devops NuGet feed.
Question 1: Does Source Link support .NET Standard packages?
I have followed the instructions in the guide here, which is basically:
Add the Index Sources and Publish symbols package to my Azure Devops build.
In Visual Studio, add our VSTS server as a symbols server
In Visual Studio, enable Source Link support. I also tried enabling Source server support.
The Build pipeline Publish symbols path appears to be working - in the logs I see:
Succeeded processing D:\a\1\s\src\MyCompany.Core.Services.SnapshotClient\bin\release\netstandard2.0\MyCompany.Core.Services.SnapshotClient.pdb:
When I start debugging my application I see a bunch of output in the VS Output window:
'dotnet.exe' (CoreCLR: clrhost): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App\2.1.4\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
For my NuGet package I see "Symbols loaded" which seems promising.
FWIW I do not see the prompt from Visual Studio that "Source Link will download from the internet".
When I debug and attempt to Step-In to my NuGet package, it just steps over it.
I then tried:
Headed over to and followed their instructions and installed the Microsoft.SourceLink.Vsts.Git package (Question 2 is that necessary?)
When that didn't work, I upgraded every darn package in my application, which forced me to install .NET Core SDK 2.1.403
Tried adding some stuff to the .csproj of my NuGet package, after trawling GitHub issues
Now my .nupkg includes .pdb files too, which weren't there before. Still doesn't help me step in debug though.
installed the sourcelink cli tools from and ran sourcelink print-urls on the .pdb from my .nupkg. Looks correct, I think? URLs are present.
Disabled indexing after seeing a comment from #mitchdenny . Still doesn't work.
And now I'm stumped as to why it's not working.
I wrote a complete blog on how to do this using .NET Core & AzureDevops, but the steps should work for .NET Standard projects as well.
That said, some key takeaways that are missing from Microsofts documentation that you should know are:
The project's debugging information needs to change from "Portable" to "Full"
The AzureDevOps Nuget(restore, build, pack & push) need to use the .NET Core task.
The .NET Core build task should have an argument "--configuration" that passes in the value "debug". Doing so generates the .PDB file
The .NET Core pack task should use the "custom" command, with the custom command being "pack" and have the following arguments: "--include-symbols -v d" and a "-c" that passes in the value "debug". Doing so tells the pack command to include the .PDB file in the package.
Question 1: Does Source Link support .NET Standard packages?
Yes. I successfully built a .NET Standard 2.0 library on Azure DevOps Pipeline, after which it was pushed to our private Azure DevOps Artifacts NuGet feed. Then, in a local project, I was able to step into the library (Visual Studio prompted me with a pop-up about downloading remote source code).
Here are the changes I had to make in the library's .csproj file:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub" Version="1.0.0-beta-63127-02" PrivateAssets="All"/>
Question 2: is that [PackageReference to Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub] necessary?
I'm not sure. The docs suggest it is. But I removed the reference, re-built on Azure DevOps, and was still able to step through the library. Perhaps it's necessary for different environments (I'm keeping it just in case).
I'm debugging using Visual Studio 15.8.9
My latest installed .NET Core SDK is 2.1.403
My library's consumer is a .NET Core 2.1 executable
I compiled my library using Cake, which I have call into dotnet msbuild

Why is project default list empty in nuget console? Also link to manage nuget packages is disabled

As title says, how do I fix this? I have tried every solution I could find here.
Im using Visual Studio Community 2017 RC

Create a NuGet package while offline

I want to create a NuGet package from a machine that is on the office intranet, but blocks all connections to the internet.
Both NuGetPackageExplorer.application and NuGet.exe will show the exception that "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it".
Installing packages works fine as we have a local network folder with the .nupkg packages we use.
Is there a tool I can use to create a NuGet package on that machine?
I created a issue on codeplex for this:
What I ended up doing is downloading the source code from CodePlex, going into the CommandLine project, deleting UpdateCommand.cs, and rebuilding the project. I then grabbing the exe which I renamed NuGetOffline.exe and put it along with NuGet.Core.dll to somewhere in the Path.
The download page for NuGet does not have the current version of NuGet.exe. As of writing this, none of the three downloads on the page work offline and the Other Downloads have several version of Nuget.Tools, but not the current version of NuGet.exe. Go here instead for nuget.exe. Use that instead of that custom build.
The Package Explorer link on the download page is just the ClickOnce installer which does work offline. You need to find the local executable here.
I haven't been able to get "Enable NuGet Package Restore" to work on the intranet. This closed work item describes the problem. The last comment says that "2.0 should no longer run into this issue", but I am using NuGet Package Manager 2.2.400116.9051.