How do you hide or eliminate the Category Name and product count from it being over Category image in woocommerce shop? - categories

I uploaded image for prduct category but don't wnat the category name and quantity overwriting the image
I tried a.cmsmasters_cat_color { display: none;}
expecting the category name and quantity to not show


How to bind string properties from object in repeat.for

I have a list of arrays in a table displayed using repeat.for. I need to display tr row in blue color when "receiving.supplier === Scrap Separated" and blue color row when the result is "receiving.supplier === Scrap Sorted". Is there any way I can do it with if.bind but for String that I got in network tab. Here is my network and code.
I think this is purely a CSS question. You can have CSS rules based on [data-supplier] and assign a different background color based on the value of the supplier property.
The example CSS rules can be as follows.
tr[data-supplier="Scrap Separated"] {
background-color: blue;
tr[data-supplier="Scrap Sorted"] {
background-color: green;
And then bind the data-supplier property in the markup.
<tr data-supplier="${recieving.supplier}">
Note that you cannot possibly nest div directly under tbody as that will be evicted by browser being non-conformed element as per the expected schema.

LWC - display <lightning-button-group> in one column

I am using in my component but by default, it's displaying a group of buttons in one row. I want to display the grouped buttons in one column. How is this possible?
.columnCss {
display: contents !important;
<lightning-button-group class="columnCss">
<lightning-button label="Refresh"></lightning-button><br/>
<lightning-button label="Edit"></lightning-button><br/>
<lightning-button label="Save"></lightning-button>

Class name with space in it - Editing CSS in Shopify

I'm trying to add a shadow to my product boxes in Shopify, but the class name has a space in it. It looks like this:
article class="item collection-product"
I'm not familiar with Shopify but to me, it looks like there are two classes. You would target them like this:
.item.collection-product {
// CSS here
For classes you can use ., for IDs #.
You can apply multiple classes to anything, and all the CSS will apply in ascending order. So say class 1 has color blue, and class 2 comes after this in your CSS and has color green, color green would overwrite color blue unless you do something like !important for example:
color: blue !important;
color: green;
Check this out for more info:

Sending Personalised RSS to EMAIL campaigns using Mailchimp

I've got a custom RSS feed set up for each user so that the user's email_address can be used as a parameter. e.g.,
If I code this URL in my MailChimp campaign using the |FEEDBLOCK:URL| MERGE tag, I'm able to retrieve posts and create an RSS newsletter for the recipient.
However, when I try to make the URL dynamic by combining it with the |EMAIL| merge tag MailChimp is unable to retrieve the posts.
Instead, when I get the test email I just see the FEEDBLOCK tag in the email body (along with the EMAIL tag) as shown below.
I've read on another StackOverflow chain that Mandrill (and I assume MailChimp as well) cannot process nested tags. So I'm wondering whether there is another way for me to harvest the value of the |EMAIL| tag and assign it to a variable before the |FEEDBLOCK:URL| tag gets processed so that I can reference the variable rather than the EMAIL merge tag in the FEEDBLOCK:URL tag instead?
<%>emailAddress = *|EMAIL|*</%>
In short, I'm trying to figure out how to assign a Mailchimp merge tag value into a variable and then use that variable as part of another merge tag, in lieu of nesting merge tags, which apparently cannot be done.
(p.s., In case its confusing, I just want to clarify that for some reason asterisks are not showing up in the above text but I do have all the merge tags enclosed within asterisks)
I've been trying to do this exact same thing. You can do this in ExactTarget quite simply as detailed here.
Basically, once you have your custom RSS feed URL done, you create something called a content syndication link. For you, it would look like this:
%%httpget "[Email Address]"%%
Please note the square brackets around the term "Email Address". The brackets tell the system to replace the brackets and the content inside with whatever that term happens to reference (in this case their email address). You could swap it out for their first name, last name, wp user id...whatever you happen to have stored within your subscriber(s)' data.
Inside the content of your email, you will need to reference this link in order to dynamically generate your content, which will be unique for each user. Here's that:
%%[Var #xml, #titles, #title, #descs, #desc, #links, #link, #cnt
Set #xml = ContentAreaByName("my contents\RSSParse\RSSParse") /* This line specifies the content area from which the RSS content will be pulled for the email message. */
Set #titles = BuildRowsetFromXML(#xml,"//item/title",1)
Set #descs = BuildRowsetFromXML(#xml,"//item/description",1)
Set #links = BuildRowsetFromXML(#xml,"//item/link",1)
If RowCount(#titles) > 5 THEN
SET #rows = 5
SET #rows = RowCount(#titles)
IF #rows >= 1 THEN
for #cnt = 1 to #rows do
Set #title = Field(Row(#titles,#cnt),"Value")
Set #desc = Field(Row(#descs,#cnt), "Value")
Set #link = Field(Row(#links,#cnt), "Value") ]%%
<div style="border: 1px solid #444; background-color: #F7F7F7; margin: 0.76em 0; padding: 0.76em;">
<h1 style="font: bold normal 1.0em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">%%=v(#title)=%%</h1>
<span style="font: normal normal 0.76em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #444;">%%=v(#desc)=%%</span>
NEXT #cnt
To clarify, the following code found above limits the amount of posts to pull to 5:
If RowCount(#titles) > 5 THEN
SET #rows = 5
SET #rows = RowCount(#titles)
And the following, again found above, is where the content for the email is output and thereby available to allow you some customization of the look and feel:
<div style="border: 1px solid #444; background-color: #F7F7F7; margin: 0.76em 0; padding: 0.76em;">
<h1 style="font: bold normal 1.0em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">%%=v(#title)=%%</h1>
<span style="font: normal normal 0.76em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #444;">%%=v(#desc)=%%</span>

How to set grid height row in extjs

In my code I'm using four grids, I've set the row height in css like this:
.x-grid3-row td {line-height: 50px;}
and it sets the rows of all my grids.
So I need to set the height row of one of those grids.
Based on id or cls class you can specify the CSS for eaxch component individually. For example,if you have grid with id sample then code will be:
.sample .x-grid3-row td {line-height: 50px;}
Late answer, but another option is to use getRowClass on your viewConfig:
viewConfig: {
getRowClass: function (record, rowIndex, rp, store) {
rp.tstyle += 'height: 50px;';