Class name with space in it - Editing CSS in Shopify - class

I'm trying to add a shadow to my product boxes in Shopify, but the class name has a space in it. It looks like this:
article class="item collection-product"

I'm not familiar with Shopify but to me, it looks like there are two classes. You would target them like this:
.item.collection-product {
// CSS here
For classes you can use ., for IDs #.
You can apply multiple classes to anything, and all the CSS will apply in ascending order. So say class 1 has color blue, and class 2 comes after this in your CSS and has color green, color green would overwrite color blue unless you do something like !important for example:
color: blue !important;
color: green;
Check this out for more info:


How to bind string properties from object in repeat.for

I have a list of arrays in a table displayed using repeat.for. I need to display tr row in blue color when "receiving.supplier === Scrap Separated" and blue color row when the result is "receiving.supplier === Scrap Sorted". Is there any way I can do it with if.bind but for String that I got in network tab. Here is my network and code.
I think this is purely a CSS question. You can have CSS rules based on [data-supplier] and assign a different background color based on the value of the supplier property.
The example CSS rules can be as follows.
tr[data-supplier="Scrap Separated"] {
background-color: blue;
tr[data-supplier="Scrap Sorted"] {
background-color: green;
And then bind the data-supplier property in the markup.
<tr data-supplier="${recieving.supplier}">
Note that you cannot possibly nest div directly under tbody as that will be evicted by browser being non-conformed element as per the expected schema.

How do I change the color and width of material drawer component in angular-dart in css?

My first question ever - so apologies if I am not specific enough.
How do I change the color and width of material drawer component in angular-dart in css? I have tried it several ways in the CSS, including as below:
::ng-deep material-drawer {
color: #9437FF;
width: 200px;
.material-drawer {
color: #9437FF;
width: 200px;
FYI, the following worked with the material-header, which is inside a header tag:
::ng-deep header.material-header.material-header {
background-color: white;
color: #9437FF;
My material-drawer is not in a div or anything, just directly an HTML element on its own.
Any pointers are appreciated!
Setting the width of the drawer is a bit complicated. It involves setting a good amount of values as such it is best to use the mixin. You can see an example here
As for the color that is a little bit harder. What color are you trying to change? The background color?
For the background color you can set the background-color on the drawer. The problem is going to be that the content itself is going to override that color. In this case the material-list has it's own white color associated with it. Removing that color you could have problems with the divider colors.

Rotate Icon on 90 Degree SAPUI5 and background color

I want to show thumb-left icon on button in sapui5. thumb-left is not available. So can i choose thumb-down or thumb-up and rotate it on 90 Degree ?
How I can do it.
2ndly How to set the buttons color Red, Green ,Yellow. I set button type to Accept, Reject but it just make border of buton green ,red,
<Button id="btnNegative" type="Reject" icon="sap-icon://thumb-down" text="Negative" press=".onSentimentFeedBackButtonclick"></Button>
<Button id="btnNeutral" type="Accept" icon="sap-icon://thumb-up" text="Neutral" press=".onSentimentFeedBackButtonclick"></Button>
Here is a simple example
In your XML add a custom class to your button
<Button id="btnNeutral" class="myNeutralThumb" icon="sap-icon://thumb-up" text="Neutral" press=".onSentimentFeedBackButtonclick" />
Then in your style.css (or however your CSS file is named) add the following:
button.myNeutralThumb .sapMBtnInner {
border-color: #ff0 !important;
button.myNeutralThumb .sapMBtnIcon {
transform: rotate(90deg);
color: #ff0 !important;
The first style changes the color of the button's border. Probably that should be the same color as the icon.
The second style rotates your thumb icon and changes its color.
If you also want to change the background-color of your button, put something like background-color: #fff; in the second style rule.
Edit: Replaced complicated and long and non-future-proof CSS style rule with short CSS rule + !important

How to style GtkNotebook stepper arrows?

I'm trying to style a GtkNotebook using a GtkCssProvider. I can control most things using a GtkNotebook or GtkNotebook tab selector, but I can't figure out how to style the scroll arrows on the side:
If I apply a style that changes every element, e.g.:
* {
color: #f00;
it changes the arrows (and everything else), so it appears they do support theming:
What is the actual selector that matches those arrows, so I can apply a style to just them?
Looking at the source code, arrows in GtkNotebook are not full fledged widgets; they are just rendered with gtk_render_arrow().
The code of gtk_render_arrow shows the CSS class arrow is applied before the rendering. This means you can customize the position within the notebook class and the rendering in the arrow subclass, e.g.:
.notebook {
-GtkNotebook-initial-gap: 20;
-GtkNotebook-arrow-spacing: 20;
.notebook.arrow {
color: black;
.notebook.arrow:prelight {
color: white
.notebook.arrow:insensitive {
color: gray
Different theme engines can provide additional customizations.

class overrule when two classes assigned to one div

I was creating a <div> tag in which I wanted to apply two classes for a <div> tag which would be a thumbnail gallery. One class for its position and the other class for its style. This way I could apply the style, I was having some strange results which brought me to a question.
Can two classes be assigned to a <div> tag? If so, which one overrules the other one or which one has priority?
Multiple classes can be assigned to a div. Just separate them in the class name with spaces like this:
<div class="rule1 rule2 rule3">Content</div>
This div will then match any style rules for three different class selectors: .rule1, .rule2 and .rule3.
CSS rules are applied to objects in the page that match their selectors in the order they are encountered in the style sheet and if there is a conflict between two rules (more than one rule trying to set the same attribute), then CSS specificity determines which rule takes precedence.
If the CSS specificity is the same for the conflicting rules, then the later one (the one defined later in the stylesheet or in the later stylesheet) takes precedence. The order of the class names on the object itself does not matter. It is the order of the style rules in the style sheet that matters if the CSS specificity is the same.
So, if you had styles like this:
.rule1 {
background-color: green;
.rule2 {
background-color: red;
Then, since both rules match the div and have exactly the same CSS specificity, then the second rule comes later so it would have precedence and the background would be red.
If one rule had a higher CSS specificity (div.rule1 scores higher than .rule2):
div.rule1 {
background-color: green;
.rule2 {
background-color: red;
Then, it would take precedence and the background color here would be green.
If the two rules don't conflict:
.rule1 {
background-color: green;
.rule2 {
margin-top: 50px;
Then, both rules will be applied.
Actually, the class that defined last in the css - is applied on your div.
check it out:
red last in css
.blue{ color: blue; }
.red { color: red; }
<div class="blue red">blue red</div>
<div class="red blue">red blue</div>
blue last in css
.red { color: red; }
.blue{ color: blue; }
<div class="blue red">blue red</div>
<div class="red blue">red blue</div>
If you asking about they have same property then as per the CSS rule it's take the last statement.
<div class="red green"></div>
As per the above example it's take the last statement as per css tree which is .green.
The class that is defined last in the CSS have priority, if nothing else applies.
Read up on CSS priority to see how it works.
Many classes can be assigned to an element, you just separate them with a space
<div class="myClass aSecondClass keepOnClassing stayClassySanDiego"></div>
Because of the cascade in CSS, the overwriting rules closest the to bottom of the document will be applied to the element.
So if you have
background: white;
color: blue;
color: red;
The red color will be used, but not the background color as it was not overwritten.
You must also take into account CSS specificity, if you have a more specific selector, this one will be used:
background: white;
color: blue;
background: purple;
color: red;
background: black;
The second selector here will be used as it is more specific.
You can take a look at it all here.