Prevent closing cell editor in popup mode on outside click - ag-grid

I have custom text editor in table cell, after I select text in it I want to use top page panel to make it bold (outside of the table), but when I click on the button (on the top page panel) this action closes cell editor popup.
Is it posible to keep the cell editor open in popup mode after I click on buttons outside of the table?

In the current version of ag-grid (v24), clicking outside the grid does not close a popup editor, unless you set stopEditingWhenGridLosesFocus to true in the options.
See their example:


Can not click on an UI element in editor mode in Unity

Usually you can click on an UI element (which is placed inside the canvas) in editor mode and the clicked element highlighted in the project hierarchy and you can see its properties in inspector. And it works this way if I create a new project.
But in my current project I can't click on any elemnt in canvas in editor mode because it's not responsive.
For example I have a button, I can click on it in Play mode, but it's not responsive in Editor mode. I mean if I click on it in editor mode nothing occurs (there is no highlighted object appears in hierarchy and I need to searching for this button in hierarchy by myself to open its properties in inspector)
This is incredibly annoying me.
Here is my button inside the canvas
Here is the button settings
Here is the canvas settings
Here is the event system settings:
Gizmos option need to be active

Is there way to handle system tray icon window over dropdown window

How to access/use the window which is underneath another window upon it, please click on the link to check this case
I'm using pywinauto to do this, is there a way to handle this case/issue.
By following this link, able to open system tray and click on the icon, which results in drop-down menu.
But when i try to mover over mouse to click specific option from drop-down, hidden icons window re-appears on top of the drop-down list, which results in wrong click.
Is there a way to handle these windows?

VS Code - toggle search icon in Activity Bar, move from panel or back

I accidentally removed search icon in Activity Bar and don't know how to add it there again. If I click on Activity Bar, I don't see this option any more.
Update: v1.44 you can now simply drag many of the views, including "Search" from the sidebar to the panel and back. See and
Update: v1.42 added a context menu option
Move to Panel/Move to Sidebar
to certain typically sidebar views like Search, Outline and custom views. So you wouldn't have to use a setting to move the Search view back to the sidebar. Here is a demo:
Also notice that you no longer right-click in the empty space below the search inputs in the sidebar but on/near the Search header itself to bring up the toggle option.
As part of the v1.42 release the search.location setting mentioned below will be deprecated.
Your setting should migrate automatically, but you will need to use
the new generalized method to move the Search view going forward. You
do not need to enable the experimental preview setting above in order
to move the Search view with the new context menu entry.
So I don't think there is a setting anymore, you just right-click on the header text "Search" whether it is in the Panel or active in the Sidebar to move it. See the demo below.
Right-click on the "Search" header if you have it in the sidebar to "Move to Panel".
If Search is in the panel, right-click on the word Search to "Move to Sidebar".
To enable moving the Output view at this point, you need to enable workbench.view.experimental.allowMovingToNewContainer.
There is a new unbound command which you can use to toggle the search position between the panel and sidebar. But note that in my testing it only works a couple of times because it focuses the panel when you move search to the sidebar - I'll file a bug.
Previous Answer::
You may have modified the setting:
"search.location": "sidebar",
which is the default to the alternative
"search.location": "panel",
which would put the search widget into the terminal panel as another tab.
As of vscode v1.35 or so, you can now right-click in the empty space below the search view (i.e., in the sidebar under the open search inputs) and you will get an option to Toggle Search View Position.
This context menu switch of the search view is persistent. It will automatically add this setting to your settings.json:
"search.location": "panel",
The only way at present (but see edit just below) to move the icon back to the activity bar (and thus the search across files functionality to the sidebar) is to change that setting to the sidebar option. Or look for this setting in the settings editor:
Search: Location
Controls whether the search will be shown as a view
in the sidebar or as a panel in the panel area for more horizontal
EDIT: More recently, vscode added the abilty to right-click in the search area when it is in the panel to toggle it back to the sidebar.
In windows
file--> preferences-->settings
In mac
preferences -> settings
vs-code version 1.30.2
Step 1: Click on Edit from Navbar
Step 2: Find in Files
You can easily search for anything in the side paanel
or else if you want anything to search inside files then
Step 1: Click "Ctrl+F"

overriding install4j finish screen text

I'm trying to get rid of the default text that appears on the install4j finish screen. I've edited the finish components and added a multi line label to display the text I want however it just displays that below the default text. Is there a way to get rid of the default text completely?
There are two options:
1) Delete the "Finish" screen, add a "Configurable banner form" screen instead and select its "Quit after screen" property.
2) On the General Settings->Languages step, set up a custom localization file, then open the built-in editor and click on the "Override messages" tool bar button. Search for the message you want to change and click on OK. Then you can change the text in the editor. In this case the keys that you need to override are "FinishedLabel" and "FinishedLabelUnix".

place a popup in tinymce after button click

I added a button to the tinymce editor (version 4.x) and when the user clicks on it it opens a popup to set options. I would like to have this popup open next to the button but I can't find how to get the coordinates of the button.
The function called by the button has an "editor" instance which contains a "buttons" attribute, but no useful information in there for placement.
I could use the element containing the editor as a reference, but is there a better way?