HubDB row utilised modules cannot be moved to Sandbox Account - github

I am trying to do make a CI/CD setup like Local Development + Github Actions + HubSpot Sandbox Account + HubSpot Production Account.
I have downloaded all the files from my production account using "hs fetch" where I have modules which have utilised hubdbrow as its field. When I try to push those modules to my sandbox account through GitHub Actions, it is not getting uploaded. It says "1st argument with value 'XXXXX' must be a valid table ID or name".
It means there is no table with the ID XXXX is not present in the sandbox account. Please help me with this issue.


ibmcloud create action through cli

ibmcloud create action through cli is not working . Getting an exception
Unable to authenticate with Cloud Functions: Unable to obtain wsk
authentication key for Org 'xxxxx' and Space 'xxxx': Target Org
'xxxxm' and Space 'xxxx' do not have an auth key; if Space 'dev' was
recently created, try again in a couple minutes.
But I have logged in successfully using ibmcloud login command
Issue is resolved now. The account I created at IBM was lite account where the initial credentials were created with different location. But my ibmcloud login was picking another location api. Even if i could give the api enpoint manually, org and space was not matching. Since it was a Lite account, there was no permission to add another org and space. AFter sending mail to IBM, I could add my credit card details and I could create a new space and creating action worked now

No account is found

I login to bluemix through my IBM id. Today one of my colleagues added me to his account so that we can jointly develop an application. But since then it seems my account is deleted. When I login to bluemix dashboard, in the region, org, space drop downs, there are no data. shown When I click on other links on the page like Support/Manage etc, the page just loads indefinitely.
In fact when I login through command line and then execute:
bx account list
It says,
Retrieving all accounts of
No account is found
I still have the account GUID of my account. When I try to:
bx target -c XXXX
it says,
Could not target account.
BSS Account was not found.
Does that mean my account is deleted?!? If so, then how can I get it back?
Ask to the colleague who invited you to remove your account from his org or you can get yourself out of an account, you have to use a BX command line CLI.
With the BX CLI you can:
$ bx account org-user-remove
org-user-remove - Remove a user from org (org manager or user him/herself only)
bx account org-user-remove USER_NAME ORG [-f, --force]
--force, -f Force deletion without confirmation
Check to see if your account is repaired.
Take the test described if it does not solve I suggest you open a ticket at the bluemix support

How to detach, unlink, clear, remove, or rollback VSTS connection to Azure AD

There are good instructions available here on changing the VSTS connection from one Azure AD to another: Change VSTS AD.
But what if you just want to remove the Azure AD integration, and just revert to using Microsoft Accounts?
I successfully performed all the steps in the instruction, up to the point of attaching a new target Azure AD. You'd think when the VSTS account was unlinked in Azure, it would no longer show up in VSTS.
But going to https://[AccountName] still shows account being backed by the source directory.
Attempting to add a Microsoft Account based user at https://[AccountName] fails to find the account, presumably because it is looking the the Source Azure AD.
This is an important capability when transferring ownership of an account. Thanks for taking a look!
You can follow the steps here: Disconnect your Team Services account from Azure AD.
To stop using Azure AD and revert to using Microsoft accounts, you can
disconnect your Team Services account from its directory.
Here's what you'll need:
Microsoft accounts added to your Team Services account for all users.
Team Services account owner permissions for your Microsoft account.
Directory membership for your Microsoft account as an external user
and global administrator permissions. Azure AD members can't
disconnect Team Services accounts from directories.
With the help of Microsoft Premium Support, we did manage to get this worked out.
The problem was the Team Services was not disconnected from the associated Azure AD before it was unlinked. Then once it was unlinked, it appeared gone from Azure, leaving no way to disassociate Azure AD.
The documentation does show to first disconnect the VSTS account from Azure AD, and then “unlink” the account. Where I got into trouble was by using the new portal. It's pretty hard to even find the old portal anymore BTW).
The new portal has this nice handy unlink button, which is practically irresistible. If clicking it, then it declares success. There is nothing in the UI that prevents you from unlinking while still leaving the AD association. There is no option at all in the new UI portal, as far as I could find, to disconnect Team Services from Azure AD.
Once unlinked, the only fix is to relink, and then redo it all in the old portal as is indicated by the documentation.
This is much more difficult than it should be because it seems like something that should be simple to achieve through the web UI. These posts helped me, but I wanted to add my 2 cents:
In order to disconnect VSTS from AAD you need to be able to use the disconnect button on the configure tab in the old portal seen here. However, you can only use that button if you're the VSTS account owner and if your account is not sourced from the currently linked active directory (i.e. - a MS Account). But you can't make the VSTS account owner a MS account if you've used the portal's interface to add the MS Account to your AAD as an external user. This is because external users are added as Guest account type by default (rather than Member type). If you try to set the MS account as VSTS owner you get the "AAD guest users are not allowed to be collection owners" message seen here.
It's a chicken/egg thing which is made more difficult by the fact that the official documents for this process make no mention of the conflict you'll face. They read as if this should just work.
The answer is that (as of today) you can't do this without using Powershell or an AAD API to convert the MS Account from a "Guest" to a "Member" user type. There are a number or articles out there which walk through the older APIs to do this. Here is what I did with the latest PS:
First, log in to the directory you wish to unlink with an account which has permissions to modify members. Ideally an admin or owner.
Next, find the account you want to modify using this command:
Find the ObjectID of the user you want to convert from Guest to Member and then run this command:
Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId [ObjectID GUID Here] -UserType Member
This will convert the MS Account in the AAD you want to unlink to a 'member' type. In my situation I found that I had to remove the MS Account from VSTS and re-add it in order to trigger a refresh which allowed me to set it as account owner.
Now you just follow the documented steps:
set MS account as project owner. Save.
log in to old portal, go to configure tab, and disconnect
log back in everywhere to see the changes

PayPal sandbox account not accepted by Easy Digital Downloads

I am using the Easy Digital Downloads WordPress plugin, with the PayPal plugin. I am testing with my sandbox account. I have been investigating an issue where entry of valid credit card results in an error:
"Error: Invalid Configuration This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration."
Obviously my first reaction was that this was an issue with my setup. But having spent a considerable amount of time with EDD support, it turns out that is just a misleading error. The reason I say this is because if I use a different account (the only thing that changes is the sandbox account credentials) then everything works juts fine.
I am grabbing the credentials from and copy/pasting from Sandbox -> Accounts -> API Credentials. I have double-checked (and triple checked) I have copied all the information to EDD OK.
Any suggestions for how to troubleshoot this. EDD support has indicated that this is an PayPal account issue.
This error generally comes when the account you are trying to accept the payments in is not a pro account .
You need to upgrade your sandbox account to pro . To do that , just login to the developer portal --> dashboard --> sandbox accounts . Select your sandbox account email address , click on profile -- > upgrade to pro -- > Enable .

How can I deploy salesforce project with apex class to enterprise account?

I've been working in a salesforce development edition environment and have built something that uses an apex page and an apex class. I'm now trying to deploy this to our company's salesforce account so they can test it out. We have an enterprise account, I believe. When I use "Deploy To Server" from ForceIDE, I enter the username, password and security token of a sys admin on the company account. In the screen where it shows me what it will deploy, the apex class is not checked and when I click on it, it says "Component Type not permissible in destination organization".
This is my first attempt at salesforce development and am stuck. I've read everything I could find on the subject but nothing has helpe. Any thoughts on what I'm missing?
Just to be clear, my code is at 92% test coverage -- so that is not the problem.
You say you're using a system administrator username. Please double check that they are an admin, and more specifically, that they have the "Author Apex" permission checked on the user profile.
Just check, are you using Admin profile or anything else?
And check with the Administrative Permissions
API Enabled
Author Apex
Both these should be checked.