MongoDB Golang: FindOne() with nested Bson.M failed for 10% attempts, Bson.M+Bson.D or a single Bson.M always work, why? - mongodb

Need some help to figure out why nested bson.M doesn’t work occasionally in FindOne().
For the following Golang structs stored in a MongoDb collection for type A:
type A struct {
Id primitive.ObjectID
Random1 string
Parents []B
Random2 int
type B struct {
Id primitive.ObjectID
Random3 string
Children []C
Random4 int
type C struct {
Random5 string
Name Name
Random6 int
type Name struct {
FirstName string
LastName string
The following filter for FindOne(), which uses two bson.M, worked in most situations but failed to find a match in about 10% runs
filter1 := bson.M{
"": bson.M{
"first_name": "Mike",
"last_name": "Anderson",
The following two filters alway work, where filter 2 uses bson.D inside bson.M, and filter 3 just uses one bson.M
filter2 := bson.M{
"": bson.D{
{Key: "first_name", Value: "Mike"},
{Key: "last_name", Value: "Anderson"},
filter3 := bson.M{
"": "Mike",
"": "Anderson",
I found a similar question in but still don’t understand the differences or root cause. Thanks for the help!

bson.M is a map, thus, the order of its elements are not guaranteed. Since you are comparing, which is a structure, the search criteria has to match exactly, with the order of fields in the criteria matching the order fields in the database. That's why when you use bson.M, it sometimes matches and sometimes not. When the search criteria matches the database field order, you get results, otherwise you don't.
That's the reason why the criteria with bson.D always matches, because it is based on a slice, so the order of fields are preserved.
The last search criteria compares individual fields, not a structure, so the order of fields are immeterial.


Update MongoDB array field in go

I have this data schema:
"person": { "name": "Neeraj", "hobbies": ["movies" ] }
This is the struct to insert the document in MongoDB
type Person struct {
Id primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"`
Name string `bson:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"`
Hobbies []string `json:"hobbies,omitempty" bson:"hobbies,omitempty"`
When PUT person API is called without the hobbies field, I would expect it to not update the hobbies field in DB. In this case when I parse the body, the struct has Hobbies set as null and because of 'omitempty' bson tag, it does not update the hobbies field in DB, which is fine.
filter := bson.D{{"_id", oid}}
update := bson.M{
"$set": record,
result, err := collection.UpdateOne(ctx, filter, update)
However, when PUT person API is called with the hobbies field set to an empty array, I would expect it to update the hobbies field and set it to empty. But in this case too, the record struct has hobbies field set to null, and it doesn't update the hobbies field.
How do I do this in go, so that my code caters to all of following update payload? I am using golang official mongo driver.
"name": "john" // Should not modify the hobbies field.
"name": "john",
"hobbies": [] // // Should update the hobbies field to an empty array
It sounds like you want to merge the person object based on what was provided in the request, whereas the MongoDB $set operator, "replaces the value of a field with the specified value." Because MongoDB doesn't understand how complex types should be merged, you'll have to specify the exact merging logic yourself.
filter := bson.M{"_id": oid}
set := bson.M{
"name": record.Name,
if (record.Hobbies) != nil {
set["hobbies"] = record.Hobbies
update := bson.M{"$set": set}

MongoDB BSON - Search on specific fields [duplicate]

How can I filter fields with the mongo-go-driver.
Tried it with findopt.Projection but no success.
type fields struct {
_id int16
s := bson.NewDocument()
filter := bson.NewDocument(bson.EC.ObjectID("_id", starterId))
var opts []findopt.One
opts = append(opts, findopt.Projection(fields{
_id: 0,
staCon.collection.FindOne(nil, filter, opts...).Decode(s)
In the end, I want to suppress the field "_id". But the documents didn't change.
Edit: As the mongo-go driver evolved, it is possible to specify a projection using a simple bson.M like this:
options.FindOne().SetProjection(bson.M{"_id": 0})
Original (old) answer follows.
The reason why it doesn't work for you is because the field fields._id is unexported, and as such, no other package can access it (only the declaring package).
You must use a field name that is exported (starts with an uppercase latter), e.g. ID, and use struct tags to map it to the MongoDB _id field like this:
type fields struct {
ID int `bson:"_id"`
And now to perform a query using a projection:
projection := fields{
ID: 0,
result := staCon.collection.FindOne(
nil, filter, options.FindOne().SetProjection(projection)).Decode(s)
Note that you may also use a bson.Document as the projection, you don't need your own struct type. E.g. the following does the same:
projection := bson.NewDocument(
bson.EC.Int32("_id", 0),
result := staCon.collection.FindOne(
nil, filter, options.FindOne().SetProjection(projection)).Decode(s)

MongoDB Compass Filter expression to Go bson.M expression

I have a filter on MongoDB Compass filter Between two dates and an string of two posible values like this code:
{closed_at: {$gt: ISODate('2020-07-01T00:00:00.700+00:00'),$lt: ISODate('2020-07-30T00:00:00.700+00:00')}, status: { $in: ["paid", "delivered"] }}
(I expect the same 1256 Documents if filter the same values on Go)
Now I need to convert this filter to a valid bson.M expression, can´t find the trick for the "status" string filed, have this query expression but have an error message:
query := bson.M{
"status" : ["paid", "delivered"], //Error: Invalid array bound '"paid"', the value must be representable by 'int' type
"closed_at": bson.M{"$gt": from, "$lt": to},
cursor, err := client.Database("orders").Collection("orders").Find(ctx,query)
¿Which is the correct way to declare the status field and pass value query to Find method?
You didn't translate the query completely:
"status": bson.M{"$in":[]string{"paid","delivered"}}

Go Mongo Driver Retrieve Schemaless Documents

While working with Mongo Go Driver I want to retrieve Schemaless Documents.
I am able to retrieve documents using bson.M json:",inline" bson:",inline"
But this adds extra "M" key in json when i try to Decode to a struct
type Product struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id"`
ProductId string `bson:"product_id" json:"product_id"`
bson.M `json:",inline" bson:",inline"`
But instead what i want how it is stored in Mongo.
I cant use directly something like this as I want to cast it to struct to work with some properties
var pr bson.M
err := p.FindOne(ctx, &p.options,query, &pr)
How can I remove that extra key which is getting added while converting schemaless Documents from Mongo?
Do I need to explicitly overwrite MarshalJSON() or is there something provided using Tags?
How can I remove that extra key which is getting added while converting schemaless Documents from Mongo?
You can just define a field mapping name, which will be flattened when marshalled. For example:
type Product struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id"`
ProductId string `bson:"product_id"`
Others bson.M `bson:",inline"`
When you decode a document, you'll see that it will include other fields without the Others name. For example if you have a document:
"_id": ObjectId("5e8d330de85566f5a0557ea4"),
"product_id": "foo",
"some": "x",
"more": "y"
doc := Product{}
err = cur.Decode(&doc)
// Outputs
// {ObjectID("5e8d330de85566f5a0557ea4") foo map[more:y some:x]}
I cant use directly something like this as I want to cast it to struct to work with some properties
You can use this directly for a query predicate. For example:
// After decoding 'doc' to product
var result bson.M
err := collection.FindOne(context.TODO(), doc).Decode(&result)
Tested using MongoDB Go driver v1.3.2
If you would like to return JSON, you could use bson.MarshalExtJSON(). This should be easier as well in terms of dealing with objects that don't exist in JSON. i.e. ObjectId. For example:
// After decoding 'doc' to product
ejson, err := bson.MarshalExtJSON(doc, true, false)

How to filter fields from a mongo document with the official mongo-go-driver

How can I filter fields with the mongo-go-driver.
Tried it with findopt.Projection but no success.
type fields struct {
_id int16
s := bson.NewDocument()
filter := bson.NewDocument(bson.EC.ObjectID("_id", starterId))
var opts []findopt.One
opts = append(opts, findopt.Projection(fields{
_id: 0,
staCon.collection.FindOne(nil, filter, opts...).Decode(s)
In the end, I want to suppress the field "_id". But the documents didn't change.
Edit: As the mongo-go driver evolved, it is possible to specify a projection using a simple bson.M like this:
options.FindOne().SetProjection(bson.M{"_id": 0})
Original (old) answer follows.
The reason why it doesn't work for you is because the field fields._id is unexported, and as such, no other package can access it (only the declaring package).
You must use a field name that is exported (starts with an uppercase latter), e.g. ID, and use struct tags to map it to the MongoDB _id field like this:
type fields struct {
ID int `bson:"_id"`
And now to perform a query using a projection:
projection := fields{
ID: 0,
result := staCon.collection.FindOne(
nil, filter, options.FindOne().SetProjection(projection)).Decode(s)
Note that you may also use a bson.Document as the projection, you don't need your own struct type. E.g. the following does the same:
projection := bson.NewDocument(
bson.EC.Int32("_id", 0),
result := staCon.collection.FindOne(
nil, filter, options.FindOne().SetProjection(projection)).Decode(s)