Here-api. Upgrade to version 7 from 6. We use (RWS -> RW -> FIS->FI->TMC - DE ) in the xml file. Is it possible to get this data in version 7? - rest

The new version of the [here-api] api doesn't have this data and
the json file does not contain this data.
How does get this data?
Example responce version 6 and 7
I tried to find a description of these fields in the documentation.
There are none for version api 7.


Print editions using metaboss on Solana

I'm trying to create prints from a master edition (aka original edition) using from the console. The number of prints should be limited to a fixed number.
I followed this procedure :
Upload the image to Arweave : arloader upload image.jpg --with-sol --sol-keypair-path ~/.config/solana/id.json --ar-default-keypair --no-bundle.
Create the json file with NFT metadata :
"name": "name_of__the_collection",
"symbol": "token_of_the_collection",
"uri": "[arweave_img_tx_id]",
"seller_fee_basis_points": 0,
"creators": [
"address": "address_of_the_creator_of_the_collection",
"verified": false,
"share": 100
Mint the NFT :
metaboss mint one --keypair ~/.config/solana/id.json --nft-data-file ./metadata.json --max-editions='10'
Create the all the prints :
metaboss mint missing-editions --account address_of_the_creator_of_the_collection
I have two issues :
On solana explorer, I have an error : error loading image
The 4. command returns an error : Error: failed to get account data
What's wrong ?
[edit] Error 1 : I used uri key instead of the image in the metadata. That's why solana explorer couldn't find the image.
Generally the process is good. There are some details that have to be aligned though:
Regarding the missing image:
You have to upload the metadata JSON file, too. This is what you reference in the mint command.
Your metadata is not 100% valid. E.g. you are missing the properties field. Have a look into the Token Metadata docs for more details.
Regarding metaboss mint missing-editions:
The Account you specify with --account should not be the address of the creator of the collection but instead the Master Edition Address. (Master Edition is the NFT you minted in step 3)
Since the command runs a GPA call you should add --timeout 120 and use not use the default RPC. Otherwise you will not get results.
If it still does not work you can also run
metaboss mint editions --next-editions 9
Please let me know in case of any uncertainties.

How to check if ElasticSearch is running properly

I am new to ElasticSearch and I am facing issues while connecting to ElasticSearch. Please find below details:
hq plugin and head plugin are showing different results:
Output of HQ Plugin:
Output of Head Plugin:
When I try to connect from my scala code, I get following error:
org.elasticsearch.client.transport.NoNodeAvailableException: None of the configured nodes are available: []
at org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClientNodesService.ensureNodesAreAvailable(
at org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClientNodesService.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient.index(
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.IndexDsl$IndexDefinitionExecutable$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(IndexDsl.scala:23)
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.IndexDsl$IndexDefinitionExecutable$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(IndexDsl.scala:23)
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.Executable$class.injectFuture(Executable.scala:21)
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.IndexDsl$IndexDefinitionExecutable$.injectFuture(IndexDsl.scala:20)
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.IndexDsl$IndexDefinitionExecutable$.apply(IndexDsl.scala:23)
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.IndexDsl$IndexDefinitionExecutable$.apply(IndexDsl.scala:20)
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticClient.execute(ElasticClient.scala:28)
Here is my Code which I use for connection:
val settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()
.put("", "elasticsearch")
val client = ElasticClient.remote(settings, ElasticsearchClientUri("elasticsearch://"))
I also checked my connection and I am able to successfully telnet on both 9200 and 9300 ports
I read somewhere that the problem might be with http.cors, So I added following lines to /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml file on the server:
http.cors.allow-origin: "/.*/"
http.cors.enabled: true
Please suggest what am I doing wrong ?
-- Update --
Thanks # Evaldas Buinauskas, It was version problem, I had installed elastic version 2.0 and was using libraries and plugins of version 1.7. I downgraded my elastic to version 1.7 and everything worked!
The issue comes from different Elasticsearch, head plugin and Scala client versions.
In pre 2.0 Elasticsearch still supported deprecated _status endpoint (deprecated in 1.2.0)
Version 2.0 completely dropped it and replaced it with _recovery.
Both head and Scala weren't upgraded and tried to call dropped api.

SQL Server 2014 Native Client ( - Any way to force Assembly Version (e.g. SqlConnectionString "Type System Version")?

I am writing an application (using .NET Framework 4.5.2 + SQL Server 2014 installed locally). The application needs to support both SQL Server 2014 and previous versions.
When reading data using the inbuilt SQLCLR-types (SqlGeometry, SqlGeography, SqlHierarchyID), the standard ADO.NET methods (e.g. DataReader.GetValues()) use the assembly, and throw an exception due to a mismatch with the loaded (v11 or v12) version.
The reasoning is documented (though it takes a while to spot) in the Breaking Changes in SQL Server 2012 (for the assembly). For SQL Server 2012, there are three workarounds listed:
Use Type System Version=SQL Server 2012 in the SQLConnection.ConnectionString
OR: Use app.config / runtime / assemblyBinding / dependentAssembly to re-map v10.0.0.0 to v11.0.0.0
OR (not a very "neat" way to handle it): rewrite your own code to manually deserialize from a SqlBytes instance...
When developing from a computer with SQL Server 2014 installed, the assembly version is v12.0.0.0, and similar issues arise:
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeometry to type Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeometry.
For SQL Server 2014 (other than the horrible manual deserialize approach), there only seems to be one workaround (not officially documented in the breaking-changes) - it would appear that the v4.5 SqlConnection hasn't yet caught up with the version of SQL Server:
Use app.config / runtime / assemblyBinding / dependentAssembly to re-map v10.0.0.0 to v12.0.0.0
Question: other than re-mapping v10.0.0.0 to v12.0.0.0 in app.config (which seems to work), is there any other (easier) approach that will use the referenced assembly version?
A quick code-example below shows the failure (without the assembly-remapping in place):
private static void DoStuff()
SqlGeography geog_val = SqlGeography.STGeomFromText(new SqlChars("POLYGON((-122.358 47.653, -122.348 47.649, -122.348 47.658, -122.358 47.658, -122.358 47.653))"), 4326);
SqlGeometry geom_val = SqlGeometry.Parse("LINESTRING(1 1,2 3,4 8, -6 3)");
prm_geog.Value = DBNull.Value; prm_geom.Value = geom_val; ReadReturnedSpatialColumns(cmd);
prm_geog.Value = geog_val; prm_geom.Value = DBNull.Value; ReadReturnedSpatialColumns(cmd);
private static void ReadReturnedSpatialColumns(SqlCommand cmd)
using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow))
dr.Read(); var items = new object[2]; dr.GetValues(items);
var geog_test = dr.IsDBNull(0) ? SqlGeography.Null : (SqlGeography)items[0];
var geom_test = dr.IsDBNull(1) ? SqlGeometry.Null : (SqlGeometry)items[1];
This issue still exists with Framework 4.6.1 and there appears to be no workaround apart from the 3 you've already discovered. So the short answer to your question is no.
However I would question if you really need version 12 of the spatial types, because (as far as I can tell) they don't add anything over the v11 types. If you'd prefer to use the v11 types so you can use the Type System Version=SQL Server 2012 workaround, you can install the Nuget package that incorporates all three versions (10, 11, 12) - it's specifically designed to allow you to deploy to servers where MSSQL may not be installed.
As a bonus, referencing that package directly and using Type System Version=SQL Server 2012 will ensure that your app will always be using the 2012 spatial types, so upgrading to SQL 2016 won't break anything if it decides to return a different version of them (e.g. 13, or 14, or whatever 2016 will use) by default.

Adobe CQ6 - Runaway ContentFinder

Starting on 1/13, our Adobe CQ6.0 SP1 error logs started filling up with:
GET /bin/wcm/contentfinder/product/view.json/etc/commerce/products HTTP/1.1] Traversed 1041307000 nodes using index jcr:lastModified with filter Filter(query=select [jcr:path], [jcr:score], * from [nt:base] as a where isdescendantnode(a, '/etc/commerce/products') order by [jcr:lastModified] desc /* xpath: /jcr:root/etc/commerce/products//* order by #jcr:lastModified descending /, path=/etc/commerce/products//)
The error logs are huge and AEM 6.0 ran out of disk space:
error.log.2015-01-13: 30295763555 bytes
error.log.2015-01-14: 52886323200 bytes
We are able to reproduce the problem by issuing the following HTTP request against AEM Author:
GET /bin/wcm/contentfinder/product/view.json/etc/commerce/products
This issue suddenly on 1/13/2015, 9:47 a.m., with a co-worker loading a site in AEM 6.0, and ContentFinder never loaded, so she removed cf#, and then was able to proceed with the authoring of the content itself.
We are interested in knowing if others have had similar issues with ContentFinder in AEM6.0.
AEM 6.0 has a bug in the Querybuilder related to Oak 1.0.5. We need Oak to be upgraded to v1.0.9. The following URI has more information:
SP1 needs to be installed first and then the hot fixes need to be installed in the given order over SP1. The two sample index packages ( and need to be installed as well. These add the following indices:

JasperReports Server: ERROR SubstitutionVariable No getter method?

In our Tomcat logs in on JasperReports Server 5.0.1 we are getting this error on a few reports.
I have checked the reports and couldn't find anything that might cause this error.
There is no parameter with the name "campus_id" in the XML or any input control of these reports
Any idea what could cause this error ? or how to fix it
2013-11-06 12:15:55,119 ERROR SubstitutionVariable,pool-24-thread-5:194 - No get
ter method getCampus_id for campus:campus_id for class com.jaspersoft.commons.da
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Missing property: campus_id
at com.jaspersoft.commons.dataset.expr.SubstitutionVariable.getProperty(
at com.jaspersoft.commons.dataset.expr.DataSetExpressionParser.varRef(Da
at com.jaspersoft.commons.dataset.expr.DataSetExpressionParser.term(Data
at com.jaspersoft.commons.dataset.expr.DataSetExpressionParser.multDivEx
Note: I am using: iReport 5.0.0, JR Server 5.0.1, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Tomcat 7