Wrong indentation on paste switch/case php - visual-studio-code

In VSCODE, whenever I paste the case part of a switch statement I get the wrong indentation.
How can I fix this? If possible while maintaining format on paste since this feature works fine on every other case.
switch ($variable) {
case 'value':
# code...
case 'value':
# code...
# code...
When pressing Ctrl + Z the indentation gets fixed.
Checking Editor: Format On Paste does fix the problem.
As for what extensions might affect this, only PHP Intelephense, but I don't see any setting that might control formatting on paste aside from Editor: Format On Paste

Somewhat of a FIX:
Just as #user said, copying the leading new line and then pasting on the following line to break; at the same indentation seems to paste with the correct indentation.
The fact that pasting and pressing Ctrl-Z makes the identation correct makes me think that there's some kind of formatting going on, so please let me know if you know what's going on.


How to stop VS Code indenting oddly when moving block of code with alt-arrow

See https://youtu.be/mJDg4WnrsUo
When I move a block of code down it does this odd indenting whereby each move down a line also does an indent. When I move it up it doesn't show this behavior.
I can format the entire file afterwards, but is there a way to avoid this behavior?
Incidentally, I use vim bindings but I also tried disabling them and it didn't change this behavior.
This is caused by auto-indent. To disable it, set:
"editor.autoIndent": "keep"
From OP: Here's the screen where you do that, it is in 'settings' from the main menu:
However what you show should never happen so please file a bug report for your case

Why does VS Code break my Markdown fenced code blocks?

I'm creating a markdown document with some CSharp code blocks. Here's a sample:
Next, it feeds the strings to the regular expression matcher to produce a sequence of matches.
let patternMatch = azimuthEncoderRegex.Match(message)
In the editor, this seems to be working nicely, like so:
As you can see, the code is formatted as expected and shows up correctly formatted in the preview window (not shown).
Now, when I save my file, the above text instantly changes to this:
If I use search-and-replace to change all the code specifiers back, the same thing happens. This breaks the code formatting!! The entire file is also re-flowed to remove all the line breaks I put in (that may be a clue).
UPDATE: I noticed that all of the reference-style hyperlinks were also removed from the end of the document, causing data loss.
WTF? Why is VS-Code doing this? I've tried disabling the Markdown extensions and the same thing happens. Any ideas, please?
Resolved by a change in settings.json for VS Code:
"pandocFormat.command": "pandoc --standalone --atx-headers --wrap=auto --columns=80 -f markdown-auto_identifiers -t markdown-simple_tables-multiline_tables-grid_tables-auto_identifiers-fenced_code_attributes --reference-links"
Thanks and credit to monofon (the author of the VS Code extension, based on Pandoc) for steering me to this solution.

Reset formatting of code to default

I am using NetBeans for my C++ development.
Previously there was nice formatting of code but it has changed.
This is the format that I want
This is the format that I am getting
Note the two closing braces in one line after connection line and also the closing braces after semicolon in else statement.
if you press crtl + a then right click, you will find a "format" option. I hope this helped!

how to freely format comments in cc-mode

I'm quite new to cc-mode and I'd like to configure it to allow me to freely format and use tabs in multiline comments. This is important to me because I want to use cog.py in my source file and need to be able to format the python source in the comment correctly. I'd be ok with comments not beeing autoindented at all, however I'd like to keep auto indenting the rest of the source code.
import cog
for x in ['a','b','c']:
In the line marked with > I'd like to press TAB to indent the line. cc-mode simply does nothing at all if i do so. I could use spaces there (which is inconvenient) but every (semi-)automatic re-indentation of this block would cause the spaces to vanish and therefore the python code to be incorrectly indented (which is what happens if i happen to press tab somewhere on this line after indenting it with spaces).
I tried to start emacs without my .init to be sure this is default behavior and not modified by my configuration so far. I've done google searches and read the documentation of the cc-mode variables / functions I stumbled upon (cc-mode online docs) while searching for a solution (i.e. c-indent-comments-syntactically-p, c-indent-command, c-tab-always-indent,...) but none of these seemed to solve my question.
Thanks to abo-abo's idea of a "multi-major-mode" setup i've stumbled upon mmm-mode and have set up automatic switching to python mode for a cog section, which fixes most of my problems.
The only remaining problem is reindenting the whole file or a region containing a cog section. Can I somehow tell cc-mode to not change anything in comments while reindenting the file? mmm-mode + that would be a perfect solution for me.
You can use M-i to force a tab indent on the lines that you want, so you can use it to indent your comments.
You can also change your comments to use // instead. Just select your python code snippet, and do M-x comment-region:
// def foo(x):
// print 'hi'
Then the autoindent won't mess up your indentation.

Unexpected 'INDENT' in CoffeeScript Example Code

As I was playing around for the first time with CoffeeScript, I ran in to a problem. In order to debug my problem, I tried replacing my whole file with one of the example bits of code from the coffee script site:
kids =
name: "Max"
age: 11
name: "Ida"
age: 9
However, when I try to compile that code, I get:
Error: In coffee/main.coffee, Parse error on line 3: Unexpected 'INDENT'
at Object.parseError (/usr/lib/coffeescript/parser.js:501:11)
at Object.parse (/usr/lib/coffeescript/parser.js:573:32)
at Object.compile (/usr/lib/coffeescript/coffee-script.js:23:22)
at /usr/lib/coffeescript/command.js:99:27
at /usr/lib/coffeescript/command.js:72:28
at fs:84:13
at node.js:773:9
In coffee/main.coffee, Parse error on line 3: Unexpected 'INDENT'
Since this is code from the CoffeeScript site, I assume the code itself isn't the problem. However, the compiler also seems to be working properly; if I compile:
a = 2
it generates a file with:
var a;
a = 2;
as expected. So in other words, the code is good, the compiler is good, and yet somehow I'm getting this Unexpected 'IDENT' error ... can anyone help me understand what is going on?
I am pretty sure this is a tabs-vs-spaces issue. Tell your editor not to convert spaces to tabs if it does that. Also, go through your code with the cursor and make sure it doesn't jump over blank areas.
The issue is that while normal editors see a tab as equivalent to two or four spaces, coffeescript sees it as one space, so the indentation gets messed up.
If this all doesn't help, make sure you have a recent coffeescript version, e.g. 1.1.0 or newer.
If you are using a JetBrains IDE (IntelliJ, PHPStorm, etc) the change of setting that worked for me is:
File > Settings > Project Settings > Code Style > CoffeeScript > Tabs
and Indents
Tick "Use tab character" & "Smart tabs"
Code is fine. Make sure you haven't messed up the whitespace (strange control chars showing as blanks, tabs or similar).
If you have the same problem, but your indentation is okay,
then you must be suffering from bug 2868.
Basically, the error is misleading. Check for indentation
errors in the required files.
When in Atom you can automatically convert tabs to spaces:
Packages > Whitespace > Convert Tabs to Spaces
You can resolve this two ways
1. IF using webstorm File->Default Settings as said above
2. Other workaround, is to use a different editor like Sublime, there u can press enter on earlier line and it will auto tab it for you with spaces