Why does VS Code break my Markdown fenced code blocks? - visual-studio-code

I'm creating a markdown document with some CSharp code blocks. Here's a sample:
Next, it feeds the strings to the regular expression matcher to produce a sequence of matches.
let patternMatch = azimuthEncoderRegex.Match(message)
In the editor, this seems to be working nicely, like so:
As you can see, the code is formatted as expected and shows up correctly formatted in the preview window (not shown).
Now, when I save my file, the above text instantly changes to this:
If I use search-and-replace to change all the code specifiers back, the same thing happens. This breaks the code formatting!! The entire file is also re-flowed to remove all the line breaks I put in (that may be a clue).
UPDATE: I noticed that all of the reference-style hyperlinks were also removed from the end of the document, causing data loss.
WTF? Why is VS-Code doing this? I've tried disabling the Markdown extensions and the same thing happens. Any ideas, please?

Resolved by a change in settings.json for VS Code:
"pandocFormat.command": "pandoc --standalone --atx-headers --wrap=auto --columns=80 -f markdown-auto_identifiers -t markdown-simple_tables-multiline_tables-grid_tables-auto_identifiers-fenced_code_attributes --reference-links"
Thanks and credit to monofon (the author of the VS Code extension, based on Pandoc) for steering me to this solution.


How can I make Visual Studio Code suggest tab-completions for any previous line in the file?

I want visual studio code to suggest an autocompletion for an entire line if I start typing the first few characters of any line already in the file, regardless of the content of the existing line. So if this is the content of my file:
this is a line with whitespace
And I type this on a new line, I would get a pop-up like any other autocomplete suggestion and I could fill in either of the lines above. How can I do this (and if I can't, is there another editor that has this ability)?
The extension Line Completion does what you want.
You have to configure for which files (language identifiers) it should perform these suggestions. (To prevent to much calculation on large files where you don't use it. See the README page.

Content of tags is not getting on the same line after certain point & it is getting added to the next line . How to get that content on the same line?

I am coding HTML & CSS in VS Code IDE. I have installed & enabled the prettier extension for better readability of the code & auto-indentation. but my content of tags is not going beyond that certain point on the screen & it is getting added to the next line whenever I save my code by Ctrl +S (example: see the last paragraph tag). How to get that content on the same line?
You shouldn't use Prettier if you don't need this behavior. That's what Prettier does: splits lines that are too long. See here https://prettier.io/docs/en/index.html

How do i prevent vscode from breaking my pasted code?

Im not using any plugins for breaking my code, i think it's an integrated function. This problem is now since a few weeks and it's driving me crazy pasting code and then putting every line back.
Here is a screenshot of my code (i just copied this line):
Here is a screenshot of my code (i pasted it):
Why is my vscode breaking the lines everytime?
Thanks in advance for your help, i really apreciate it
This is the default formatter wrapping text (or trying to) at the default of 80 columns.
If you want to override this, you can do so by adding this line to your settings.json file:
"html.format.wrapLineLength": 0
If you prefer to change your settings from the GUI instead of the json file, open the command palette and open the settings from there. Once in it, look for "HTML format wrap line length" in the search box and change the value to 0.
You find a shortcut to the settings here too:

configure prettier to push curly braces on new lines & not clear empty lines

I am using prettier with VSCode, How can I configure it to format my code like this :
function test()
I want the { and } on new lines, and an empty line after { and before }.
Currently, it moves the curly brackets to same lines if condition or function name, and also remove the empty lines after/before { and }.
Prettier is considered an " opinionated " formatter, which means it doesn't let you choose things like that. If you want more control over the formatting, you can use a different formatter.
The built-in VS code formatter allows you to do what you're looking for, just search the settings for " function new line " and similar options.
There are of course many other formatting extensions available in the VS code marketplace as well. Whichever you choose, you will have to select it has your default formatter in your VS code settings.
As mentioned in this answer, VS Code's formatter itself works quite well, but if you want this to be part of workflow, then using ESLint might make things easier. There's a rule called brace-style.
You can then run eslint ./path/to/your/file --fix to format your code, or eslint . --fix to format code in the entire project directory.
Disclaimer: I use ESLint for code formatting most of the time and it works for me. I actually use it to find & fix problems too so it's like killing two birds with one stone, but note that ESLint is more about finding problems in the code and fixing them, so using ESLint just for code formatting might not be the best idea.

How can I output the code for my model into a word document without taking a screen shot?

I want to include an example of my model code within my project report. I have tried taking a screenshot of my code but it is just too long to be legible. I am therefore wondering if it is possible to output an image of my model code that has not been minimised or cut up into a word document for annotation?
(I assume the reason you don't just copy and paste is that you want to preserve the colors?)
Use “Save as Applet” on the File menu. From the resulting HTML file, cut out the applet part and just keep the code part.
Direct support for "Save as HTML" is coming in NetLogo 6.0; see https://github.com/NetLogo/NetLogo/issues/645.
If Seth guessed wrong and you just need a monospace font, you can just copy (ctrl-A,ctrl-C) in the Code tab, paste into your Word document, and set the font to any monospace font (like Courier New).
If Seth guessed correctly and you want syntax highlighting, you can get the Vim syntax file, open your NetLogo file in Vim, select the code range, and then use Vim's TOhtml command. You can then read this HTML file into your Word document.
Note that using Word for reports involving code is a terrible idea: the code will immediately be out of sync, as soon as you make further changes. Instead, learn LaTeX use the listings package to read your code into your document.