ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets suddenly started working wierdly - visual-studio-code

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I have installed ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native extension in vs code but it is not working. Instead some other suggestion are comming. and I dont know what is it. Previously the extension was working fine.
I tried pasting "reactSnippets.settings.importReactOnTop": false, this line in settings.json. When i reload the vs code the extension seems to be working for a second and after that i am not getting any snippet recomendations from the extension.


VS Code colors suddenly stopped working, how do I fix this issue?

I'm a student and using VS Code to learn. When I opened a new file today, all the coloration from the code was gone. I'm using Dark+ theme and have the C++ intellisense extension active. I've checked color themes, uninstalled/reinstalled, restarting, disabling and re-enabling the extensions.
Included is a screenshot
The same thing happened to me, but in my case, I was using React and my language mode wasn't in Plain Text.
I started checking my extensions, and noticed that probably the problem was this typescript extension: JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly
I've disabled the extension and VSCode colors worked properly again.
Your file extension is ".ccp" instead of ".cpp" so vscode recognized it as plain text.
Change the file extension to ".cpp" may solve the problem.

prettier extension not working in vs code new update

prettier stopped working when I updated vs code, I tried many solutions but no answer working for me.
the extension is installed like this.
and a prettier icon disappeared from the bottom of vs code like this:
this happens when I click ctrl+shift+f to use formatter
and this is the extension setting :

VS code cursor not showing in the template of Vue project

All of a sudden, I am facing this problem in my VS Code editor. If you look at the first picture, that is a code snipped of my VUE 3 project. Where ever I am clicking in the picture, the cursor is not appearing.
This is the same file with the other section, where the cursor seems to be fine. Its works smoothly...
Does anyone have any idea about this issue??
I also checked in Stack Overflow, some issues suggested reinstalling the VIM extension, whereas I don't have VIM installed in my docker environment.

VS Code showing "type/arguments" in editor as labels

I just installed VS Code 1.60.0-insider.
At first I thought it was a bug, but now there are type/arguments hinds/labels in the editor:
(predicate:, callbackfn:, etc.)
How is this called and how to disable it? I searched online but couldn't find any information.
Note: they only appear in TypeScript files.
try use this instruction inside of settings.json, this working well for me.
"editor.inlayHints.enabled": false

Visual Studio Code auto indent in JSX

Let's say I have this code in .jsx file:
Now if I type, for example, BrowserRouter and hit Tab I got this state which is still ok:
But now when I hit Enter, I have this state:
How do I make it work like in .html files that pressing Enter adds two new lines and makes auto indentation? Like that:
I have VS Code v1.20.1 and my preferences which could be related to this issue are as follows:
"emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true,
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"javascript": "javascriptreact"
I've searched through Github issues of VS Code and seems like it was fixed about half a year ago and should work now, but for some reason it's not. Also I've run VS Code with --disable-extensions flag for this so it's not an extension problem.
I've also found that it seems not to work for top-level tag only. For anything inside it the indentation works like in .html files. Strange.
Thank you.