I need to open the same application with 2 screens with different UIs. How Can I do that in .net MAUI?
How Can I update the second screen by changing anything on the first screen?
I'm planning an app, that offers the possibility, to handle itself multiple times in tabs. In other words: Imagine, that the app starts with tab1 and it shows the main screen. You can work as normal. Then you wanna check something in the app somewhere else, but you want to keep your work as it is, so you open a new tab und start navigating to the point you want to. Then you can switch back to tab1 or again to tab2 and everything will remain in these tabs. So it means I want to have multiple instances of the app in different tabs (as you would open a website several times in a tabbed browser).
Is this possible in iOS and if yes, how could I do that with SwiftUI? Would be perfect, if it looks like the tabs in Safari on macOS or iPadOS.
I have implemented side menu for my IONIC 5.0.0 application. In smaller device side menu is shrinking to Hamburger icon (working fine). I want the same behavior in large screens also but unfortunately the menu is fully visible in the landscape mode of my iPad (6th gen). Does anyone know how to hide the menu in Hamburger icon always (for all device).
Seems you need to use when="false" property in the ion-split-pane component. Please find app.component.html. The location should be like src/app/app.component.html and change the following line from
<ion-split-pane when="false">
To learn more about the ion-split-pane component, visit this link.
I'm new to IOS development and I need some advice on when to hide main tabs.
I've been going through quite a few apps to figure out if there is a recommended approach, if the main tabs should be hidden or not once you are 2+ levels deep.
So my scenario is pretty standard, I have a tabbed interface aka "Apple Store" app.
Once I start navigating (pushing Controllers), should I hide the Tabs at the bottom and use only the NavigationBar?
I'm using Appcelerator Titanium to build an iPhone app. I currently have a tabGroup control that links to the major sections of the app, including the home screen.
What I'd like to do is remove the "Home" tab only from the navigation, without removing it from the tabGroup object. So, for example, I'd still be able to call tabGroup.setActiveTab(0) and it would take me to the home screen, but the tabs at the bottom wouldn't have a "home" button.
Is this even possible? If so, how can I do it?
Notes: I do not want to hide the whole bar, just a single tab. I also do not want to remove the screen from the underlying object, just the navigation UI. Also, I'm only developing for iPhone and don't care if other platforms aren't supported, so iPhone-only solutions are acceptable.
take the home screen out of the tab group completely and manage displaying it and transitioning to it separately; in the end, it will be a cleaner solution.
Have you tried tab.hide() or when creating the tab setting it to visible: 0?
REF: XCode
what is the differences between view based vs windows based iphone application?
Where are you going to use view based and windows based application?
Example? what does facebook use?
In regards to your question about the difference between View-based and Window-based templates, a View template gives you a Window template with a UIView already added and configured to display in the window, while the Window template gives you a blank slate with no default view set up.
About Windows, Views, and Controls
Understanding iPhone Views, Windows and the View Hierarchy
Usually only one window in UIWindow application. Apps can and ususally have multiple views, for example there are multiple views in a your typical iOS navigation application