vscode hold shift to insert link not working - visual-studio-code

I cannot get the command to inset links by dragging and dropping while holding shift to work.
Tried to debug it but VSCode simply seems to ignore the shift key being pressed.
Drag item over the MarkDown file pane, whole pane highlighted, but I do not get the help 'hold shift down' as per the docs. If I do try and then hold shift, the whole pane stays selected.
Any ideas what could be interfering and what I might be able to do to debug or fix?


Is there a shortcut to switch between panes in the Eclipse Compare view?

When I compare two versions of a source file (for example, from egit) in the Eclipse IDE, the Compare View is appeared. It has two panes containing two versions of a text and I can use keyboard to move cursor through the text on one of this panes (or even edit the text in it). Additionally, I can use special shortcuts to go to the next/previous difference and/or apply current change from/to the opposite pane. But, I didn't find a way to move the input focus to other pane.
Actually, I would like be able to do this in one case. Let's say, I compare two revisions of a source and I need to apply some changes while others are unneeded. To achieve this, I walk through changes using the Ctrl + , or . shortcuts and apply needed changes using, for example, the Ctrl + Shift + ,. It looks like all is OK, but if I reach a change which has no any text in the current pane, the applying shortcut does not work. For example, the cursor is on the left pane. I went to the next difference and this difference is concluded in that the text was, for example, added in this line. So, the Compare View will show this added text on the right pane, will highlight it with the special rectangle while this rectangle on the left pane will have zero height and the cursor will be placed under this zero-sized rectangle. I.e., outside of it. So, I think, exactly this thing causes that the current change applying does not work. When I click on the opposite pane, inside of this change and then use the change applying shortcut, it works fine. So, I would like to switch to other plane via shortcut, not using mouse.

Get rid of black blinking cursor [duplicate]

When I edit code in the middle of statements, it replaces the current code around it. I cannot find a way to replace this with a normal cursor that only inserts data instead of replacing it. Is that functionality possible in Eclipse?
The problem is also identified in your status bar at the bottom:
You are in overwrite mode instead of insert mode.
The “Insert” key toggles between insert and overwrite modes.
It sounds like you hit the "Insert" key .. in most applications this results in a fat (solid rectangle) cursor being displayed, as your screenshot suggests. This indicates that you are in overwrite mode rather than the default insert mode.
Just hit the "insert" key on your keyboard once more... it's usually near the 'delete' (not backspace), scroll lock and 'Print Screen' (often above the cursor keys in a full size keyboard.)
This will switch back to insert mode and turn your cursor into a vertical line rather than a rectangle.
You might have pressed 0 (also used for insert, shortcut INS) key, which is on the right side of your right scroll button. To solve the problem, just press it again or double click on 'overwrite'.
This problem, in my case, wasn't related to the Insert key. It was related to Vrapper being enabled and editing like Vim, without my knowledge.
I just toggled the Vrapper Icon in Eclipse top bar of menus and then pressed the Insert Key and the problem was solved.
Hopefully this answer will help someone in the future.
In my case, it's related to the Toggle Vrapper Icon in the Eclipse.
If you are getting the bold black cursor, then the icon must be enabled. So, click on the Toggle Vrapper Icon to disable. It's located in the Eclipse's Toolbar. Please see the attached image for the clarity.
This issue can happen not only in eclipse but also in any of the text-editor.
On windows systems, windows-10 in my case, this issue arose when the shift and insert key was pressed in tandem unintentionally which takes the user to the overwrite mode.
To get back to insert mode you need to press shift and insert in tandem again.

Eclipse toggle show/hide panels

Is there a way to show/hide various panels in Eclipse?
For example, shift-alt-p opens the Package Explorer panel in my setup, but then to close the panel I have to mouse over and close it manually.
Ideally one could toggle show/hide panels in Eclipse with keyboard shortcuts set via prefs > general > keys
Tough on the wrist to go keyboard-mouse-keyboard-mouse all day.
Perhaps I'm missing some magic combo, please enlighten if you have the Nirvana to spare.
Press Ctrl+F7 you will get below pop up.
Traverse or cycle through the views you want to close by pressing F7 key. After selecting the view to be closed in the above pop up release Ctrl key.
Then the view to be closed will be activated.
Go to Window->Preferences type keys in the search box. Check whether any short cut key is assigned to close part. Refer below picture,
In my case it is assigned to Ctrl+W. Once the view is activated press this short cut key to close the view. If any short cut key is not assigned to close part then you can assign new short-cut key for this.
Click on Binding text box(Refer second picture) and assign your own short cut key.

How to navigate up/down using keyboard home keys in Eclipse's suggestions pop up window?

When Eclipse shows a popup for code completion, how do you change the highlighted option using the keyboard home keys? Currently, if the thing I want is third or fourth on the list of suggestions, I have to use the mouse to select it, or use the arrow keys. Is there a way to use the keyboard home keys/ shortcuts with ctrl/alt to do this?
Arrow keys always work for me. Can you be little more specific as to what perspective, editor, etc?
I get a code completion popup when I press Ctrl + 1 in the Java editor. From then on, I can use the arrow keys to navigate.
I'm assuming you want to select from the code completion menu by X for up and Y for down. Go to Preferences > Keys and bind the commands Line Up and Line Down to X and Y, respectively. Make sure that in the When drop-down you select In Windows.
Note that after the settings are applied, X (Y) also makes the cursor go one line up (down) in the source editor. Personally, I use X = Ctrl+P and Y = Ctrl+N which means I can navigate lines and select entries from the code completion menu without lifting my hands off the keyboard.
Unfortunately, these bindings don't work with other pop-up lists in Eclipse, e.g. quick outline (Ctrl+O) or quick access (Ctrl+3). I'd love to find out how to bind these too.

How can I go to the next Eclipse marker (e.g. build error) using the keyboard?

Suppose I make a method signature change that breaks several callers, and I want to review the call sites manually to update them.
Once I change the signature, my "Problems" view shows, say, a dozen errors.
What keys can I hit to navigate through them while leaving the keyboard focus in the editor for fast fixups?
(It's been a while, but I think the Visual Studio equivalent is F8.)
Note that this question does not duplicate Eclipse: How to go to a error using only the keyboard (keyboard-shortcut)?, as that one seeks to navigate only between markers in the current file. In this case, I want to go to the next error regardless of which file it's in.
("Marker" is the general Eclipse term for errors, warnings, etc.)
The best I've come up with so far is Ctrl + F7 to flip to the Problems view, then ↓ to pick the topmost error, then Enter to go to it (which returns focus to the editor).
Here's a way to move to the next error, regardless of editor, in one keystroke. It's not perfect, but it works until it's fixed in Eclipse.
Open a "Markers" view. Click the down arrow at the top right, and choose "Configure Contents". Uncheck the show all box, and create the view to show only the problems you want to see. You'll probably want to deselect "warnings" and "errors" as well. Save it.
Click the same "Markers" down arrow, and choose "Group By". Select "None". This is important because you don't want the parent tree level nodes to show, otherwise some of your "next" actions will take you to those, which don't represent an error.
In Eclipse -> preferences -> keys, search for "Markers". If there is not a keystroke bound to the Markers view, create one. I use Ctrl + Shift + M
Get a keyboard hotkey tool like AutoHotKey (for PC's) or iKey for the Mac. I'm using iKey, but there are plenty of other Mac tools you can use. In your hotkey tool, define an action for the keystroke you want to use for "next error". I chose the standard CMD + .
For that keystroke/action in your hotkey tool, generate 3 keystrokes in the following order:
Ctrl + Shift + M
Down arrow
Of course, you'll want to change the first one to whatever you picked for yours. You'll probably want to restrict that action to be executed only when Eclipse is the current application.
Save that, create some compile errors, and test it.
Try Ctrl + 3 for Quick access popup window.
If the "Markers view" is not already visible, then type in "markers", in the searchbox on the popup window. Once you have selected it, it should stay available, when you press Ctrl + 3 the next time around.
I just had the same problem, after refactoring some parts of code. I had a lot of errors in different files and i had to go through all of those.
I used the following solution:
Mark all (relevant) entries in the Problems view.
To do this switch to the Problems view using Ctrl+F7 and select the entries with Shift+↓/↑
You can also select all entries using Ctrl+A
Open the marked errors by pressing ↵.
Every file containing at least one marked error will be opened.
The cursor will automatically select one error/file, as if you open only this specific entry
Fix the errors in the opened file.
Here you can use Ctrl+. to navigate to next error inside this file
Close the file using Ctrl+W when your done.
Eclipse will automatically focus the next file and you can go back to step 3
In my case this solution was much faster then switching to the Problems view each time.
There's an Eclipse bug entered for this that has an attachment that looks like it does what you want.
You could use AutoHotkey:
save the mouse position, send a mouse event to click on the arrow in CDT console and then return the mouse back to it's original location. Record the mouse coords with window spy or use autohotkey's search by image function (first capture the images of two arrows with printscreen into bitmaps).