How to find Microsoft store xbox game product ID? - powershell

I want to use product ID to query the game metadata
Example :
I want to get Dead-space game product ID : 9NLB6V0GNC9P
I use powershell command (Get-AppxPackage) to get some information about packages
Only get Name,publisher,package full name....
But do not find any information about product ID.
Is there any commands or ways can get the product ID?


Custom POST/PUT route/endpoint based on meta value

I'm currently making a store which is receiving it's data from external sources. Being new to the world of editing/creating REST API, I've come across a problem. The problem is that the external source have no idea what ID the product gets in woocommerce so update/delete products is not possible with the current endpoints/routes. However, the external source does have it's own ID on it's product and I've stored this in a custom meta field in woo and I can see it and update it through api on Postman.
How can i create a new endpoint/route that uses the custom meta field called externalProductId and use this to update the product instead of the woocommerce ID?
What you can do, which I particularly did in my case ... Create a field id_product_woo in your external bank, the time you create the product in Woocommerce, it returns a JSON with the information of the product created, including the ID inside Woocommerce... When you create or update a product in Woocommerce, you then pass the id stored in the id_product_woo field of your external bank.
Apparently, this for me, worked perfectly.

how can i upload course and user with its id on moodle

I want to upload course using upload courses menu.
and i want to import the id with the other fields.
I tried "id","shortname","fullname","category" as a filed on the csv.But it uses incremented id instead.
Oh and i want the same thing for user too.
That cannot be done - all ids in Moodle are automatically generated, in order to make sure they always uniquely identify the item (course, user, etc).
Instead of trying to identify the course by id, you should look at identifying it by shortname or idnumber.

Load Facebook adinterests list in a single API call

Is there a way to load multiple adinterests by IDs in a single API call?
Here's situation:
We have multiple adinterests for ads targeting campaign. For example, we are targeting users that are interested in:
music (ID=111)
arts (ID=222)
museums (ID=333)
We are listing all interests to a user, but in the database we store only IDs.
Currently we can only load single interest per request, e.g.:
This works. However, I would like to load all interests in a single call to speed up page load, for example:[0]=111&id[1]=222&id[2]=333&access_token=___
This, unfortunatelly, does not work.
So, is there any way to load ad interests list by list of supplied IDs?
You can use the Batch request framework to make a single HTTP request to multiple endpoints. See

Accessing the Yelp Api

In my application I have to add a button, and display the number of stars received from YELP as shown in this image: , and upon clicking it I should navigate to a new View that will show the Yelp reviews.
1.) I have read the Yelp API, and was unable to find a way to append the Store Name to get its ratings in Yelp.
For example: I need to get the YELP ratings of Agra Indian Restaurant, so how should I get the JSON return values pertaining to Agra Indian Restaurant?
Is there any tutorial or sample code that illustrates how I could get this done?
You can get some examples form here: .I used php examples.Since the Search Parameters doesn`t contain the store name, you can using the business name as the "term" query parameter and the full business address as the "location"
It's worth noting that if you know the business you're looking for specifically, you're
better off using the Phone API to look up info directly.

Geo Location aware Posts

I am trying to publish a post on the user news feed with the users current location.
According to the documentation on 'Post' I need to add the location information to the 'place' attribute.
But is seems it is associated with an already defined 'place'. My requirement is to just push the lat / long info to dsiplay the city. Is this possible with the current graph API ?
Currently there is no public API to push a new place info, you can only pass existing "places".
You could begin by finding the name of the current city and country by inspecting some nearby places:
Then you can try to find the Place ID of that city:
/search?type=place&center=LAT,LONG&q=CITY, COUNTRY&limit=1
(You may have to add the state field for countries that use that division.)
Now you have a Place ID to use for your post.