VS Code Theme - Semantic Highlighting - visual-studio-code

I'm building a theme. And currently, to make it look the way it should, one is required to have Semantic Highlighting set to either true or "changedByTheme".
Looking for help to try and find a way around this.
I'm probably here to get my verdict as this is probably not possible?
Feel like it should've been an easy fix otherwise.
Is there any downside to utilizing Semantic Highlighting?
Do you have it set to true or false?
Want to know if this is a big issue or if it can be overlooked.
This is how it should look.
Here semantic highlighting is turned off and scope "variable.other.constant" is set to green. Otherwise 'VPP' in getLineCount() would be blue, as in the next picture.
Here semantic highlighting is turned off and scope "variable.other.constant" is set to blue as I want all variables to be. But here 'VPP' in getLineCount() becomes blue as well which I feel is a terrible detail.
Here's the different scopes:


How to change the weird light color block in VS Code editor area

Actually I don't know when it existed, but recently after changing some themes, the editing area has a strange light color block.
It's neither a blank string nor a blank line break, it 'jumps' with the area you're editing. This is quite annoying and I have not been able to find a real answer to this problem.
In some cases, changing the theme occasionally helps, but it mostly doesn't work, and I don't think that's a good idea because those light blocks are always stubbornly present, can anyone help?
P.S I hope I can express the problem precisely enough, I'm attaching a screenshot to point out the so-called 'light blocks'.
Thanks for any help!
After some time of research, I have to think that this seems to be the only solution for now. Originally I used developer tools in an attempt to change the CSS, but decided that was an illegal hacking solution, and I thought the app could be overwritten if I updated it, so I abandoned that idea.
Now I found a possible solution.
Go into settings, search for: #id:workbench.colorCustomizations workbench
Note: You must choose to also modify on User, otherwise it will only work on the current window workspace.
After entering setting.json, look for Workbench: Color Customizations and add editor.background to workbench.colorCustomizations, example:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editor.background": "#19485964"
The most important point is that transparency must be set! As long as editor.background is set to a certain level of transparency, then the "strange light color blocks" will disappear.
Although I'm not sure if this is a real solution, it can solve the problem to some extent, and no failure has been found yet, so I assume this is "barely a solution" for now.
If there is a better answer, I would welcome any additional information, thank you.

Configuring the Visibility of the V.S. Code scrollbar

Usually when an editor is empty, the editor hides the scroll bar, but when there are just two lines in V.S. Code, the scrollbar is visible. Is there a way to configure V.S. Code so that the scrollbar remains hidden until the number of lines-of-code exceeds the amount of lines that are visible in the editor?
V.S. Code Scroll-bar
Your not going to be able to get exactly what your looking for, but I will clarify, what you are able to do, and you can decide the best option that works for you. I will attempt to outline the answer to cover the topic in a way that it is useful to anyone else who is looking for the same topic via stack overflow search-queries.
The setting that affects the visibility of the scrollbar is editor.scrollbar.vertical, and it is the only one, however; there is also editor.scrollbar.verticalScrollbarSize which changes the size of the scroll-bar (I guess, as a technicality it can affect its visibility as well, since setting it to 0 hides the scroll-bar).
editor.scrollbar.vertical has 3 settings, and they are as follows.
Auto – "Assigning the value auto will hide the scrollbar whenever the editor is not in focus."
Visible – "A better name perhaps, would be "Always Visible", since assigning the value visible always makes the scrollbar visible, even when working in the workbench, or terminal."
Hidden – "I think we can all take a pretty good guess at what assigning hidden does. It hides the scrollbar.... I guess I should point out that this too is a case of "always", as it always hides the scrollbar."
V.S. Code is a highly configurable editor, and I personally love it for that reason, but to be fair; V.S. Code lacks in configurable scrollbar settings, there isn't a lot that can be done to customize it, and this has lead to several issues and suggestions created in the V.S. Code Repository. Perhaps the most appealing aspect to V.S. Code, is there team. The VSC team listens to suggestions, as they deliver when a suggestion is popular, perhaps try creating a suggestion — just remember to make sure no one else has already suggested it.
Check this setting:
Editor > Scrollbar: Vertical
the default is auto, is yours changed to visible? Which would be always shown.

Is it possible to place the code folding icons in VSCode?

The fold folding icons all appear next to the numbers on the leftmost edge. I would like them to be next to their indented guides. Is there a way to change that? I don't see anything in the settings. Is there an extension or perhaps a way I can extend my theme to do that?
I'm also already using the Guides extension and Colorize brackets, and while those are useful it would be nice to have the folding icons closer to where the actual guidelines are.
No, this is not possible as of VS Code 1.24.
If this is something that you would like to see, please file a feature request

How to highlight current method body in Eclipse?

There is a nice feature called "show selected element only" in Eclipse. When it's turned on, clicking on a method in the outline pane will show just this method only in the editor, allowing to focus on this one only, especially useful in that you don't need to worry about scrolling hard and overshooting this method when there are many nested parenthesis inside.
But sometimes I would like to have a glance of more codes around here, so have to turn this off, then back, time and time again, which is quite inconvenient. So I wonder if there is a better mechanism?
I know a built-in feature called "range indicator" (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7049098/how-to-forbid-eclipse-to-highlight-current-method-class-in-the-margin) , but I always tend to overlook that because it's too thin.
One better solution I can imagine is using distinguished background color for currently investigated method body, and when move cursor to other methods, background highlight turn to them accordingly (works like the range indicator, but renders more obviously). In this way, both navigation flexibility and reading assistance are gained.
Is this solution possible?
Take a look at the Editbox plugin.
You might have to do a bit of tweaking to the colors to set it up. Here is a sample screenshot :
Is this what you wanted ?
Yes, with editbox and the following settings may suit your need.

eclipse editor colors - how to set in outline view

The line that is highlighted on Eclipse is really hard for me to see. I am color blind, but I can see colors. I assume the the highlight color in the outline screen has very little contrast to the other colors. Thank you!
Anyway I will try and attach a graphic.... anyone know to change this?
I think I have something usable enough to post as an answer. You didn't specify the OS that you're using but from the screenshot it looked like Windows 7/Vista with the Aero theme. Like I mentioned in my comment to your question, from this and this, it looks like there isn't any [straightforward] way to change the highlight color.
However, if you don't mind losing the Aero effects, you can switch to the Windows Classic theme to get a different highlighting that IMO provides more contrast and better readability.