How to disable Autocomplete in WebStorm for a specific module - autocomplete

I'm currently working on a web page for my project. I use Angular and WebStorm for it and already installed Bootstrap and Bootstrap Icons. However since I installed Bootstrap Icons, I get the autocompletion for those first. If I type something that isn't part of the autocomplete of BI Icons it changes to the normal Bootstrap autocomplete.
As you can think, this is really annoying, since I rarely even use the BI-Autocomplete. I wouldn't mind turning it off for BI completely! I just need the Bootstrap autocomplete, so I can type keywords like flex and see what options are available. This is made really hard, since I have to type out the word completely and sometimes it still just gives me BI suggestions. So how do I change the priority order or turn it off completely for BI?
I tried turning it off in the IDE Settings. However I can only turn off autocomplete all together.


Custom VSCode extension: embed native editor in webview

I want to have a webview, that embeds the native editor (see image).
The embedded part does not need to have a tabbing-feature. It would be enough to have the editor object, that I fill and update manually per Javascript.
Is that possible? How would I do that?
I want to show various file contents within my own webview. These contents should be editable and have all functionality, that the vscode editor has (e.g. syntax highlighting, multiple cursors, intellisense,...). At best, also 3rd party extensions should work within them.
I don't want to start implementing the whole editor again, so I'm searching for a way to embed the editor.
It is not possible to embed the native editor that comes with VS Code. The extension API simply does not support it.
The closest you can get is to import the code of the editor into your webview. The editor is called Monaco and is available via the npm package monaco-editor. It supports most (or all?) of the features offered by VS Code editor, such as IntelliSense.
However, since this editor would be unaware of the installed VS Code extensions, themes and configuration options, it will behave differently than native editors. You might be able to improve the user experience by manually propagating configuration options and themes, but this would require a significant amount of work and might not be possible for other things, such as support for language servers or third party extensions.

Filter entries in the Eclipse Variables View

Is there any built-in way (or plug-in) allowing for searching through the whole variable tree without manually expanding nodes?
I can't understand why isn't it done by default, just as I can't understand, why isn't search bar built into Variables view (browser style) and this unhandy, inconvenient dialog is opened instead. It makes my work, which is mainly debugging complex applications, a nightmare.
The Eclipse version is Luna, if it matters.
The watch expression feature is not what I want because it just doesn't work in this case, tried to fix it but none of the common ways to do that help me.
Such a feature has been requested earlier here:
You may want to reopen this bug to state your interest in this enhancement. And if you have experience in developing Eclipse IDE plug-ins, I am sure the maintainers would be happy to review a patch.
I usually use Alt+Shift+Right/Alt+Shift+Left and Ctrl+Shift+I to select and inspect variables and expressions, but this certainly depends on personal preferences.

Is there an auto complete in Sublime Text 2 when integrating it with SASS?

I've noticed that it does auto completes CSS properties and values, but not the case with SCSS.
Check out the sass-textmate-bundle port for ST2. According to the readme,
This add-on adds syntax highlighting and tab/code completion for Sass and SCSS files. It features Zen Coding shortcuts for many CSS properties, making you look like some kind of stylesheet wizard to everyone around you. You've got to like that.
You might also want to take a look at SublimeCodeIntel. While not specifically for SASS/SCSS, it features context-sensitive autocomplete based on what you've already typed in the file, so it may be useful on top of what ST2 already provides.
Both of these are available through Package Control.

What tool can be used to create plugin/addon for bookmark requirement

I've to create plugin or add-on for my official community site.
There should be a button at browser, which should extend a form, which can add the current url as a bookmark with interaction from user with some more inputs, in turn that should be recorded into excel sheet in local drive. I've VBA code to extract data from the community url to excel sheet. Now, I've to create browser control to enable user direct url to fetch the data.
My control should be activated (i.e. toolbar button) based on url, so what should i create, a plugin or add-on ? i want my control not to affect browser performance or user experience.
Based on reply for 2, what tool should i use to create plugin/add-on which should be compatible across browsers ?
I've gone thro' Fire-breath demo, code capability with Visual studio, which was nice, but still missing some knowledge about visual studio, what to package of visual studio install and what language to use, it would be better if it is Visual basic ?
At last, is it possible to place control (i.e. button) inside the webpage to activate my code, if so, which one is capable of doing it, add-on or plugin ? workflow in nutshell to achieve that...
Thanks a lot
First, a few things to understand:
A browser plugin is something that is instantiated in one of two ways:
Injected into the DOM in an object or embed tag
Instantiated by the browser to open a page with a specific mimetype
Browser plugins don't know anything about the browser, the URL bar, the bookmarks, the context menus, browser dialogs, browser chrome, browser events, etc. Browser plugins only know anything about the current page. Browser plugins cannot change browser settings
Browser plugins are DLLs; they can't easily be written in Visual Basic. While it might be possible, I've never seen one, and you'd have to learn a lot about NPAPI plugins before you could do that. You'd also probably have to write one for IE, one for IE, etc.
In other words, what you need is not a plugin. Firebreath is not going to help you much, if at all. Some extensions (also called add-ons) use a npapi plugin to provide functionality that they cannot do on their own. For more information see
With that information, I recommend you think about it and create a new, more specific question for what you need to know next. I don't know extensions, I do plugins. Actually, once you break down what you need to do into some smaller questions you'll probably find others who have ask most of them and you can find the answers with simple searches. Your main problem is that you don't yet understand the technologies you need to use. Hopefully this has helped.

How to disable a plugin in joomla

I would like to disable a read more plugin ( cutof content) in all pages except my main menu pages in joomla
How do I do this
Thanks in advance
I'm not aware of any method that allows for the actual disabling of a plugin for certain pages. Plugins are either on or off, site-wide. This can be seen from the Extensions | Plugin Manager, as well as the SQL database: jos_plugins. With that said, what would be the purpose in disabling a plugin for certain pages? Most plugins, especially those like a "readmore" are typically setup to be activated by a simple code sequence, such as {readmore}path/file.htm{/readmore} and consequently, you can turn the plugin "off" by simply choosing to not use it. Most plugins of that nature provide very little more than essentially "coded access to a CSS class". If you could be more specific on why you need to actually disable the plugin for certain pages, perhaps we'd be better equipped to answer properly.
Depending on the plugin, you could feasibly remove the event trigger that would set the plugin to run, thought it would not be advisable since it would stop that trigger for all plugins and could cause unintended effects.
I am not sure what you mean by "Read more" plugin. You can turn the read more text on and off as a setting in the menu item parameters or in the article itself. Have you tied that?