UE4 : PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error (Can't export game), halp me plz - unreal-engine4

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I join a game jam to day but error engine.
I try c++ install but not bester


Linux Mint 21.1 MATLAB 2022b VideoReader/initReader Could not read file due to an unexpected error. Reason: Unable to initialize the video properties

I have installed MATLAB 2022b on my LInux Mint 21.1. My laptop is an Acer Swift 3 with an Nvidia MX250 dedicated gpu. I have installed the drivers for the gpu, namely the nvidia-driver-525 and nvidia-utils-525 package.
The Nvidia X Server Settings seems to work and the Prime Profile is set to NVIDIA (Performance Mode).
The problem is when I am trying to load a video (.mp4 and .mov) in different frames, but when I ran the code I get this error in the console:
Main Error using VideoReader/initReader Could not read file due to an unexpected error. Reason: Unable to initialize the video properties
Error in audiovideo.internal.IVideoReader (line 136) initReader(obj, fileName, currentTime);
Error in VideoReader (line 104) obj#audiovideo.internal.IVideoReader(varargin{:});
Error in load_picture (line 2) vid = VideoReader(obj);
Error in Main (line 12) [vid, yval, t, nulv]=load_picture(obj);
When I was trying to run the code reading the video, I was getting this errors in the terminal session I opened MATLAB with:
(MATLAB:4591): GStreamer-WARNING **: 10:55:45.878: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/libgstlibav.so': /home/malina/MATLAB/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/glnxa64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29' not found (required by /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librubberband.so.2)
(MATLAB:4591): GStreamer-Base-CRITICAL **: 10:55:45.909: basetransform: second attempt to fixate caps returned invalid (NULL) caps on pad vaapipostproc0:sink
I moved the libstdc++.so.6 from the MATLAB/sys/os folder to an unused folder, I have read that by doing this matlab will be forced to use the systems libstdc++.so.6 package, the version coming with the install being known to cause problems as stated by some forums. Doing that resulted in the same error from the console while running the code, but there is no more output from the terminal session.
The problem might be driver specific, but I am unsure. I have installed the codecs and libgstreamer1.0 packages, but I do not know how to test if they are the correct version for matlab. I can open the files on my system normally, so the codecs shouldn't be the problems.
Can anyone guide me through solving this issue? I'd be really grateful. Let me know if you want any other info that might be useful and if there are any log files created by matlab that could be useful in solving this issue, please let me know where I can find them.

Azure Remote rendering error - EXEC : fatal error C1007: unrecognized flag '-ssa-cfg-jt-' in 'p2'

I am trying to build Azure remote rendering unity showcase project. After unity build the output visual studio project upon building is giving below error, my Unity 3D version is 2019.4.29f and visual studio version is 2019:
il2cpp.exe didn't catch exception: Unity.IL2CPP.Building.BuilderFailedException: Il2CppTypeDefinitions.c
1>EXEC : fatal error C1007: unrecognized flag '-ssa-cfg-jt-' in 'p2'
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\ADO-Repo\MR\ARR\Unity\v2019\ARRShowcase\ARRApp\build\bin\ARM64\Release\GameAssembly.lib'
It looks like the compiler flags in the Il2CppOutputProject project contain an error. I generated the Showcase solution with Unity 2019.4.29f and see a similar flag -d2ssa-cfg-jt- in there.
You can check if the compiler flags in your generated solution contain -ssa-cfg-jt-, and if so try replacing that by -d2ssa-cfg-jt-.
To view the compiler flags in Visual Studio open the Properties of the Il2CppOutputProject project. Then go to the NMake page and edit the Build Command Line field. In my configuration --compiler-flags="-d2ssa-cfg-jt-" is right at the end: Il2CppOutputProject Properties.

Error in backend: invalid llvm.linker.options building SourceKit-LSP on Ubuntu 18.10

I am following this tutorial in order to get Visual Studio Code and SourceKit-LSP integrated on Ubuntu 18.10, however, I got stuck at building sourcekit-lsp project.
The error I'm getting:
fatal error
error in backend: invalid llvm.linker.options
clang: error: clang frontend command failed with exit code 70 (use -v to see invocation)
clang version 7.0.0-3 (tags/RELEASE_700/final)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/bin
clang: note: diagnostic msg: PLEASE submit a bug report to https://bugs.llvm.org/ and include the crash backtrace, preprocessed source, and associated run script.
I'm not sure if its relevant, but after typing Swift in the console I get the following errors:
error: ld-2.28.so 0xffffffff0005f117: adding range [0x14167-0x141ca) which has a base that is less than the function's low PC 0x148c0. Please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
error: ld-2.28.so 0xffffffff0005f117: adding range [0x141e0-0x141e6) which has a base that is less than the function's low PC 0x148c0. Please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
error: ld-2.28.so 0xffffffff0005f184: adding range [0x14167-0x141ca) which has a base that is less than the function's low PC 0x148c0. Please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
error: ld-2.28.so 0xffffffff0005f184: adding range [0x141e0-0x141e6) which has a base that is less than the function's low PC 0x148c0. Please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
Welcome to Swift version 5.0-dev (LLVM b10ce3d642, Clang c1979d7668, Swift 94b167db75).
Type :help for assistance.
I would appreciate if anyone could give me a hint how to solve the problem. The only thing that came up to my mind was reinstalling clang, but it hasn't solved the issue.
This is an llvm bug (https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39743). See workaround here: https://forums.swift.org/t/error-while-trying-to-build-sourcekit-lsp-on-linux/18138/2

Unity3D failed at launching on Mac

While trying to launch Unity3d (4.6.1) on Mac(10.10) it gives a popup with this message: Opening file /tmp/licenseloader.html failed because the file or directory doesn't exist.
Please Help.
found the solution finally. have to run Unity as sudo:
sudo /Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity

Unable to run AngryBots.unity

I am trying to run the Unity example Angry Bots but I am getting the following error:
Assets/Standard assets/Camera Scripts/SmoothFollow.js(32,9): BCE0005: Unknown identifier: 'wantedRotationAngle'.
I am using Unity Version 3.5.0f5
I have tried redownloading/importing the project from the Asset Store but I am still getting the error.
Here is a screen shot:
An upgrade to Unity 4.0.1 fixed this issue.