Why is vscode doing not using the selected suggestion when I press enter? - visual-studio-code

When i was writing a line of code before without pressing Shift + Space it use to select the best autocomplete and when i hit enter it put that down (idk how to explain it)
now when im trying to do the same thing it just goes in the next line
dont mind the bad quality pls.
The first video shows the problem accuring 2 times
For the second one its working ones and then the second time its not
Whats causing this?
Thanks in advance


Multiple lines selection with ctrl

Hello guys today i woke up with very weird feeling that something is wrong with my vscode, I can't select multiple lines with just CTRL+click, only using multiple carets. Is it normal? how to avoid that? its pretty usefull to just quickly select some random divs element and delete them all by one backspace click.
Isn't it a standard in text editors to do it only with ctrl?
Sorry for such a trivial question, I have no other place to ask about it and get an answer

How to hide glowing Text appear on saving VS Code File

enter image description here
Anyone knows what is that 6X glowing text on the right top corner, It appears automatically whenever I saved the file in VS Code editor and also when I press a few commands too.
Actually, when I clicked ctrl + s one time, it is like 1x, If I pressed ctrl + s two times it's 2x and it keep on increasing.
I don't want it to appear. How to hide?
I simply run the Bisect command and it solved my error by disabling one of the extensions that caused this problem.
I had the same problem and this was caused by the Power Mode extension. Disable it and be happy.
Thanks not a bad idea but annoying af, when your text becomes misaligned.

VSCode VIM Plugin doesn't register multiple leader key presses

So I'm using the VSCode VIM plugin with easymotion enabled and my leader key set to space. To trigges easymotion, I use the default way of hitting the leader key twice. So to use easymotion I would need to hit space twice and then follow with a motion to tell it in which direction I want to move.
Most of the time this workst fine. But very regularly, I hit space once and then VSCode VIM won't register my next space tap, but only the one after that. It's super annoying when you are in flow while editing and I just spent half an hour trying go replicate it reliably without success.
The first thing I'd like to know is if anyone else is experiencing this? And the second thing of course is how to solve it. It would be enough to know what is causing this most likely even, right now I kind of feel like I'm going crazy.
I am aware that 3 months have passed, maybe you haven't solved or this reply my help other.
I have a Macbook Air M1, I had the same problem I was going crazy, I solved thanks to a guy on reddit...
So you should go into System Preferences -> Keyboard -> [Click the text tab] -> at the right there are 3 checkbox you should uncheck the last one "Add full stop with double space"

How to disable the output log in VS Code?

Very basic question.
Every time in in VS Code and press the letter "O", it opens the output log from the bottom of the screen and it takes up most of the screen space. Not only that, it's also useless for me (at least now) and I don't need it every time I press "O".
Searched in google for an answer, and found nothing.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can change the keybindings in VS Code, these instructions may be helpful.

Is it possible to move the text cursor/ caret multiple characters at once using C++?

I'm writing an application that pastes strings into any given editor. After selecting something to paste my application programmatically looses focus, giving it to the application that had focus before. It then sends Ctrl+V to the OS to paste it in the other application. I want to be able to set the position of the cursor after pasting. Currently a pasted text will always leave the cursor at the end of the text.
I already tried sending multiple Arrow Left presses to the OS, so for example if I wanted:
I would send 5 times ArrowLeft after pasting "Hello World". This is very slow tho as every single Arrow Left key is processed serparetly (moves left about once per second). As the strings can get very long using Ctrl+ArrowLeft to skip entire words does not solve the problem.
I already looked into ANSI-Codes, they only seem to work in consoles though, I want it to work in every editor.
Is there a way to achieve this using C++? Something like moveCursorLeft(5)?
Thanks in advance!