springdoc-openapi-maven-plugin and custom-annotations - spring-annotations

Is there a way to generate an OpenAPI spec from Java code with the springdoc-openapi-maven-plugin, which also contains custom annotations? How do I make the custom annotations known to the plugin?


Scala-Play: How to dynamically generate a view?

For a Web Service framework I am currently working on I'd like to add the possibility to test the generic Json services based on their metadata. It should be possible to dynamically build a view to let users test available Web Services. Is there a provision or some supported way to generate views dynamically in Play? if not and supposing that I simply make a template and generate it on the fly, how can this view be injected into the application at runtime?
I will be happy to see documentation/examples/pointers that could help develop such solution ...
I am assuming that you want to create a scala.html and use it on somewhere by taking the html created, is that?
If you create a scala template myView.scala.html then on MyController you can call views.html.myView.render().body(); Then you would have the html created by the template.
Template Documentation

How to separate front-end and api rules with CodeEffects RuleEditor

I'm trying to develop a completely separate Front-End, with a Rule Editor.
When I try to declare de rule editor in my MVC, the RuleEditor Builder needs the Rule Object, but I don't have access to this, because is declared in the API.
Is it possible to render the RuleEditor without direct reference to the Rule Model?
Instead of referencing a declared type as your CodeEffects source object you can use Source XML to describe your type. This is more common and convenient way of controlling which of your properties, fields and methods/actions the rule editor should use. Details can be found here.

symfony autocompletion in netbeans?

im using netbeans to code a web application with symfony.
it seems that netbeans doesnt support symfony in auto completion.
could one fix this problem.
cause i want to be able to click on symfony's functions and get to the source, eg helper function and model methods and classes.
Just add the path to symfony classes to the include path under your project.

Dynamically creating GWT screens using Metadata?

I have an AWT applet application that needs to be ported over to GWT. The applet screens are described in meta data and the applet renders each screen dynamically using reflection.
We'd like the same thing in GWT/ExtGWT.
I've built a working version of this ExtJS whereby the metadata is turned into ExtJS Screen configs in the form of JSON. The drawback with this approach is the "wiring" of controls to data needs to be written in Javascript.
GWT is preferred since it'd be all Java code, no JS. Upon digging in it's possible to render the screens using GWT off the metadata using GWT.create().
The problem I'm having is the wiring to hook a dynamically created button for example to an event handler requires reflection which is not supported in GWT.
Is this conclusion correct? and if so, are there any other ways to achieve this type of dynamic UI using ExtGWT?
For extGWT where we don't have declarative UI's the easiest solution might be to just add a mapping/config your handlers in java which refer to instantiated classes. of the handlers, i.e.:
Map<String, ActionListener> mapping = new HashMap<String, ActionListener>();
mapping.put("HandleClicked", new HandleClickedActionListener());
then you can try to find an implementing class for your meta data.
For pure GWT 2 you can take a look at http://code.google.com/intl/de-DE/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideUiBinder.html#Simple_binding on how it's done there. it might be possible to create a similiar solution which annotated methods for you own extgwt solution like the one in gwt.

How to convert an RPC/encoded style WSDL into document/literal

I need to generate a new WSDL file in the document/literal style based on an old RPC/encoded one. I've viewed the other WSDL questions here - and read http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-whichwsdl/. This suggests that the document/literal WSDL should have an additional part - but my old RPC/encoded document has such a part (or more precisely ) as well. Does that mean that I only need to change the bindings and I am done?
This technical article may help you:
Converting RPC/literal to Document/literal
If you are using PHP, you can use the Zend framework's Zend_Soap_AutoDiscover class. It has options to generate different WSDL styles and uses. See here: http://www.phpriot.com/manual/zf/zend.soap.autodiscovery.wsdlstyles and here: http://www.phpriot.com/articles/zend-soap/6
Use CWSDLGeneratorDocument.php for generate WSDL file in DOCUMENT/LITERAl style and use standart library JAX-WS in java 1.7.
It's simply.