symfony autocompletion in netbeans? - netbeans

im using netbeans to code a web application with symfony.
it seems that netbeans doesnt support symfony in auto completion.
could one fix this problem.
cause i want to be able to click on symfony's functions and get to the source, eg helper function and model methods and classes.

Just add the path to symfony classes to the include path under your project.


How to get code assist for HTML tag class attribute in Eclipse?

I am using STS for Spring application developement. I want to use Bootstrap CSS on frontend.
The problem is that code assist does not work for css classes (JetBrains PHPStorm is doing it just fine)
So when I type
<button class="|
I would like to Ctrl+Space to get list of all available css classes (obviously fetched from CSS files in project).
How can I do this?? Code assist for tags and tag attributes works, but what about class attribute value?
Required feature comes with plugin wtp-web-resources but it has some bugs and is no longer maintained because it was supposed to be merged into WTP as core feature and its not done yet.

How to add Typo3 Extensions to a page?

I googled for quite some time now and i cannot find a solution for such an easy beginner-problem.
I used the Typo3 Extension Builder to build a test-extension in Extbase. Now i want to use this and include it into one of my pages in the page tree structure to actually see if it works. When browsing the folder structure i can clearly see that the Domain model, the Controllers and all the views have properly been generated. But... How can i tell my page to include it and execute it?
I tried things like including the auto generated typescript into the templates of the pages but nothing works.
In Extension Builder make sure that you added "Frontend plugin" on the left pane. If you'll do it properly you will be able to add this plugin via CE "General Plugin" and then via field "Select plugin"
Sounds like you struggle on a more general level here.
In order to get the output of your Extension in the Frontend you have to assure the following steps:
Set up general Configuration, so that you can see the output of standard content elements in the frontend.
Install your extension and include its TypoScript.
Make sure you have a Plugin configured in your ext_localconf.php and registered in your ext_tables.php.
In the backend, create a new content element and choose "plugin" as its type.
Choose your registered plugin and save.
You should now see output of your extension in the frontend.

Zend Framework and fuelphp

I wanted to know if it was possible to use zend framework libraries from zend 1.11 in fuelphp? fuel looks nice and I started looking at it as I believe its the next logical step for any CI developer.
Is there any site or a howto for using zend library with fuel?
It really depends on what portions of Zend Framework you want to use. Some parts, e.g. Zend_View are tied into the MVC-part of the framework, but components like Zend_Pdf or Zend_Service_* have only few dependencies and should work fine in other frameworks as well.
What you should do is check out the Reference Manual to see what other components are required by the component you are trying to use. And then put them in a library folder. Alternatively, just put the whole Zend Framework in a folder if you don't mind carrying the dead weight with you.
I've been using ZF-components standalone and found that it's useful to add it to include_path as you would when using ZF as MVC-framework, because some ZF-classes are instantiated dynamically, i.e. not via require_once and that won't work without the folder containing Zend/ being in the include_path.
Finally you have to add the folder to your autoloader, this should be as easy as:
Autoloader::add_namespace('Zend', __DIR__.'/path/to/Zend/library');

Integrate custom annotations in Zend Framework and Doctrine project

I need some advices or experiences in integrating custom annotations for Doctrine generated entities, but I also want to keep native Doctrine annotations so that they can be somehow registered together.
I have succesfully integrated Doctrine in my ZF application and tested it.
Now I want to have some validations inside my entites. I don't want to write any code in my entities or modify setters. I googled for suggestions and there are some libraries that do the job. Those libraries also provide the ability to return Doctrine entities objects as array (toArray()).
I tried to integrate one of those called Spiffy Library ( Homepage
I followed instructions on that page to include it in my project but no luck. Any help on these would be so appreciated.
Guess I didn't setup correctly AnnotationReader. However I did AnnotationRegistry-ed some of files from Spiffy library (spiffy\Doctrine\Annotations\Validators).
Also gave Spiffy Abstract library my entity manager from ZF registry.
I can also paste some of my code here if neccessary.
Thnaks in advance.

Should I generate html form?

I'm building a php application that will have many modules/plugins. The issue is that creating smarty template for form's of each plugin and writing validation code for each looks redundant and at the same time using PHP to generate form will restrict the flexibility in controlling each form's layout structure the way I would have wanted.
Using PHP classes and inheritance you can write the validation and layout code once and overriding them whenever you need specific behaviour.