Can I prebuild devcontainer for local vscode installation (like GitHub Codespaces prebuilds) - visual-studio-code

Github codespaces provides a prebuild option - documentation link
I do not use codespaces. Instead, I use VS Code locally.
I have my devcontainer setup as I like it.
It compiles and runs the way I want.
But the feature installation and other tasks are lengthy.
Can I prebuild this image just like what codespaces offers?


Github Copilot in SAP Business Application Studio (BAS)

has anyone tried to set up Github Copilot in BAS? I cannot find it inside of the extensions list and the Github Copilot documentation nowhere mentions BAS/ Eclipse. As far as I understand BAS is based on Eclipse Theia and it has a VSCode look and feel.
Does anyone have any idea if it is possible to run Github Copilot in BAS?

Looking for extension similar to GitLense for Azure DevOps

On my private projects I am using Git. I have installed GitLense for Visual Studio Code, which is awesome. I can click on a line, and see who changed it when within which changeset. See red arrows where I have deleted code and so on.
I have a VS2017 project using azure DevOps. I have read about CodeLense, which does not apply on my C++ projects, even in C# it is barely helpful.
Does someone know a similar extension here?
You could install the extension Code Compare to check the file changes.
Also, if you are using Azure DevOps and clone the repo local, we could open Team Explorer->Changes->Actions->View History->select commit and right-click->View Commit Details to check the changes, you could refer to this doc for more details.

GitHub Repositories (How to Run)

I have read the following answer here about how to run a specific file.
However, let's say I want to run every single aspect of code in the entire repository here that uses MathJax without downloading it.
How would one figure that out and do that? Is it one JavaScript source code that you script?
If so, how do you figure out the URL that you run?
IF you really don't want to download a repository, you might consider using a GitHub Action.
It does access your code on GitHub side, and can execute whatever you need.
A GitHub Action has an API, and use GitHub runner (on GitHub side, so no download on your part) as opposed to self-hosted runner.
A workflow can be anything you need, like for instance github-action-build, to build your project, in a repository-specific fashion.
As an example, github-action-for-latex compile Latex documents, using a Docker image (xu-cheng/latex-docker).
You would need a similar approach, using a Docker image where you can clone that repository, and execute it (because the Docker image would have everything needed to run your project).
And that would be done entirely on GitHub (Azure-based) side.

How can I publish the vscode plugin in vscode marketplace using API?

My goal is to publish a extension in vscode marketplace without manually interact. Can someone make me aware, whether I can use extension API for this or there is another way using curl option?
You can use the vsce CLI. With this you can publish and update an extension from command line. Therefore you should be capable to automate that process in a CI/CD pipeline. There is also an article in the docs that explains how to use the tool.
Optionally, you can take a look to one of my extensions. There I automatically create releases using azure pipelines.

VSCode Build/Release Process

I was looking into the VSCode build process and it looks like the mixinProduct function from gulp.vscode.js was removed. I saw a mention to a distro repo and was curious how you all build and release VSCode now. In the past you would pull in product.json in gulp.vscode.js by the use of an environment variable PRODUCT_JSON_FILE.
It looks like things have been moved into a private repo for a gulp task called mixin that pulls in product.json config files for different qualities and different releases types. If you could shed some light into how this works that would be awesome.
Also what are you using for the CI engine to build the insider releases?
The specifics of how VS Code handles release are not public.
At a high level, the released "VS Code Build" is exactly the same code as from the public github repo, just with a few different assets and configuration files included. This comment provides a bit more detail