GitHub Repositories (How to Run) - github

I have read the following answer here about how to run a specific file.
However, let's say I want to run every single aspect of code in the entire repository here that uses MathJax without downloading it.
How would one figure that out and do that? Is it one JavaScript source code that you script?
If so, how do you figure out the URL that you run?

IF you really don't want to download a repository, you might consider using a GitHub Action.
It does access your code on GitHub side, and can execute whatever you need.
A GitHub Action has an API, and use GitHub runner (on GitHub side, so no download on your part) as opposed to self-hosted runner.
A workflow can be anything you need, like for instance github-action-build, to build your project, in a repository-specific fashion.
As an example, github-action-for-latex compile Latex documents, using a Docker image (xu-cheng/latex-docker).
You would need a similar approach, using a Docker image where you can clone that repository, and execute it (because the Docker image would have everything needed to run your project).
And that would be done entirely on GitHub (Azure-based) side.


Why choose github action when we can just run bash script in github workflow?

Just completed a GitHub workflow using more of them are actions, but also with one bash script.
When writing the workflow, it seems much quicker use bash script than actions.(since some actions are just do one thing. ) Why are the some reasons that we just need GitHub actions rather than bash script or python script trigger?
Or we are just supposed to use script languages for most part, then use GitHub actions for small portion of the whole workflow?
Interesting but not easy to answer with more information about what your goal is. The right answer might depend on your use case.
I have not used GitHub actions yet. Let me try to explain it anyway, starting pretty high level. Unfortunately, there's no option to add a table of contents ;) Please let me know if this helps.
1. What are GitHub Actions for?
From this "What is GitHub Actions? Benefits and examples" PDF file
GitHub Actions is a CI/CD tool for the GitHub flow. You can use it to integrate and deploy code changes to a third-party cloud application platform as well as test, track, and manage code changes. GitHub Actions also supports third-party CI/CD tools, the container platform Docker, and other automation platforms.
GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline. You can create workflows that build and test every pull request to your repository or deploy merged pull requests to production. [...]
GitHub Actions goes beyond just DevOps and lets you run workflows when other events happen in your repository.
2. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Usually, people run CI/CD tools to build, deploy, test, and run other tasks while doing that. We use another 3rd party CI/CD pipeline using Rake to build, test, and check links. Our pipeline invokes these small scripts you mention.
3. GitHub actions and scripts
From Essential features of GitHub Actions
If your job generates files that you want to share with another job in the same workflow, or if you want to save the files for later reference, you can store them in GitHub as artifacts. Artifacts are the files created when you build and test your code. For example, artifacts might include binary or package files, test results, screenshots, or log files. Artifacts are associated with the workflow run where they were created and can be used by another job. All actions and workflows called within a run have write access to that run's artifacts.
Here's the key point, I guess. You can really do a lot of crazy stuff within a workflow. All is related/specific to GitHub. Workflows are event-driven, meaning that you can run a series of commands after a specified event has occurred. For example, every time someone creates a pull request, you can automatically run a command that executes a test or other script.
4. GitHub action workflow and scripts
You can include different scripts in your workflow, e.g. using
5. (Complex) Examples
You can check out the repository for for some more complex examples, see action-scripts and workflow folders. GitHub themselves seems to use it pretty heavily.
6. Advantages/Disadvantages of GitHub actions
OR: Differences to other CI tools
It took some time to find something not marketing-ish. Key points are:
beginner-friendly using YAML config files
no need to set up your own CI pipeline
You can check out this SO post from 2019 for a list of what's good and bad about GitHub actions.
In short - for readability and the DRY ("Don't repeat yourself") principle.
It's more or less the same as using functions in programming.
I can agree that some trivial actions are useless.
But "actions/checkout" for example is priceless!

How to release on GitHub through the command line and to attach a large file?

Is it possible to release on GitHub through the command line with an attached file that is not pushed to a repository?
I have a file over 1GB that I easily attached through a web GitHub release page, but I want to automate that using bash.
You can from command-line, using gh: cli/cli/
create a relase
gh release create <tag> [<files>...] [flags]
upload a file to that release
gh release upload <tag> <files>... [flags]
And since Github CLI 2.4.0 (Dec. 2021), you have:
the non-interactive flag --generate-notes, which allows you to skip the editor phase.
an interactive mode to choose a tag name
There's a REST API that can be used for this purpose. It's used to upload a release asset if you know the ID for the release (which you can get by querying the release itself). You can also get the upload URL by querying the release using a GET request; that returns the upload_url attribute.
If you want an example of how to do this from the command line with curl, Git LFS has a script that it uses to do releases and upload assets which you could look at. It's a little complex, but it is reasonably comprehensive.
In addition to the gh tool and directly using the REST API (as mentioned in other answers), there are several command-line tools which let you create and manipulate GitHub releases. These are likely to be much simpler to use than directly using the REST API.
There is only one* I could identify that I could unreservedly recommend, however: github-release, which is written in Go. Binaries can be downloaded from the project's Releases page, it "dogfoods (transparently uses its own tool), and is actively maintained (as at January 2022).
Some others are:
Another Go app called github-release, released by BuildKite. However, this seems to be less actively maintained, and it doesn't transparently "dogfood" (viewing its CI results require an account with BuildKite).
For Haskell developers, there's yet another tool called github-release, created by Taylor Fausak. It seems to be actively maintained; however, no downloadable executables are provided, so you must build it yourself using a Haskell compiler and build tools.
For node.js developers, there's release-it; but as a node project, it doesn't provide executable binaries that could be invoked from Bash at all.
*If there are others that I've missed, feel free to add them in comments.

How to send Travis output to GitHub

I'm trying to fix up a broken Travis CI build script on a repo I was added to as a contributor. Everything works fine in the actual build, but trying to upload the build results to GitHub is broken.
The .travis.yml file contains an OAuth token which it puts into the Environment, and at the end it runs a script that retrieves this environment variable and uses it to upload the build output to GitHub. This is failing with a 401 Unauthorized error, which means the token is probably no longer valid.
I didn't write this up, and the way this works kind of bugs me. I'm not comfortable having authentication information in the repo, publicly accessible to the world, so it's just as well that this token is expired. But as I look things over, I don't see any better way to do this.
I need to do one of two things, either have the Travis build machine upload the build result to GitHub, or download the build result from Travis and upload it myself. Unfortunately, neither one seems to be a good option. No matter where I look on Travis CI's Web interface, I can't find any download link to retrieve the build results, which seems to rule out the second option. As for the first option, it doesn't appear that there's any way to perform the upload without the build machine having authentication information from the repository.
I can't be the first person to notice how problematic this is. I figure it has to be solved somehow; I'm just not sure how to fix it. Does anyone know how to resolve this?

Build an open source project from github (not mine) with a ci

There is an open source project (, which I would like to get built using travis/circleci or another cloud ci. However, those CI's don't allow you to get to repos that are not yours.
I didn't try, but I have a hunch that I won't be able to get a webhook setup as well to get notified when those repos 'master' branch is updated.
Why not fork ? Because then I somehow need to manually\use cron server to get my forked repo updated! It loses the point of having open source repo builds...
Why do I want to build it continually? Because they do not upload their .aar output to mavencetral or jcenter and I don't want to put the .aars in my project and get it updated all the time - bloats the repo...
In any case, I don't get it - there's an open source project, the repo exists and open to everyone, pulling the data and getting webhooks doesn't compromise that repo in any way why isn't this possible ????
If I'm mistaken and web hook is possible, how can I set up a build that will end up in uploading to mavencentral (probably gradle plugin, I have an account and be happy to have a public copy there)?
(I thought of micro service, free of course of some kind + docker based ci which I can pull and build whatever, I don't mind if a build will take time).

Deploy build files from continuous integration

I am working on a project with multiple people, a website application which requires webpack to be built, uglified, concatenated into a few files e.g. app.min.js, style.min.css etc. - As a result of this, in an effort to prevent merge conflicts we recently added the build folder to .gitignore, under the assumption that we would be able to build during deployment.
When pushing to the Master branch, we automatically "deploy" through Semaphore CI (similar to Travis) which runs composer install, npm install, and finally "npm run build" which triggers the webpack build. This is all built and then tested on the CI side of things, and then Semaphore automatically deploys to Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk where our application is hosted.
The problem with this is, it seems Semaphore doesn't upload the build it's just tested, but rather the Master branch itself which has no built JS or CSS. I'm wondering if there's a way to push these built files to deployment as well, or if running the entire build process AGAIN on Elastic Beanstalk is the only route. It seems unnecessary to have to do that process essentially 3 times, locally, CI, and then deployment. Every time a step like this is needed on EB the actual re-instantiation time gets longer, which I'd like to keep as short as possible.
Obviously if building it a 3rd time on EB is the only way to go about this then I'll have to, just wondering if there are better solutions for this whole workflow.
I haven't worked with Semaphore CI, but you might be able to use an .ebignore file.
If you create one, the cli will use that instead of your .gitignore file.
I find in some deployment situations you want the inverse of your .gitignore (all compiled, no src). It essentially lets you pick the files from your project directory that you want to deploy, in the same way as the .gitignore file.
Edit: I just noticed the documentation on aws is lacking. It only mentions file exclusion, but you can include files too.
Edit 2: I don't think Semaphore supports the use of .ebignore, so right now this solution isn't of any use. :(
I just had a great first experience with The can deploy directly to elastic beanstalk. It might be interesting or you.