horizontal price line in Pine script version 5 - pine-script-v5

could you please help with plotting horizontal price line with a label?
example the price is assigned to variable R1
I have used the below code, however the label is moving with the chart as this is associated with bar index.
can the label be attached the price on the extreme right or left of the chart and not moving with the bars?
i am looking to have similar label which comes with the default horizontal lines in tradingview,where there is option to centre, left, right the text.
Thanks and regards,
hline(R3, color=color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 53), linestyle=hline.style_dashed)
var label h_label_R3 = label.new(bar_index, R3, "Daily_R3: " + str.tostring(R3),style=label.style_none,textcolor=color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 47),size=size.small)
label.set_x(h_label_R3, bar_index+30)


Tabelview rows not showing(because of wrong constraints) in swift

this is the cell design design img
for pic
width = height = 40, top = 15, leading = 15
here for name rose d i have given constraint
width = 60, top = 15, leading = 10
for place a bid on the request label
top = 15, leading = 5
for trip for few days label
top = 15, leading = 5, trailing >= 20
for dummy caption shoe here label
trailing = 20, leading to image = 10, top to rose d = 5 and label lines = 0
for 46 mins ago label
top and leading to dummy caption.. lable = 10, trailing >= 20
i don't want to give row fixed height.. because dummy caption label may increase..
now rows not showing in tableview.. only if i give fixed height then only showing
here where i go wrong with constraints.. so i not getting rows in tableview, please guide me
if i give bottom constraint to lowest label and if i add more text to middle label then coming like this design and constraint of middle label img
You have not set any bottom constraints, therefore the layout doesn't know how to anchor the bottom of the cell to your UI elements.
Set constraints from the lowest element to the bottom of the cell's content view, or more flexibly set greater or equal to constraints from all lower elements so you don't need to worry about the number of lines in your labels.
However, I think a better approach would be to use a single label with an attributed string to provide the colouring. This will be more flexible and ensure the spacing between words looks natural.

how to determine cairo drawing with line width even?

I use a cr (from Gtk's widget draw event) and I want to create a rectangle (or a line) using an even number of pixels (2,4,6 etc.) without any «context transformations». According to this the line will be "around the path". And according to this "the diameter of a pen that is circular".
But in a rectangle will it be less outside and more inside or the opposite? And in a line will be up,down, left or right?
I understand that in an odd line width, "around the path" means 1 in the center and the rest are equally around.
But in an even line width, as when the line width is 2, will be 1 pixel inside the path or outside?
Is there a stable way to determine the pixels affected or it is random?
The walk around of creating two times every stroke'ing, first with line width 1 and then by using the remainder (an odd) number is pain killing and time consuming.
But in a rectangle will it be less outside and more inside or the opposite? And in a line will be up,down, left or right?
The line will have the same width on either side of the path. If this does not align with the pixel grid, you get some anti-aliased result.
I understand that in an odd line width, "around the path" means 1 in the center and the rest are equally around. But in an even line width, as when the line width is 2, will be 1 pixel inside the path or outside?
With a line width of 3, 1.5 pixels will be drawn on either side of the path.
With a line width of 4, 2 pixels are drawn on either side of the path.
Perhaps the following example makes this clearer. This is written in Lua and uses LGI as cairo bindings for Lua, but this maps directly to the C API:
local cairo = require("lgi").cairo
s = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.RGB24, 100, 30)
cr = cairo.Context(s)
cr:set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1)
cr:set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
cr:rectangle(5, 10, 5, 5)
cr:rectangle(15, 10, 14, 14)
cr:rectangle(40.5, 10.5, 14, 14)
cr:rectangle(70, 10, 14, 14)
The resulting image is:
The first rectangle has a line width of 2. It is drawn with integer coordinates, so that there is e.g. a line from (5, 10) to (10, 10) (the top line). Half the line width is drawn on either side of the line, so this line corresponds to a "filled rectangle" from (4, 9) to (6, 11).
The last rectangle has a line width of 7 and is also drawn with integer coordinates. Its top line goes from (70, 10) to (70, 24). Since half the line width is on either side of the line, the "filled rectangle" goes from (66.5, 6.5) to (73.5, 27.5). These numbers are not integers and you can see in the result that some anti-aliasing was applied.
In contrast, the second to last rectangle has its position shifted by 0.5. This causes the "filled rectangle" for its "top line" to end up on the pixel grid again.
See also this FAQ entry: https://www.cairographics.org/FAQ/#sharp_lines

make bigger space for legend in echarts

I'm using echarts
this is my chart
this picture shows I lost some of my legends , so,how do I make bigger space for legends, is it possible to set more space for legends? or if it is possible to make my chart smaller how can I do?
I put
var option = {
grid: {
y: 30,
y2: 90,
y mean space before chart, y2 - after chart

How to format a minimalist chart with jFreeChart?

I generate a transparent chart that lets the background of a web page be seen through it.
So far I've done this (omited the populating of dataset for brevity):
CategoryPlot p = lineChartObject.getCategoryPlot();
Color trans = new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0);
for (int i=0;i<=3;i++){
lineChartObject.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer().setSeriesStroke(i, new BasicStroke(3.0f));
Which renders this:
I cannot find a way of:
Removing border of plot (1)
Removing border of leyend as well as making it transparent (3)
Making the labels on the X axis (2) to behave intelligently as the labels of Y axis do (A). Labels of Y axis space themselves so as to not clutter the graph, for example if I rendered the graph smaller, it would show fewer labels, like this:
Edit: X label domain is dates.
For (1) try:
For (2), a common reason for having too many categories along the x-axis is that the data is actually numerical, in which case you should be using XYPlot rather than CategoryPlot. With XYPlot, the x-axis scale adjusts in the same way that the y-axis does.
Edit from OP: Using a TimeSeriesChart with a TimeSeriesCollection as XYDataSet did the work! (fotgot to say X domain is dates)
For (3) try:
LegendTitle legend = chart.getLegend();
legend.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));

CGAffineTransform help, flipping a label

I basically have a pie chart where I have lines coming out of each segment of the pie chart. So in the case where the line comes out of the circle to the left, when I draw my text, it is reversed. "100%" would look like => "%001" (Note, the 1 and % sign are actually drawn in reverse to, like if a mirror. So the little overhang on top of the 1 points to the right, rather than the left.)
I tried reading through Apple's docs for the AffineTransform, but it doesn't make complete sense to me. I tried making this transformation matrix to start:
CGAffineTransform transform1 = CGAffineTransformMake(-1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
This does flip the text around its x-axis so the text now looks correct on the left side of the circle. However, the text is now on the line, rather than at the end of the line like it originally was. So I thought I could translate it by moving the text in the x-axis direction by changing the tx value in the matrix. So instead of using the above matrix, I used this:
CGAffineTransform transform1 = CGAffineTransformMake(-1, 0, 0, 1, -strlen(t1AsChar), 0);
However, the text just stays where it's at. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
strlen() doesn't give you the size of the rendered text box, it just gives you the length of the string itself (how many characters that string has). If you're using a UITextField you can use textField.frame.size.width instead.