Does anyone know how to configure a profile picture in git bash - github

I have been looking all over Google, Bing and Yahoo Search and what I mean is notice the image
here notice how he contributed using git bash how did he configure it? because I want to configure my profile like this.
I tried everything using Google, Bing, Yahoo Search, Github, DuckDuckGo and a lot of other forums so this is the last place I thought to ask my question so if anyone understands my question please help me


How can I decorate my github profile adding some graphs analytics, skill badges etc

I saw people add many graphs, analytics, badges and many more things in their github profile. But how do they do this? See the attached picture and tell me about the process please.someone's github profile
you seem to be new here to Stackoverflow. Stackoverflow is a site where programmers help one another solve problems or issues that they are having with their code, environment, etc. Generally a question such as this would be closed, well at least from my experience. When asking a question you should probably ask something related to code or an issue (never ask how to do something with no existing code because people don't like that, coming from experience). Really only ask a question if there's an issue and a solution.
Back to your question, you can get all that stuff in that screenshot under stats here and you can add the tech stack stuff with any old github readme badge like this one. Just add what they tell you to your profiles markdown file, if you don't know how to do that look here.

Github API Repository permissions

I have a crazy complicated authentication process that I'm trying to wrap my brain around with this and I just need to be pointed in the right direction. I am building a website for Startup Weekend and we are trying to incorporate github repository management and don't know where to start. In it's simple form I need to give permissions for the website to access my github repo, then the website will allow another person (who is logged in with github) to be able to modify and push the code back up.
The simple way to do it is through adding that person outside of the site to the repository. However, it would be really cool if the site was able to manage it. Is this even possible to do? My closest assumption is pulling the code through the API, allowing a person access to the repo that is now downloaded, and then doing a merge through the API.
Would someone be able to point me in the right direction so we can win this thing! (If no one is able to answer I will keep digging and answer it for other people.) Thanks in advance!
The GitHub OAuth API page is a good start.
You can see it used in a project like thephpleague/oauth2-client in Provider/GithubTest.php.

Check-in using GitHub

I am checking out code using GitHub client for Windows. When I press "clone" button in browser, it looks like I have a local copy. However, there are a few files that GitHub is asking me to commit. Now, I have not even made any changes to anything on my local. So why is it asking me to "commit"?
Can anyone tell me why I am facing this problem. Also, are there any good GitHub tutorials to follow?
Thanks in advance,
There is a great github tutorial here, that should get you started with the basics:

GitHub tool to review post commits?

I am looking for a GitHub PostCommit CodeReview tool which does the following:
Looking specifically for PostCommit CodeReview
Has LDap support
Displays git branches and files.
Select text and add comment. (like Google Doc)
Email all comments with selected snippet to user.
If you want a full web interface, you could go for something like Github Enterprise or Gitlab. Both really helpful applications for anything Git. You can basicly do the things you want in there. You can get an easy file browser of the repository, and add comments on specific lines of code.

Is there a way to see a history of who has downloaded code base on Github?

I've looked on github, and googled this, but can't find anything. I'd like to see a history of downloads of code on one of our repositories if that is possible. Thanks.
As far as I know Github currently does not support this - at least not exposed to the general public.
You may want to contacting support to see if they can assist.