GitHub tool to review post commits? - github

I am looking for a GitHub PostCommit CodeReview tool which does the following:
Looking specifically for PostCommit CodeReview
Has LDap support
Displays git branches and files.
Select text and add comment. (like Google Doc)
Email all comments with selected snippet to user.

If you want a full web interface, you could go for something like Github Enterprise or Gitlab. Both really helpful applications for anything Git. You can basicly do the things you want in there. You can get an easy file browser of the repository, and add comments on specific lines of code.


Is there a way to add custom "badges" to files on GitHub?

I have it in my head to help people at my company get better by finding a way to highlight and call out good code.
In particular, I'd like to be able to mark a file (not a repository or directory) as having a "gold star" (or another badge) so people browsing our source code who see the badge can see they're looking at a really good implementation they might take inspiration from.
I'm taking inspiration from the code owners feature on GitHub where there's a little padlock icon on a file if it's assigned ownership by the CODEOWNERS file.
Is it possible to do a custom "badge" on GitHub? If so, what's the API?
Browsing the GitHub documentation and searching online, I wasn't able to find anything explaining how to do something like this. Most folks were talking about the little images badges like the code coverage badges people put in their readme files.
Checkout this thread. You can submit feature request to GitLab and GitHub or in case of GitLab code your own feature and submit PR.
Here are some closely related discussions. Probably you have already seen them and are not looking for them but you might use them to get idea of how to create the feature that you want.
The Shields service (at provides a way to create custom badges for your projects. These are badges are very common and are frequently used to show status information about the project, or demonstrate tools that were used for the development of your project. (...more)
Also checkout Bring Your Own Badge

Can I have GitHub automatically redirect from GitHub repo view to GitHub Pages?

In a recent publication, I included a link to the GitHub repository for the code.
This link is now in the literature, so I cannot easily change it. I'm wondering whether there's some way to have requests to the repo page (I can't find anything on this) be automatically forwarded to the GitHub Page for the project, which is at
Again, I need a redirect by because I'm practically stuck with the link in the published literature.
No, this isn't possible. If it were, it wouldn't be possible for anyone to view the repository's overview page anymore, which would make doing common tasks difficult.
You could try updating your repository README to point to the place you'd like people to go, but that's the extent of the changes you can make.
This is not possible. You cannot (and to be honest nobody should) change or create self-executing code on your GitHub repository.
And thus, you cannot redirect users.
But you can put the GitHub Pages link into the description of the repository and/or add it as a link in the
The link could be
Click here to see the code in action!
or something like that

Where does Azure DevOps wiki store comments?

Azure DevOps includes a Wiki feature for all projects. The wiki content is stored as a git repository, with a .md markdown file for every page. You can clone the repository and look at how it is organised. All pages in the wiki allow users to submit comments - clearly these must be stored somewhere, but where? They do not appear in the wiki repository.
Unfortunately, we haven't sort it into any history and it only relevant to Wiki page until now. This comment feature is being implement but haven't supported from UI.
As of today, what we provide is view the comments content from UI, or get them from API:
Get{org name}/{project name}/_apis/wiki/wikis/{wiki name}/pages/{page id}/comments
In fact, the backend data structure has been built, but we haven't provide the corresponding UI to public. So, with above api, you can not only get the comments you want, but also record the modification history of the comments.
Personally, it sounds a good idea about putting comments into source control since it not only records some important conversation about current wiki, also has representation about its development process.
Much recommend you can share your idea here, it is the official forum that our Product Group reviewed.
You can share the suggestion ticket link here, I'm sure I would be the first voter on that. Also, there will have other SO users who view this ticket support that.

How do I create a "Revision page" with the GitHub API?

I would like to create a "Revision page" where the people can see on what I've been working using GitHub there's an example about what I mean:
It is supposed to show the commits from my GitHub repository.
A) More information is required
Firstly, could you clarify if it is your intention to
Show the Commit history for a single repository, or
You wish to show your commit activity across multiple repositories
You wish to have this information displayed on Github, or
wish to have this information displayed on an external site.
B) Displaying information on GitHub
If the intention is a combination of 1 and 3, then my first suggestion would be to check the existing functionality of GitHub, which has such a feature built-in.
This can be accessed by navigating to your repository, and simply clicking the Commits button. An example of the results can be found here:
Example GitHub Commit History
C) Displaying information on an external site
As you mention that you have limited experience with PHP, I would certainly start by evaluating GitList:
GitList allows you to browse repositories using your favorite browser,
viewing files under different revisions, commit history and diffs.
GitList is free and open source software, written in PHP, on top of
Silex and the Twig template engine.
If you feel confident that you could create your own solution to display the information in an external web page, then you should begin by familiarising yourself with the GitHub Developer Documentation, and specifically:
List commits on a repository
It is also worth examining the following article and existing GitHub project in order to enhance your knowledge:
How to Use Github’s API with PHP (SitePòint Article with code)
GitHub PHP Client (GitHub Project)
It may be that you can clone one of these projects, strip it down to the features essential for your needs, and customise the UI.

Make Jira links clickable in Github

Is there a way I can make Jira ticket id's on Github link to Jira? (much the same way as how it happens on Bitbucket).
Maybe there is a plugin or something I could use ?
I specifically want ticket id's in Github to link through to Jira, this is not described in any of the resources below:
How do I connect github to JIRA?
Update 2022:
Dusan Plavak mentions in the comments that, as of today (Q1 2022), you can also import / automate creation of autolinks via github api.
You can also use gh api:
gh api repos/octocat/hello-world/autolinks \
-f -q 'key_prefix:key_prefix url_template:url_template'
And since July 2022, you also have autolinks with alphanumeric IDs (for instance for a Trello card URL:
2019: No need for Chrome plugin, Safari hack or scripts.
From October 2019, GitHub can automatically transform TICKET references to Jira links, for example.
See "Save time linking resources with autolink references" from Lars Schneider.
Now you can set up an autolink reference and GitHub will automatically create links (to external systems) for you.
How it works
If you use GitHub with external services (like Jira), you might be familiar with shorthand references (like TICKET-123) to point to resources in those external systems.
Starting today, GitHub can automatically transform shorthand references into clickable links for GitHub Pro, Team, and Enterprise plans.
So not the regular
To enable this feature, a repository admin needs to register the reference prefix (such as TICKET-) in the settings.
Afterwards, references of that type are detected in issues, pull requests, comments, or commit messages, and turned into links.
This speeds up navigation between GitHub and external systems.
See documentation.
Note that the ticket prefix is not included in the hyperlink despite being included in the anchor text. The URL preview in the setting is accurate:
The animation in the feature announcement, replicated above, shows this limitation but not clearly.
This means that you have to either include the project key in the target URL as well or prefix all project keys with a another key and use that as the autolink prefix.
You cannot even use Git's trailers to reference tickets and use autolinks, because trailers are key-value pairs separated by : (colon space) and an autolink prefix that ends with a space is invalid.
I decided to make a Chrome extension for this ! This extension works on all websites, not just Jira ! :D
Install it here:
Source code:
If you mean the commit message for commit e0d9e32 shows TEST-1234 Fixed this really bad bug and you want TEST-1234 to link to then no it does not look like this is possible.
You could look to do a Chrome/Firefox browser plugin that accomplishes the behavior you desire. (Scans the webpage looking in certain sections for JIRA Key's and then updates them to links)
I wrote a site specific Safari hack. It requires you to install it yourself, but that gives you the opportunity to read the code (it's short!) first.
it fetches elements of class commit, gh-header-title, and js-issue-row with getElementsByClassName()
then, for anything such as ICU-1234 (our Jira project id), it creates a link to the appropriate URL on the Jira server.
I wanted to include Jira issue status as well, but Atlassian Cloud CORS settings prevent that.
Here is an example if the linkification (ICU-10464 turns into a link on the right hand side).
Someone made exactly what I wanted coming from gitlab.
This updates the text in my github PRs to convert them in clickable links.
I made a super simple Chrome extension for this. It simply adds a link to the relevant JIRA ticket on your Github pull request page in a non-obtrusive way (See screenshot below)
Install it here:
Source code here:
While Github Autolink is an awesome solution, this is easier to use for the following reasons.
You don't need to provide a description with ticket number for this to work. It automatically derives ticket number from your branch name.
You don't have to configure anything on the Github admin page. Perfect for users who don't have admin privileges
You can work on multiple projects or teams more easily. Supports multiple ticket prefixes.
This extension works for all project management tools you might want to link to