I want to get the currently playing media (sound, or video) on mac OS using swift - swift

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Closed 6 hours ago.
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I am new to MAC os app development. I am trying to create a simple app where I want to retrieve metadata for currently playing media (title, album art, artist ...) from any source (web browser, Music app, Spotify...) and display this data.
i have search thouroughly, most answers are outdated, or they focus on iOS but i want to do this on MAC OS.
Please share if you have any idea how to solve this?


I want to make a share short video app for ios [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want Making an application that works with FireBase.The application will be like this .
User profiles will be.
You can add friends.
You can uploads max 20 seconds videos.
How can i do this ?
Thanks for your interest.
I would recommend taking a look at these links
Firebase has very good tutorials in getting you started with their database.
Good luck :)

Is it possible to capture video of an iPod without jailbreaking? Is it possible to add code snippets to my App to send video data to AirServer? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I found this post that suggests to use AirServer to capture video from iPhone. Unfortunately AirServer doesn't support iPods (even though I have a 4th gen iPod running iOS 5.0). Is there a way via software or should I get my iPod to connect to a TV and record it there? I have seen that there are some good cables to connect iPod to TV but I lost the link and now can find only suggestion that explains how to do it on jailbroken iPods.. (which I don't want to do).
EDIT (For the one that closed the topic): is there any code snippet that I can use to send the video data from my app to AirServer?

ScoreLoop in iPhone [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Currently I am working on Social Game for iPhone. I want to integrate ScoreLoop inside this games. If anybody know use of scoreloop. Please tell me How to use this ?
Check inside your Scoreloop SDK Folder (the one you downloaded), there will be a Documentation folder, where you can navigate to the ScoreloopCSE documentation PDF file, where all the steps are listed to get Scoreloop integrated into your application.
Refer to this link. I got on how to implement it from answer in this link:
781 can not integrate scoreloop in cocos2d iphone
Hope this helps you.

iPad Application Distribution [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have create an iPad application for enterprise distribution and its working very well but I want to change the message that appear when application start installing on the iPad from waiting to loading or something like that, how I can do that?
And what is the full list of variable I can use it with Manifest file (.pList)?
You may not change the "Waiting" and "Installing" text. It has nothing to do with your application, but with iOS.

set-top box programming [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to know how can one get started with programming for set top boxes? Will all the hype about Apple TV, Google TV and all, I have not seen any directions on how one can get started with writing applications for these devices?
Any pointers would be really helpful.
Thanks in advance.
You can start google tv here
For Apple TV check ths SDK here
There is a link to sign-up for the Android SDK on this page.