UI Toolkit Custom Inspector Disappeared in Playmode Unity - unity3d

I have created a custom inspector using the UI Toolkit. The way I initialize the UI Document is as follows:
public VisualTreeAsset uXML;
This uXML is assigned through the inspector. Then in CreateInspectorGUI:
root = new VisualElement();
if (uXML == null)
Debug.Log("UI Document is " + documentName + " null");
return root;
The root is the main root of the UI document (I am using UI Toolkit).
The problem is that when I enter play mode, the Inspectors disappears as shown:

I’m going to assume that you used a “Default Reference” for your editor script. Unfortunately, the default reference is only deserialised when you're in "Edit" mode. As soon as you go to "Play" mode, the reference is null.
The general way to get around the issue is to search for your asset when you create the inspector window:AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<VisualTreeAsset>("Assets/PathToYourFiles/YourFile.uxml")
Unfortunately, if you move your files somewhere else, you need to go in an update the string file location. Because it's a string path, there's no reference to follow the file if you move or rename the file. It's not clean, but it's easy, and gives you your inspector when in Play mode.
I did a quick search on the issue. Looking at this document, it seems Unity also suggest using Addressables or the Resources folder.
Because you don't really want the assets to follow you into a final build, I prefer placing them into an Editor folder, and just making sure I'm careful when moving or renaming the files. In one project, I made an automated process that "found" the file for me. It involved using a ScriptableObject and Assembly Reloads but I'm still in two minds whether the effort was worth it.


How do you automatically focus on an inputfield when opening/activating the UI in Unity3d?

I am making a game where you must open or activate the UI with the space bar. Now, this works perfectly fine, but it is pretty annoying that every time you open the UI you must click on the inputfield to write in it. Is there any way around this? So is there a way to open or activate the UI without having to click on the field to be able to write in it?
I looked for YouTube videos and tried to find similar problems in other forums, but wasn't able to find a script, nor was I able to find some Unity settings to do so.
You could use e.g.
private class SelectOnEnable : MonoBehaviour
private void OnEnable()
and attach it to whatever object that should become the selected one everytime it is enabled. See EventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject
Can't test it right now but it might still require the User to hit Enter in order to also actually set the Input field into edit mode. The upper line only sets it as selected UI element (similar to using TAB in a browser).
Otherwise I think you would go through
to directly set it active. See InputField.ActivateInputField. Might have to do both in combination - again can't test right now ;)
Thank you very much, derHugo! Everything works like a charm now! You saved me a lot of time. Referring to your last comment, I used both of them, and it seems to work very well for me. Here is the code I used:
`private void OnEnable()

Why shaders doesn't includes to build?

I am new in Unity and there is something looks weird to me. I created a UnlitTextureYUV.shader file then I use it in my script like this
meshRenderer.material = new Material(Shader.Find("UnlitTextureYUV"));
Then in editor I click on run button and I see that everything is working properly, ok. Then I click File->Build&Run and I get an error ArgumentNullException that means shader not found.
I tried to find out what is going on and found such answer on Unity community
As far as I understand in order to use shaders in build dynamically I need to create dummy material add texture to it and even create dummy object (disabled) and add this material to this object. In this order my shader will be included in build and I will be able to find it dynamically in code by invoke this method Shader.Find("UnlitTextureYUV").
Question is - is there more straight way to include shader in build? Why I need to create dummy objects in order to include this file in build? Or I miss something?
You have to add all your shaders to Unity's 'Always included shaders' list in the
graphic settings.

How to add the new unity uxml(via ui builder) to game screen?

I installed the new Unity UI Builder. Everything works just fine...
But how do I add the uxml to my scene or how do I attache it to camera?
I tried to drag and drop the uxml to camera and I searched for a component, but I couldn't find anything... Is there any official documentation?
You must use an gameObject with PanelRenderer.cs attached to it:
For now, I only know you have to set UXML file and USS file. In play mode, by magic (I still don't understand how unity does it), it will render.
In the Github project you can see how things are for now. UIElementsUniteCPH2019RuntimeDemo
The project linked above uses UI Builder 0.8.
Runtime support is still not available using the packet manager.
You can add the preview version to your project by adding the following line to your manifest.json (it's located in the projects Packages-folder)
"com.unity.ui.runtime": "0.0.4-preview"
You may want to check whether a newer version is available.
Keep in mind that the preview version is intended for previews only. The api and workflow might change with newer versions.
Once runtime support is enabled you can use the Panel Renderer as described above.
In Unity 2021.2, when you add a UI Document to the hierarchy, a PanelSettings asset is automatically created and assigned to the that UI Document.
Simply add your uxml file to the UI Document -- there is no Panel Renderer component anymore.
Even though the UI Builder offers a preview of the menu over the actual game scene, there is no way to use that menu in a game using Unity's functionality or packages. To do that we need to use the code that comes with the demo by Damian Campeanu from Unite Copenhagen 2019 that you can find here: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/UIElementsUniteCPH2019RuntimeDemo.
The demo has following structure.
Structure of the project
The files that we are interested in are located in Assets/UIRuntime folder. Simply copy this folder into Assets folder of your project.
After copying the the folder,create empty game object, and add two components in the inspector. Panel Scaler and Panel Renderer.
Game menu object with panel scaler and panel renderer components
Panel Scaller is responsible for scalling your menu for the display. Choose "Constant Physical Size" and 96 for both Reference and Fallback DPI. Those are the values from the original demo and 96 DPI is a typical pixel density for most computer screens (it is different on mobiles and high density screens).
Panel Renderer is the place where you will set your UXML and USS (Unity Style Sheet) files (Uxml and Unity Style Sheet fields. Leave the last two of fields empty, and tick the "Enable Live Updates" checkbox. This will enable you to show the updates in the game viewport as you make them.
I wanted to comment under existing answer by Pablo but I'm new so I can't.

Hiding workflow re-assign button in Maximo

Is it possible to hide the re-assign button in the workflow dialog box for the users? and if so how?
my solution may not be the best one, but it works for me. I hid the button using CSS.
Just go to the Application Designer app and use Export system XML action from Select Action dropdown. Then pick LIBRARY XML and save it somewhere on your disk. Open it (using WordPad preferably, Notepad is causing some issues when importing back to Maximo) and CTRL+F find Complete workflow assignment dialog. Go down a bit and you'll see <pushbutton> with label Reassignment:
<pushbutton id="completewf_b_4" label="Reassign" mxevent="directorinput" value="reassign"/>
Add textcss="reassign_btn" (the name is up to you of course)
<pushbutton id="completewf_b_4" label="Reassign" mxevent="directorinput" textcss="reassign_btn" value="reassign"/>
Then save the file and import LIBRARY.xml back to the Maximo using Application Designer app again. Then just edit your maximo.css file (located somewhere in \applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\ depending on which skin you are using) and add:
.reassign_btn { visibility: hidden; }
Hope this helps :-)

How to make a repeatedly scrolling background cocos2d (iPhone)?

I'm extremely new to cocos2D development and I have hit a problem with my background. I want it to repeat scrolling every 2000px so I have looked around and found this (in this tutorial):
[_backgroundNode incrementOffset:ccp(2000,0) forChild:background];
I have set this up in my program however it doesn't recognise the method 'incrementOffset'. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I have imported "CCParallaxNode.h", however it says I need to import "CCParallaxNode-Extras.h" which doesn't exist?!
To quote the tutorial:
I’ve created a category on CCParallaxNode that you can use to solve
this problem, which you can find in the resources for this project in
the Classes folder. Drag CCParallaxNode-Extras.h and
CCParallaxNode-Extras.m into your project, make sure “Copy items into
destination group’s folder” is checked, and click Finish.