How to make a repeatedly scrolling background cocos2d (iPhone)? - iphone

I'm extremely new to cocos2D development and I have hit a problem with my background. I want it to repeat scrolling every 2000px so I have looked around and found this (in this tutorial):
[_backgroundNode incrementOffset:ccp(2000,0) forChild:background];
I have set this up in my program however it doesn't recognise the method 'incrementOffset'. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I have imported "CCParallaxNode.h", however it says I need to import "CCParallaxNode-Extras.h" which doesn't exist?!

To quote the tutorial:
I’ve created a category on CCParallaxNode that you can use to solve
this problem, which you can find in the resources for this project in
the Classes folder. Drag CCParallaxNode-Extras.h and
CCParallaxNode-Extras.m into your project, make sure “Copy items into
destination group’s folder” is checked, and click Finish.


why cant it detect FSCalendar in Swift

first of all, im a very newbie to Swift language, I believe, FSCalendar is properly downloaded under my project, but when trying to use the class, it doesn't detect on custom class.
First, I created podfile and add pod 'FSCalendar' on it, and did pod install and everything seemed to go under the project.
second, I dragged and dropped FSCalendar to the project as it seems in the image below and made a view under main view defining custom class 'FSCalendar' and it just shows the FSCalendar designable,
every FSCalendar related classes display on drop down option of custom class, but it just doesnt detect it.
I would appreciate your help in advance, ive been struggling with the initial setting so long
thank you.
here is a screenshot of xcode screen
So this is due to the fact that when you do pod init it creates an .xcworkspace file which you should now be using. This has a similar symbol to the normal .xcodeproj file you'd normally open, except its white, here's a screenshot of what it should look like:

Xcode 12 does not read data from outlets, does not color code and autofill

In every project I do, I tend to have the same problem with my Xcode
I am new to swift programming learning it for about a week, but because of this problem, I can't go on with my lessons. I create a new project.
So I begin like this And basically I don't know another way to do it. Then I configure it like this which is I guess the only option. Then I add a label from the library, open the assistant, and control drag to connect it after the connection is made I cannot get to the properties of the UI element. In the identity inspector ViewController class is connected as well As it is shown here. Would you tell me what am I doing wrong? Because I am stuck. I am new to this and I know the problem must be small but I can't proceed.

Swift ViewController does not respond to -getFile, Could not connect action, target class

My code works all fine but there is always two console message every time I run it.
app works fine but the messages just bugs me so much. Could anyone tell me what is wrong with my code and what does these console message means,thanks
2016-06-13 14:31:15.014
LazyHackintoshGenerator[1625:37250] Could not connect action, target class
LazyHackintoshGenerator.ViewController does not respond to -getFile:
Select your ViewController.
Right-click on its “View Controller” icon (the blue circle with a white square inside).
Look for warning icons (yellow triangles).
Hover over them. An explanation of the problem will appear.
As Feldur said, the problem is probably a leftover link from your storyboard to a method that does not exist anymore (maybe you renamed it or deleted it manually). Remove the link by clicking on the cross, and, if needed, re-link to the appropriate method in your code.
Here is an example of what it will look like in Interface Builder.
Likely a control's action in your storyboard is linked to a method getfile that no longer exists

Changes to MainStoryboard.storyboard no longer appear in my published app

I've been working away at a project of mine, when a couple days ago I noticed that changes I was making to the MainStoryboard.storyboard weren't occurring in the published version of my app. I tried adding new components and switching many elements and still no changes. I've tried cleaning and building, but the storyboard will still not update itself to my new changes. Changes I make to the code, however, work. I can dynamically populate a text field for example.
I feel like I've done something silly and not realized it, like somehow disconnected or duplicated the storyboard (though I only see one storyboard file in my list). I'm hoping someone has some ideas so I can progress with my project. Anyone?
I had the exact same problem and it was due to localization which splits the storyboard into different ones for each language. It remains one file but xcode shows each localization in the address bar (or whatever it is called) if you select the storyboard in the file navigator.
Most likely you made changes for a storyboard language you don't use yourself for testing.

How can you have a page with a button that change views that is not a table view? (iPhone Developing)

I asked a similar question and someone gave me a tutorial link. But, the link made me use a table view and it looks bad with all the lines and stuff. So how do I just make a view with a button and background and stuff (Please write steps in 1.2.3.. format and it would be nice if you attached the code needed too.)???
It's really difficult to fit that kind of project into a comment field, and, in any case, the best way to learn is to get your hands dirty.
Take a look at the Utility sample project that is built into Xcode. Create a new project in Xcode, and under the iPhone Application templates, select Utility Application. This template project uses a button to switch between two views.