Generate link to sign documents through a javascript library - email

I want to generate a link to sign documents.
For example, I create a contract and send it to the person's email, when I click on the link to sign the document.
Is there any javascript lib that can help me?
I already searched but it didn't solve my problem.


how to share a product from your e commerce app

is there a way to share my e-commerce app products? like the amazon app. when you click on share. it makes a URL for you, and you can send the URL to everyone.
and if you click on share it gives you this link.
can anyone please help me on how to share my e-commerce app's products
you will have to use two packages for this...
dynamic plugin
share plugin
1. dynamic link
2. share
you use the dynamic link to generate the short link of the product then use share to share it to users. so if user click on it it will automatic bring them to the production...
dynamic video
First, you need to have a route to your product in your app. You probably already have that. If not, you need to build that. There are really too many ways to do that and the one to pick depends on what you did so far in your app and how you handle navigation.
Assuming you are at a point where you can create a link to a product by hand, you can use share_plus to open the device/platform specific sharing dialog in your application and share that link. Check out their example and go from there.

Custom Dynamic Links in Firebase that goes to user profile

Im pretty new to Firebase, so please bear with me on this one. This problem has been stuck in my head for the past days.
I have seen some videos on Dynamic Links, but i havent seen some clear answers to what im hoping to achieve. I want to create a Dynamic Link, that allow users to share their account with their friends (through a link).
So my question is how can i manually construct a dynamic link (with User A´s uid), so when User B clicks on that link (and has the app) it will go straight into the profile of User A?
Should i create a link when a user signs up and store it under their profile in the database?
Looking forward to hearing how you guys would go about solving this problem im having.
You essentially want to create link where the link parameter (what's called the "Deep link URL" in the Firebase console) looks something like (The full deep link will look different than this.)
When your app opens up this dynamic link, it will convert the incoming URL to a Dynamic Link object, and that object will have a url property that equals this link parameter. Your app will have to do the work to analyze this url and say, "Oh, this appears to be a request to view a user's profile, so I'm going to redirect to that part of my app". It won't happen automatically.
Whether you create it when the user first signs up, or when they decide to share their profile is kinda up to you. I'm generally not a fan of pre-generating deep links ahead of time, because you might realize later you want to change an aspect of these links, and that's easier to do if you don't have thousands of pre-generated DLs. Keep in mind that either way, there is a network call required to convert these longer URls into a prettier short URL.

ionic 3 deeplinking for reset password

I am creating a mobile application using ionic 3. I need to know the logic to implement reset password functionality. till now, i am able to send an email with reset token to the user.
I was thinking that id user clicks on the link in the email, if app is installed then it should open the application page dedicated for reset password.
So i did a little research and found that it can be done using DeepLinking ( custom url to respond) like myApp://resetPassword/{token}
Now the problem is in gmail when you send link with custom url, it removes the href option.
Can some one tell me slight information to implement this functionality and some articles to read.
I found this issue concerning this href removal in gmail.
They recommend - just as user1027620 - to create a regular html page and use JavaScript redirection to do the trick.
I guess you will indeed need JavaScript to get the arguments (unique token...) from the url and copy them in the myApp://resetPassword url.

Integrate email capture with Google form

I am trying to integrate Google Forms with my site to capture email addresses of interested users; however, I'm presented with a Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist error message.
This is my website.
Any ideas how to fix? Thanks in advance.
If you are just embedding the form is will be as easy as pasting the embed link then updating positioning to show up on your site correctly. Make sure you make the form public so anyone can access it.

Registration plugin, accessing registration data

I would like to develop a website using the Facebook Registration plugin. However, I would like to see whether it is possible to avoid having to save the registration data also on the website's own database.
The application is very simple, and it seems redundant that we need to save all the user data again just so we can pick up a random registration and notify a winner.
I have no problem implementing the plugin successfully, but I cannot seem to find a way to browse the registration data either at the Facebook Apps or using Open Graph.
Anybody knows whether it is possible to browse the registration data if it hasn't been saved on a custom database?
Thanks in advance,
Check out the "Reading the data" section of
It says your information will come to you in the signed_request parameter.