How to make these curves on left and right side of the container in flutter? - flutter

Anybody had an idea how to make curves on the left side and right side of a rounded container like in the picture above in flutter?
have been trying for hours but still can't make it looks like the shape in the picture

As per the design, it seems like you have to use CustomPainter. If you have mentioned image in svg format, you can use fluttershapmaker to get the CustomPainter code, just you have to add svg image there and you will get code.


flutter inversed corner for containers

how can I make two containers intersect in corners like that?
what I want to make is in the red rectangle
to achieve this you have to use Custom Paint.
it is a little hard to do.
Custome Paint This is a good explanation.
Flutter Shapemaker this will make your job very easy.

How to draw custom shapes in flutter

I'm trying to draw a custom shape like this in my app:
Tried to draw using custom painter, but haven't figured out how to get this sort of shape. It's really just a container with a custom border I think, but not sure even where to start. It's just the shape I'm interested in, not the content.
Or if someone knows how to draw a rounded rectangle with a thinner bottom section, then that would really help me to work out the rest.
Also, does anyone here know how to draw a rounded rectangle that is thinner in the middle, like the shape behind the purple one in the example I've given?
Any help is grately appreciated.
Thanks in advance
use this tools
this is the link
download it for your windows and draw your shape and generate the code..
here is the tutorial on how to use the tools
the tutorial on how to use it

How to draw overlaying shapes in flutter

I'm trying to recreate a UI in flutter that looks like this I need to get this shapes in the position they appear in the image above, I did some research and came across Flutter Custom Paint, tried checking for tutorials on how to use it to achieve this design but can't find anything that points me in the right direction. Please is there anyway in flutter to recreate this UI?
Instead of complicating things
You can use stack for overlapping
And for that circles you can use containers with borderradius
and using positioned widget to position the circles based on your need
you can export that design as an image and use

Getting a round blur halo around a square button in order to place over an image

I updated this with an image of what I am trying to achieve, its a blur on a image which adds a touch of shading and even white on white is visible. I am basically working on putting buttons of various kinds on top of images and welcome's any and all assistance on best practices. I know facebook does this in some way as an app example.
To summarize what I am trying to achieve. I have an image that takes up the full screen and I would like to place a button on top of that image that does something like blur around it with padding so that it looks clean on top of the image. My button is a heart png, red outline with clear inside, and is represented as a square because of the irregular shape. I would like the heart to be on top of a circle that does something like blur the image so it can always be seen.
I found a number of similar solutions to this problem using UIBlurEffect but nothing that specifically addresses the "square image" and how I would control making the blur circle larger/smaller in terms of the padding around the square. I tinkered with creating a UIView that was transparent, placing a circle with a blur into there and then adding the button with their centers aligned but this seems like an incorrect approach and wasn't quite working. I suspect that for people with expertise this is something where I just need to have the correct usage of the UIBlurEffect.

Overlay/translate ListView builder items clipped with a custom ClipPath

I'm generating multiple widgets(Containers in this case) using a ListView.builder and I also use a custom ClipPath to give a custom shape to them.
I was wondering if would it be possible to translate or somehow overlay those list items in order to place them so that the background(black area in the attached screenshot) would be covered. By that I mean I want to place them right under each other, like puzzle pieces. To be able to fit them right under each other would probably mean they would have to be overlayed somehow. Was googling but without any success.
Hopefully there's some Flutter experts out there who are nice enough to guide me. Thanks a lot!