Phoenix LiveView - (UndefinedFunctionError) no function clause matching with event_handler without any event to handle - event-handling

This seems to be strange for me, but without any updates of libraries or even elixir part of app doesnt work like before.
I have got few views which show list of products, categories, brands etc. Problem seems to be repeated everytime being in show window. Instead of adding to cart or refuse adding to cart it invokes error with event_handler from index window. I will paste just code from ex and html for one of those, because code is similar everywhere and problem seems to happens everytime (sometimes it works if I open VSCode and add IO.inspect() on handler an save it (LOL), but after few tries it crashes again)
#impl true
def mount(_params, %{"user_token" => user_token}, socket) do
user = Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(user_token)
|> assign(:current_user, user)
|> assign(:categories, Catalog.list_categories())}
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
{:ok, assign(socket, :categories, Catalog.list_categories())}
#impl true
def handle_params(params, _url, socket) do
{:noreply, apply_action(socket, socket.assigns.live_action, params)}
defp apply_action(socket, :show, %{"id" => id}) do
|> assign(:page_title, "Show Category")
|> assign(:category, Catalog.get_category!(id))
|> assign(:products, Catalog.get_available_products_by_category_id(id))
defp apply_action(socket, :index, _params) do
|> assign(:page_title, "Listing Categories")
|> assign(:category, nil)
<div class="bg-white mx-auto h-screen justify-items-center">
<section class="mx-auto max-w-screen-lg justify-items-center mt-10 mb-5">
alt="category image"
src={ ~s[/images/main-site-photo.jpg]}>
<div class="mx-auto mb-10">
<p class="text-center text-blue-500 md:text-2xl sm:text-xl">The best equipment for your office</p>
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3 mx-auto justify-center max-w-7xl">
<%= for category <- #categories do %>
<%= live_redirect to: Routes.category_show_path(#socket, :show, do %>
<div class="flex flex-col content-between justify-center mx-auto my-10 " id={"category-#{}"}>
<div class="self-center w-64 h-64">
alt="category image" width="250" height="250"
src={ Routes.static_path(#socket, category.image_upload || ~s[/images/default-thumbnail.jpg])} >
<p class="text-center text-blue-500 md:text-2xl sm:text-xl mt-5"><%= %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
As Its written - this window contains only redirections to specific categories and list of products in it. Zero event_handlers, I dont even know if I need handle_params here…
#impl true
def mount(_params, %{"user_token" => user_token}, socket) do
user = Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(user_token)
|> assign(:current_user, user)
|> assign(:cart, ShoppingCart.get_cart_by_user_id(
|> assign(:cart_items, %CartItem{})}
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
{:ok, socket}
#impl true
def handle_event("add_to_cart", %{"product" => product_id, "quantity" => quantity}, socket) do
case socket.assigns[:current_user] do
%Eshopy.Accounts.User{role: :user} ->
create_and_add_item(product_id, quantity, socket)
_ ->
|> put_flash(:info, "You must be logged in")}
#impl true
def handle_params(%{"id" => id}, _, socket) do
|> assign(:page_title, "Show Category")
|> assign(:category, Catalog.get_category!(id))
|> assign(:products, Catalog.get_available_products_by_category_id(id))}
defp create_and_add_item(product_id, quantity, socket) do
product = Catalog.get_product!(product_id)
quantity = String.to_integer(quantity)
socket =
case ShoppingCart.get_cart_by_user_id( do
%Cart{} = cart ->
add_item_to_shopping_cart(socket, cart, product, quantity)
nil ->
{:ok, %Cart{} = cart} = ShoppingCart.create_cart(socket.assigns.current_user)
add_item_to_shopping_cart(socket, cart, product, quantity)
{:noreply, socket}
defp add_item_to_shopping_cart(socket, cart, product, quantity) do
case ShoppingCart.add_item_to_cart(cart, product, quantity) do
{:ok, _item} ->
|> put_flash(:info, "Item added to shopping cart")
{:error, _changeset} ->
|> put_flash(:info, "Error with adding item")
<p class="text-center text-blue-500 md:text-2xl text-xl"><strong><%= %></strong></p>
<div class="flex flex-wrap mx-auto justify-center max-w-7xl">
<%= for product <- #products do %>
<div class="flex flex-col mx-auto my-5">
<%= live_redirect to: Routes.product_show_path(#socket, :show, do %>
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 content-center justify-center mx-auto" id={"product-#{}"}>
<div class="self-center w-64 h-64">
alt="product image" width="250" height="250"
src={ product.image_upload } >
<p class="text-center text-blue-500 md:text-2xl sm:text-xl mt-5"><strong><%= %></strong></p>
<p class="text-center text-blue-500 md:text-xl sm:text-xl"><%= Catalog.get_category!(product.category_id).name %></p>
<p class="text-center text-blue-500 md:text-2xl sm:text-xl"><em><%= product.unit_price %>$</em></p>
<% end %>
<button class="bg-blue-400 text-white font-[Poppins] duration-500 px-6 py-2 md:my-0 hover:bg-blue-600 rounded" phx-click="add_to_cart" phx-value-product={} phx-value-quantity={1}>Add to cart</button>
<% end %>
Being in show window I click add_to_cart. It doesnt matter if I am logged in or not it crashes and redirects me to category_index page (even if i receive flash that Product has been added to cart :D) and terminal becomes red with error like that:
I paste all of it, maybe someone catches things that i can not.
[error] GenServer #PID<0.684.0> terminating
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function EshopyWeb.CategoryLive.Index.handle_event/3 is undefined or private
(eshopy 0.1.0) EshopyWeb.CategoryLive.Index.handle_event("add_to_cart", %{"product" => "5", "quantity" => "1", "value" => ""}, #Phoenix.LiveView.Socket<assigns: %{__changed__: %{}, categories: [%Eshopy.Catalog.Category{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "categories">, id: 3, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675197743-83913940887-3", inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:42:26], name: "Phones", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:42:26]}, %Eshopy.Catalog.Category{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "categories">, id: 4, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675197756-749924054466-3", inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:42:41], name: "Mouses", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:42:41]}, %Eshopy.Catalog.Category{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "categories">, id: 1, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675197713-196034875224-5", inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:41:57], name: "Notebook", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-02-05 04:15:35]}, %Eshopy.Catalog.Category{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "categories">, id: 8, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675624630-27014369202-3", inserted_at: ~N[2023-02-05 19:17:11], name: "Tablets", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-02-05 19:17:11]}], category: nil, flash: %{}, live_action: :index, page_title: "Listing Categories"}, endpoint: EshopyWeb.Endpoint, id: "phx-F0Sv5GnnZQLaTQFB", parent_pid: nil, root_pid: #PID<0.684.0>, router: EshopyWeb.Router, transport_pid: #PID<0.679.0>, view: EshopyWeb.CategoryLive.Index, ...>)
(phoenix_live_view 0.17.12) lib/phoenix_live_view/channel.ex:382: anonymous fn/3 in Phoenix.LiveView.Channel.view_handle_event/3
(telemetry 1.1.0) /home/mateusz/Pulpit/eshopy/deps/telemetry/src/telemetry.erl:320: :telemetry.span/3
(phoenix_live_view 0.17.12) lib/phoenix_live_view/channel.ex:216: Phoenix.LiveView.Channel.handle_info/2
(stdlib 4.0.1) gen_server.erl:1120: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4
(stdlib 4.0.1) gen_server.erl:1197: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
(stdlib 4.0.1) proc_lib.erl:240: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message: %Phoenix.Socket.Message{event: "event", join_ref: "4", payload: %{"event" => "add_to_cart", "type" => "click", "value" => %{"product" => "5", "quantity" => "1", "value" => ""}}, ref: "6", topic: "lv:phx-F0Sv5GnnZQLaTQFB"}
State: %{components: {%{}, %{}, 1}, join_ref: "4", serializer: Phoenix.Socket.V2.JSONSerializer, socket: #Phoenix.LiveView.Socket<assigns: %{__changed__: %{}, categories: [%Eshopy.Catalog.Category{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "categories">, id: 3, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675197743-83913940887-3", inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:42:26], name: "Phones", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:42:26]}, %Eshopy.Catalog.Category{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "categories">, id: 4, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675197756-749924054466-3", inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:42:41], name: "Mouses", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:42:41]}, %Eshopy.Catalog.Category{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "categories">, id: 1, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675197713-196034875224-5", inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:41:57], name: "Notebook", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-02-05 04:15:35]}, %Eshopy.Catalog.Category{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "categories">, id: 8, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675624630-27014369202-3", inserted_at: ~N[2023-02-05 19:17:11], name: "Tablets", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-02-05 19:17:11]}], category: nil, flash: %{}, live_action: :index, page_title: "Listing Categories"}, endpoint: EshopyWeb.Endpoint, id: "phx-F0Sv5GnnZQLaTQFB", parent_pid: nil, root_pid: #PID<0.684.0>, router: EshopyWeb.Router, transport_pid: #PID<0.679.0>, view: EshopyWeb.CategoryLive.Index, ...>, topic: "lv:phx-F0Sv5GnnZQLaTQFB", upload_names: %{}, upload_pids: %{}}
To make it works I need to copy/paste all handlers to index.ex what sounds like a bull***t.
Recently I started using socket and channels to track users - after that feature it started to showing me that error. Is is possible that its the reason? Logically it shouldnt be…
I tried to play with it.
I added function to category_index.ex:
#impl true
def handle_event("add_to_cart", _, socket) do
{:noreply, socket}
And now category_show is working well. I add product to cart, and only flash appears. Being logged out flash appears, but i cant add to cart anything. Like it should work.
Otherwise without putting “empty” handler other views dont work. In brand_show view after clicking button I got:
Flash: "Item added to shopiing cart. (And it really appears in cart :D)
Redirects to: brand_index view (it should never happen).
[error] GenServer #PID<0.3285.0> terminating
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function EshopyWeb.BrandLive.Index.handle_event/3 is undefined or private
(eshopy 0.1.0) EshopyWeb.BrandLive.Index.handle_event("add_to_cart", %{"product" => "5", "quantity" => "1", "value" => ""}, #Phoenix.LiveView.Socket<assigns: %{__changed__: %{}, brand: nil, brands: [%Eshopy.Catalog.Brand{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "brands">, id: 1, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675197775-472722086641-2", inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:42:59], name: "Huawei", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:42:59]}, %Eshopy.Catalog.Brand{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "brands">, id: 2, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675197790-688965978619-1", inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:43:11], name: "Apple", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:43:11]}, %Eshopy.Catalog.Brand{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "brands">, id: 3, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675197802-989508123695-6", inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:43:24], name: "Logitech", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:43:24]}], current_user: #Eshopy.Accounts.User<__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "users">, confirmed_at: nil, customer: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :customer is not loaded>, email: "admin#pl", id: 1, inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:37:48], role: :user, updated_at: ~N[2023-02-08 16:52:14], ...>, flash: %{}, live_action: :index, page_title: "Listing Brands"}, endpoint: EshopyWeb.Endpoint, id: "phx-F0SskhP04L3JtRGC", parent_pid: nil, root_pid: #PID<0.3285.0>, router: EshopyWeb.Router, transport_pid: #PID<0.3267.0>, view: EshopyWeb.BrandLive.Index, ...>)
(phoenix_live_view 0.17.12) lib/phoenix_live_view/channel.ex:382: anonymous fn/3 in Phoenix.LiveView.Channel.view_handle_event/3
(telemetry 1.1.0) /home/mateusz/Pulpit/eshopy/deps/telemetry/src/telemetry.erl:320: :telemetry.span/3
(phoenix_live_view 0.17.12) lib/phoenix_live_view/channel.ex:216: Phoenix.LiveView.Channel.handle_info/2
(stdlib 4.0.1) gen_server.erl:1120: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4
(stdlib 4.0.1) gen_server.erl:1197: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
(stdlib 4.0.1) proc_lib.erl:250: :proc_lib.wake_up/3
Last message: %Phoenix.Socket.Message{event: "event", join_ref: "7", payload: %{"event" => "add_to_cart", "type" => "click", "value" => %{"product" => "5", "quantity" => "1", "value" => ""}}, ref: "9", topic: "lv:phx-F0SskhP04L3JtRGC"}
State: %{components: {%{}, %{}, 1}, join_ref: "7", serializer: Phoenix.Socket.V2.JSONSerializer, socket: #Phoenix.LiveView.Socket<assigns: %{__changed__: %{}, brand: nil, brands: [%Eshopy.Catalog.Brand{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "brands">, id: 1, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675197775-472722086641-2", inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:42:59], name: "Huawei", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:42:59]}, %Eshopy.Catalog.Brand{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "brands">, id: 2, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675197790-688965978619-1", inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:43:11], name: "Apple", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:43:11]}, %Eshopy.Catalog.Brand{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "brands">, id: 3, image_upload: "/images/live_view_upload-1675197802-989508123695-6", inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:43:24], name: "Logitech", products: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :products is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:43:24]}], current_user: #Eshopy.Accounts.User<__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "users">, confirmed_at: nil, customer: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :customer is not loaded>, email: "admin#pl", id: 1, inserted_at: ~N[2023-01-31 20:37:48], role: :user, updated_at: ~N[2023-02-08 16:52:14], ...>, flash: %{}, live_action: :index, page_title: "Listing Brands"}, endpoint: EshopyWeb.Endpoint, id: "phx-F0SskhP04L3JtRGC", parent_pid: nil, root_pid: #PID<0.3285.0>, router: EshopyWeb.Router, transport_pid: #PID<0.3267.0>, view: EshopyWeb.BrandLive.Index, ...>, topic: "lv:phx-F0SskhP04L3JtRGC", upload_names: %{}, upload_pids: %{}}


How to get a field of an object in document?

I am not sure how to phrase this question properly but basically I have an "Order" Schema and each order model contains an array of product objects created using "Product" Schema
When I create an order, my req.body is this
body: {
orderItems: [ [Object] ],
shippingAddress: {
fullName: '123',
address: '1231',
city: '123',
postalCode: '123',
country: '123'
shippingPrice: 0,
paymentMethod: 'Stripe',
itemsPrice: 338,
totalPrice: 338
If I log req.body.orderItems, I can see each product object printed
_id: new ObjectId("62d51a3895cad3ca283302f3"),
name: 'Christmas Cake',
slug: 'christmas-cake',
image: '/images/cake.jpg',
shop: 'Custom Cakes',
category: 'food',
description: 'Custom baked christmas cake, pre-order needed.',
price: 70,
stock: 1,
rating: 3,
numReviews: 2,
__v: 2,
createdAt: 2022-07-18T08:30:48.931Z,
updatedAt: 2022-07-20T03:03:00.592Z,
_id: new ObjectId("62d7a8c126dcacfc13055e3d"),
name: 'cake',
slug: 'cake',
image: '/images/cake.jpg',
shop: 'Custom Cakes',
category: 'food',
description: 'cake',
price: 15,
stock: 2,
rating: 0,
numReviews: 0,
user: { _id: new ObjectId("62d51d57c08cd7e6675e8d45")},
reviews: [],
createdAt: 2022-07-20T07:03:29.372Z,
updatedAt: 2022-07-20T07:03:59.315Z,
__v: 0
But I am unable to obtain the 'shop' field. returns undefined

I'm using b-pagination on a project and my buttons don't work

I'm working with VueJS and bootstrapVue and used the code available on bootsrapVue documentation and on the examples there everything seems to work fine but when i click in any button of the b-pagination nothing works, i can't change the current page using the previous/next buttons or the number buttons. My code is this:
<div class="overflow-auto">
// # is an alias to /src
//import Navbar from "#/components/Navbar.vue";
export default {
name: "About",
components: {
data() {
return {
perPage: 3,
currentPage: 1,
items: [
{ id: 1, first_name: 'Fred', last_name: 'Flintstone' },
{ id: 2, first_name: 'Wilma', last_name: 'Flintstone' },
{ id: 3, first_name: 'Barney', last_name: 'Rubble' },
{ id: 4, first_name: 'Betty', last_name: 'Rubble' },
{ id: 5, first_name: 'Pebbles', last_name: 'Flintstone' },
{ id: 6, first_name: 'Bamm Bamm', last_name: 'Rubble' },
{ id: 7, first_name: 'The Great', last_name: 'Gazzoo' },
{ id: 8, first_name: 'Rockhead', last_name: 'Slate' },
{ id: 9, first_name: 'Pearl', last_name: 'Slaghoople' },
{ id: 10, first_name: 'The Great', last_name: 'Gazzoo' },
{ id: 11, first_name: 'Rockhead', last_name: 'Slate' },
{ id: 12, first_name: 'Pearl', last_name: 'Slaghoople' },
{ id: 13, first_name: 'The Great', last_name: 'Gazzoo' },
{ id: 14, first_name: 'Rockhead', last_name: 'Slate' },
{ id: 15, first_name: 'Pearl', last_name: 'Slaghoople' },
computed: {
rows() {
return this.items.length

FactoryGirl embed create_list into another create_list

I have the following code in my spec folder
let(:team_lead) { create(:user) }
let(:developers) { FactoryGirl.create_list(:user, 3) }
let(:project) { create(:project, team_lead: team_lead, users: [developers]) }
but it keep giving me this error
*** ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch Exception: User(#70271414797520) expected, got
[#<User id: 420, name: "Litzy Champlin", email: "", created_at: "2018-05-25 02:59:17", updated_at: "2018-05-25 02:59:17", provider: nil, uid: nil, token: nil, token_expires_at: nil>,
#<User id: 421, name: "Missouri Hilll DDS", email: "", created_at: "2018-05-25 02:59:17", updated_at: "2018-05-25 02:59:17", provider: nil, uid: nil, token: nil, token_expires_at: nil>,
#<User id: 422, name: "Joel Williamson Sr.", email: "", created_at: "2018-05-25 02:59:17", updated_at: "2018-05-25 02:59:17", provider: nil, uid: nil, token: nil, token_expires_at: nil>]
which is an instance of Array(#70271403139340)
I have this factorygirl in spec/factory/project.rb
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :project do
name { }
team_lead nil
factory :project_with_team_lead do
The relations between projects and users model is has_and_belongs_to_many. I do not want remove the developers as I want to use it for more test cases. So how do I do this?

Kendo UI Grid Data Disappears on Popup Edit Cancel

I am trying to figure out why the data in my grid disappears when i click the edit button and then immediately close out the popup.
I am trying to use the value binding features of Kendo UI and i cant seem to understand why they are being removed.
Here is a jsfiddle of what i am talking about.
<div id="gridData">
data-bind="source: test"
{field: 'ID', title: 'test'},
{command: ['edit', 'destroy'], title: 'test'}]"/>
var gridData = kendo.observable({
{ID: 1, Name: "Record 1"},
{ID: 2, Name: "Record 2"},
{ID: 3, Name: "Record 3"},
{ID: 4, Name: "Record 4"},
{ID: 5, Name: "Record 5"},
{ID: 6, Name: "Record 6"},
{ID: 7, Name: "Record 7"},
{ID: 8, Name: "Record 8"},
{ID: 9, Name: "Record 9"},
kendo.bind($('#gridData'), gridData);
I understand that i can use a data source rather than observable, but the actual view model i am using gets its data from the database and is nested a few layers down. The grid binds just fine but when i try to cancel or close the window it just gets removed.
How can i configure the value binding to prevent the results from being cleared?
It seems to be upset that the DataSource it is bound to (internally it converts your array to a DataSource) doesn't have a model defined. It uses the types defined on the model to help pick the correct editor.
Try this code:
var gridData = kendo.observable({
test: new{
data: [
{ID: 1, Name: "Record 1"},
{ID: 2, Name: "Record 2"},
{ID: 3, Name: "Record 3"},
{ID: 4, Name: "Record 4"},
{ID: 5, Name: "Record 5"},
{ID: 6, Name: "Record 6"},
{ID: 7, Name: "Record 7"},
{ID: 8, Name: "Record 8"},
{ID: 9, Name: "Record 9"},
model: {
fields: {
ID: { type: "number" },
Name: { type: "string" }
// Bind the view model to the personFields element.
kendo.bind($('#gridData'), gridData);
To answer the item in the comments re what to do with server side objects being called. I have used the following to bind to a js object that is called via the server.In the case below referralViewModel.dropDownItems.Statuses is an object that it generated from the server via a controller.
data-bind="source: myArray"
data-editable="{mode: 'popup'}"
{command:['edit'], width:50},
{ 'field': 'Text', 'width': 200, 'title': 'Text' },
{ 'field': 'Value', 'width': 200, 'title': 'Value' },
style="width: 100%; height: auto"></div>
Using the following script:
myObservable = new kendo.observable({
myArray: new{
data: referralViewModel.dropDownItems.Statuses, //bind to root level view model
model: {
id:"Value", //primary key
fields: {
Value: { type: "string" },
Text: { type: "string" }
kendo.bind($("#myGridId"), myObservable);

Bind checbox list to dropdownlist in kendo ui by mvvm [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I have a dropdownlist in my view i want in my view.I want when change my dropdownlist,a java script template bind dropdownlist.i write this but dont work plead help me.
var roles=[{
roleName: "Admin",
access: [
{ id: 1, description: "create", selected: true},
{id: 2, description: "delete", selected: false},
{ id: 3, description: "update", selected: false}
} ,{
roleName: "user",
access: [
{ id: 1, description: "create", selected: true},
{id: 2, description: "delete", selected: true},
{ id: 3, description: "update", selected: false}
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
kendo.bind($("#example"), viewModel);
this my view code
<div id="example">
Current Role :<span data-bind="text: role"></span>
<select type="text" id="RoleName" data-bind="source: Roles, value:role" data-text-field="roleName">
<ul data-template="row-template" data-bind="source: accessRole.access"></ul>
<script id="row-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: selected" />
<label data-bind="text: description" />
and this is onlne code:
I get it.
<div id="example">
Current Role :<span data-bind="text: role.roleName"></span>
<select type="text" data-bind="source: Roles,value:role}" data-text-field="roleName">
<ul data-template="row-template" data-bind="source:role.access"></ul>
<script id="row-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: selected" />
<label data-bind="text: description" />
​ var roles=[{
roleName: "Admin",
access: [
{ id: 1, description: "create", selected: true},
{id: 2, description: "delete", selected: true},
{ id: 3, description: "update", selected: false}
} ,{
roleName: "user",
access: [
{ id: 1, description: "create", selected: false},
{id: 2, description: "delete", selected: false},
{ id: 3, description: "update", selected: false}
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
kendo.bind($("#example"), viewModel);