I'm using b-pagination on a project and my buttons don't work - bootstrap-vue

I'm working with VueJS and bootstrapVue and used the code available on bootsrapVue documentation and on the examples there everything seems to work fine but when i click in any button of the b-pagination nothing works, i can't change the current page using the previous/next buttons or the number buttons. My code is this:
<div class="overflow-auto">
// # is an alias to /src
//import Navbar from "#/components/Navbar.vue";
export default {
name: "About",
components: {
data() {
return {
perPage: 3,
currentPage: 1,
items: [
{ id: 1, first_name: 'Fred', last_name: 'Flintstone' },
{ id: 2, first_name: 'Wilma', last_name: 'Flintstone' },
{ id: 3, first_name: 'Barney', last_name: 'Rubble' },
{ id: 4, first_name: 'Betty', last_name: 'Rubble' },
{ id: 5, first_name: 'Pebbles', last_name: 'Flintstone' },
{ id: 6, first_name: 'Bamm Bamm', last_name: 'Rubble' },
{ id: 7, first_name: 'The Great', last_name: 'Gazzoo' },
{ id: 8, first_name: 'Rockhead', last_name: 'Slate' },
{ id: 9, first_name: 'Pearl', last_name: 'Slaghoople' },
{ id: 10, first_name: 'The Great', last_name: 'Gazzoo' },
{ id: 11, first_name: 'Rockhead', last_name: 'Slate' },
{ id: 12, first_name: 'Pearl', last_name: 'Slaghoople' },
{ id: 13, first_name: 'The Great', last_name: 'Gazzoo' },
{ id: 14, first_name: 'Rockhead', last_name: 'Slate' },
{ id: 15, first_name: 'Pearl', last_name: 'Slaghoople' },
computed: {
rows() {
return this.items.length


How to get a field of an object in document?

I am not sure how to phrase this question properly but basically I have an "Order" Schema and each order model contains an array of product objects created using "Product" Schema
When I create an order, my req.body is this
body: {
orderItems: [ [Object] ],
shippingAddress: {
fullName: '123',
address: '1231',
city: '123',
postalCode: '123',
country: '123'
shippingPrice: 0,
paymentMethod: 'Stripe',
itemsPrice: 338,
totalPrice: 338
If I log req.body.orderItems, I can see each product object printed
_id: new ObjectId("62d51a3895cad3ca283302f3"),
name: 'Christmas Cake',
slug: 'christmas-cake',
image: '/images/cake.jpg',
shop: 'Custom Cakes',
category: 'food',
description: 'Custom baked christmas cake, pre-order needed.',
price: 70,
stock: 1,
rating: 3,
numReviews: 2,
__v: 2,
createdAt: 2022-07-18T08:30:48.931Z,
updatedAt: 2022-07-20T03:03:00.592Z,
_id: new ObjectId("62d7a8c126dcacfc13055e3d"),
name: 'cake',
slug: 'cake',
image: '/images/cake.jpg',
shop: 'Custom Cakes',
category: 'food',
description: 'cake',
price: 15,
stock: 2,
rating: 0,
numReviews: 0,
user: { _id: new ObjectId("62d51d57c08cd7e6675e8d45")},
reviews: [],
createdAt: 2022-07-20T07:03:29.372Z,
updatedAt: 2022-07-20T07:03:59.315Z,
__v: 0
But I am unable to obtain the 'shop' field. req.body.orderItems.shop returns undefined

Strapi mongodb project specific fields in embedded documents

I'm trying to select especific fields from this document
_id: 60d9295db34f1c0144c9b8d4,
title: 'Este es el titulo',
slug: 'este-es-el-titulo',
date: '2021-06-27',
category: {
_id: 60d92921b34f1c0144c9b8d2,
title: 'Categoria 1',
slug: 'categoria-1',
id: '60d92921b34f1c0144c9b8d2'
cover: {
_id: 60d72c815e57e6015e38a4c7,
name: 'project4.png',
alternativeText: '',
caption: '',
hash: 'project4_3e8c906bdf',
ext: '.png',
mime: 'image/png',
size: 540.02,
width: 1895,
height: 883,
url: '/uploads/project4_3e8c906bdf.png',
formats: [Object],
provider: 'local',
related: [Array],
createdAt: 2021-06-26T13:32:49.389Z,
updatedAt: 2021-06-28T01:43:57.469Z,
__v: 0,
created_by: '60d69246c6f06d00f64312b0',
updated_by: '60d69246c6f06d00f64312b0',
id: '60d72c815e57e6015e38a4c7'
id: '60d9295db34f1c0144c9b8d4'
and I want get something like this:
_id: 60d9295db34f1c0144c9b8d4,
title: 'Este es el titulo',
slug: 'este-es-el-titulo',
date: '2021-06-27',
category: {
_id: 60d92921b34f1c0144c9b8d2,
title: 'Categoria 1',
slug: 'categoria-1',
id: '60d92921b34f1c0144c9b8d2'
cover: { url: '/uploads/project4_3e8c906bdf.png'}
id: '60d9295db34f1c0144c9b8d4'
I'm using Strapi with Mongodb and y was trying with the following code:
const requiredData = {
title: 1,
slug: 1,
date: 1,
category: 1,
cover: { url: 1 }
const populateData = [
path: 'category',
select: ['title', 'slug']
let editorsPick = await strapi.query('posts')
.model.find({ editorsPick: true}, requiredData)
But I only have this:
_id: 60d9295db34f1c0144c9b8d4,
title: 'Este es el titulo',
slug: 'este-es-el-titulo',
date: '2021-06-27',
category: {
_id: 60d92921b34f1c0144c9b8d2,
title: 'Categoria 1',
slug: 'categoria-1',
id: '60d92921b34f1c0144c9b8d2'
id: '60d9295db34f1c0144c9b8d4'
(Without cover image), and then try with:
let editorsPick = await strapi.query('posts')
{"$match": { editorsPick: true}},
{"$project": requiredData}
But I got an empty array []
Please I need a little help, and sorry for my english

How to append data to existing array in mongodb in MERN stack

I have an existing array which looks like this
_id: 5f14675a4fb8565fb89ec338,
name: 'sample5',
email: 'sample5#test.com',
rollno: 9,
city: [
_id: 5f14675a4fb8565fb89ec339,
cityname: 'Sample City 1',
citycode: '000000'
__v: 0
So I want to append the data to the existing array which is
city: [
_id: 5f14675a4fb8565fb89ec339,
cityname: 'Sample City 2',
citycode: '000002'
So my final db should look like this
_id: 5f14675a4fb8565fb89ec338,
name: 'sample5',
email: 'sample5#test.com',
rollno: 9,
city: [
_id: 5f14675a4fb8565fb89ec339,
cityname: 'Sample City 1',
citycode: '000000'
_id: 5f14675a4fb8565fb89ec339,
cityname: 'Sample City 2',
citycode: '000002'
__v: 0
For now I am just able to update my existing data where I show the cityname and citycode and if the user make any changes it is reflected in the database.
Code I am using to update the database
// Update Student
router.route('/update-student/:id').put((req, res, next) => {
studentSchema.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.id, {
$set: req.body
}, (error, data) => {
if (error) {
return next(error);
} else {
// $push:{
console.log('Student updated successfully !')
// }
Schema structure
let studentSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String
email: {
type: String
rollno: {
type: Number
city: [{
cityname: {type: String},
citycode: {type: String},
collection: 'students'
And then in routes it is updated using $push method
// Update Student
router.route('/update-student/:id').put((req, res, next) => {
studentSchema.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.id, {
$push: req.body
}, (error, data) => {
if (error) {
return next(error);
} else {
// $push:{
console.log('Student updated successfully !')
// }
[{_id: "5f12e5158be2503422bf6982", name: "sample1", email: "sample1#test.com", rollno: 1,…},…]
0: {_id: "5f12e5158be2503422bf6982", name: "sample1", email: "sample1#test.com", rollno: 1,…}
city: [{_id: "5f146fb84fb8565fb89ec33c", cityname: "city3", citycode: "12345"},…]
0: {_id: "5f146fb84fb8565fb89ec33c", cityname: "city3", citycode: "12345"}
citycode: "12345"
cityname: "city3"
_id: "5f146fb84fb8565fb89ec33c"
1: {_id: "5f15301f67c1992f4a233f77", cityname: "new city", citycode: "new code"}
citycode: "new code"
cityname: "new city"
_id: "5f15301f67c1992f4a233f77"
email: "sample1#test.com"
name: "sample1"
rollno: 1
__v: 0
_id: "5f12e5158be2503422bf6982"
Check out This answer you might need to use the $push in your query to achieve what you want.
When the submit button is clicked. The array is stored in city as the schema is in this manner. This schema structure is there above. It is then passed to the db using axios.
onSubmit(e) {
const studentObject = {
city: [{cityname: this.state.cityname, citycode: this.state.citycode}]
axios.put('http://localhost:4000/students/update-student/' + this.props.match.params.id, studentObject)
.then((res) => {
console.log('Student successfully updated')
}).catch((error) => {
// Redirect to Student List

How to redirect to a nested dynamic segments in EMberjs

If we have several books,each books contains several chapters and each chapter contains several pages.
In an App,
when user navigate to
list all the books,clicking a book(eg:book_1) will directly "linkTo"
show the content of "chapter_1/page_1" within the selected book.
I am now trying to use the "redirect" hook,but I am confused with these:
1,How to sent muti params to a redirect hook;
2,How to update the URL correctly after redirecting?
3,What is the "Ember way" to do this?
App.Book = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
chapters: DS.hasMany('chapter',{async:true}),
color: DS.attr('')
App.Chapter = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
author: DS.attr(''),
pages: DS.hasMany('page',{async:true})
App.Page = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
App.Book.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
name: 'book1',
color: 'red',
chapters: [1,2]
id: 2,
name: 'book2',
color: 'blue',
chapters: [3,4]
App.Chapter.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
name: 'Chapter1',
author: 'jhon',
id: 2,
name: 'Chapter2',
author: 'jhon',
id: 3,
name: 'Chapter3',
author: 'peter',
id: 4,
name: 'Chapter4',
author: 'tom',
App.Page.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
name: 'page1',
id: 2,
name: 'page2',
id: 3,
name: 'page3',
id: 4,
name: 'page4',
id: 5,
name: 'page5',
id: 6,
name: 'page6',
id: 7,
name: 'page7',
id: 8,
name: 'page8',
redirect is deprecated, use the afterModel hook. I'm sending in ids of 1 and 1 to the chapter and page route, which should hit their model hooks. How is your data separated, does the book model have all the necessary info?
afterModel: function(model, transition){
var self = this;
var ch = chs.get('firstObject');
var page = pages.get('firstObject');
self.transitionTo('page', model, ch, page);

Chained Selectfields -- Sencha Touch 2.0

I am using the Sencha Touch 2.0 KitchenSink example to try to learn some of the basics. I am getting stuck on chained selectfields though.
I am going off the tutorial here but with the different setup I am being thrown off. The code below runs perfectly in the Forms.js file in kitchensink, but I am missing on the actual chainedselect part of it.
EDIT: What I am asking is how to make chained selectfields. I have the datastores and the selectfields in the example code, but not a working chained selectfield from first to second.
Ext.regModel('First', {
idProperty: 'FirstID',
fields: [{
name: 'FirstID',
type: 'int'
}, {
name: 'FirstName',
type: 'string'
Ext.regModel('Second', {
idProperty: 'SecondID',
fields: [{
name: 'SecondID',
type: 'int'
name: 'FirstID',
type: 'int'
}, {
name: 'SecondName',
type: 'string'
var firstStore = new Ext.data.Store({
model: 'First',
data: [{
FirstID: 1,
FirstName: 'Kenworth'
}, {
FirstID: 2,
FirstName: 'Peterbilt'
autoLoad: true
var secondStore = new Ext.data.Store({
model: 'First',
data: [{
SecondID: 1,
FirstID: 1,
SecondName: 'T800'
}, {
SecondID: 2,
FirstID: 1,
SecondName: 'T700'
}, {
SecondID: 3,
FirstID: 1,
SecondName: 'T660'
}, {
SecondID: 4,
FirstID: 1,
SecondName: 'T470'
autoLoad: true
Ext.define('Kitchensink.view.Forms', {
extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel',
requires: [
config: {
activeItem: 0,
tabBar: {
// docked: 'bottom',
ui: 'dark',
layout: {
pack: 'center'
items: [
title: 'Basic',
xtype: 'formpanel',
id: 'basicform',
iconCls: 'refresh',
items: [
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Enter Data',
instructions: 'Please enter the information above.',
defaults: {
labelWidth: '35%'
items: [
xtype: 'selectfield',
name: 'firstfield',
label: 'First',
store: firstStore,
displayField: 'FirstName',
valueField: 'FirstID'
}, {
xtype: 'selectfield',
name: 'secondfield',
label: 'Second',
store: secondStore,
displayField: 'SecondName',
valueField: 'SecondID'
onFirstChange: function(selectField, value){
var secondSelectField = this.items.get(1);
secondSelectField.store.clearFilter(); // remove the previous filter
// Apply the selected Country's ID as the new Filter
secondSelectField.store.filter('FirstID', value);
// Select the first City in the List if there is one, otherwise set the value to an empty string
var firstValue = secondSelectField.store.getAt(0);
} else {