How Can I Use Wildcard For Tagging Servers based on Their Operating System in Tenable - server

so I recently had deployed in our environment for vulnerability management.
I am creating tags that dynamically pull and group assets based on certain properties of the assets. I want to create a tag that groups servers together, and i want to do that using the installed operating system as the parameter to identify and tag servers under the rule field. the only way i think this will be possible is using wildcard to identify servers, eg. "* servers" or "* servers #" implying it could be any operating system that who's name end with or contain server in it.
I am currently struggling with constructing the wildcard syntax that will help me achieve that. I am able to select "Operating system" as the parameter from the list of parameters, and able to select the equality operator, what i need to do is construct the wildcard for the operating system. there is no "contain" operator.
Please help.


What do we enter in the parameter field when we use "most trusted source" as the survivorship function (i.e., using t-swoosh algorithm in tMatchGroup)

I would like to create a master record from customer listing in multiple sources (i.e., Golden Customer Record / Master Data Management) using a Talend job. Research indicates that the tMatchGroup is the best component to perform this as it is capable of merging records base on survivorship rules.
My question is, if I would like to use the "most trusted source" survivorship function, how do I list the source ranking in the parameter field when I use the t-swoosh algorithm? The documentation does not show how to do this and I can't find anything online.
This is the documentation I am referring to. Any advise would be much appreciated.

Can I enforce the same variables across variable groups in the Azure DevOps Pipeline Library?

I have several variable groups defined under Pipeline Library. I'm using a different group for each release environment (e.g., DEV, QA, PROD). The deployment for each environment needs all the same variables but with different values.
It's a long list of variables and I have no way to tell if my groups are getting out of sync with one another over time as we add and remove variables.
I really wish I had something like a C# interface to make all the groups match. I was hoping the new YAML templates could help somehow but I can't find anything that would solve this.
Anyone have a good solution to this? It seems like a very common use of variable groups.
Can I enforce the same variables across variable groups in the Azure
DevOps Pipeline Library?
No, we can't do that. It seems what you want is to sync the variable groups for DEV,QA,PROD environments, making these groups have same variable list but different values.
As I know this is not supported for now. Variable groups is originally designed to share variables across pipelines instead of other directions, so Azure Devops Service doesn't support such out-of-box feature to compare and sync variable groups.
I submitted a feature request in User Voice forum that you can vote and track.
1.Another direction if you want to check the variable list easily: If you want to check the variable list manually, you can consider using Rest API to get a Json response of your variable list for one specific variable group.
2.There're many related topics about how to convert Json to CSV/Excel file online, and after my test it's quite convenient. So maybe you can get three josn response and then convert then into text file/excel file to compare the difference between these three variable lists. It could be a temporary workaround ~
Hope it helps :)

Advanced search on github excluding a specific repository

I'm trying to figure out if there's any way to exercise the various fields defined for the github advanced search form that would allow me to effectively exclude hits from a specific repo. In other words I want to do a code search for all hits landing outside a given repository, an inverse repository search if you will.
I may be able to tune the size field with an inequality, but I'm hoping there's something I may be overlooking that has this sort of search in mind. My specific use case is that there's a major monorepo on our remote but there's a small constellation of support repositories which reuse some bits of the main repo that need to be refactored. I'm trying to identify those source hits in the smaller repos that need to be upgraded.
Use -repo in the normal search. You can exclude a repository by prepending a hyphen (-).
foo_library -repo:owner1/repoX -repo:owner2/repo
See also or

Tag group for multiple sites in kentico?

I wanted to know how I can use a tag group for multiple site in Kentico 10 ? Is it possible or there are workarounds ?
Well you can not have the same tag group for 2 or more sites. There is no "global" tag group. Table CMS_TagGroup has the information about all the groups for all sites, and Kentico module is called Taxonomy. You have to experiment here, there is a field called TagGroupIsAdHoc by default is always false. You may try to set to true (i.e. it means a group is shared), but in this case you need to useal module -> make a change -> seal the module.
Here is the condition that you need to change:
These are just some ideas, you need to dig deeper... Essentially what you looking for is custom functionality and not available out the box. Changing system modules is not recommended (might complicate the future upgrades), so you do it at your own risk

What file name should I use to identify GitHubs userName/repoName structure for analysis on my local filesystem without nested folders?

I am analyzing GitHub repositories.
To keep track of the same resource throughout multiple calculations I want to use the userName and repoName in combination as an identifier.
First I thought a simple
would do but apparently repoNames can now contain underscores as well (userNames can't so splitting after the first underscore would work okay I guess)
So my question is:
Do you have any advice for me on how to create a cross-platform failsafe identifier from a GitHub userName and repoName?
I want to avoid nested folders as it is easier to keep track of same-level folders than multiple nested ones (one user with multiple repos)