Tag group for multiple sites in kentico? - tags

I wanted to know how I can use a tag group for multiple site in Kentico 10 ? Is it possible or there are workarounds ?

Well you can not have the same tag group for 2 or more sites. There is no "global" tag group. Table CMS_TagGroup has the information about all the groups for all sites, and Kentico module is called Taxonomy. You have to experiment here, there is a field called TagGroupIsAdHoc by default is always false. You may try to set to true (i.e. it means a group is shared), but in this case you need to useal module -> make a change -> seal the module.
Here is the condition that you need to change:
These are just some ideas, you need to dig deeper... Essentially what you looking for is custom functionality and not available out the box. Changing system modules is not recommended (might complicate the future upgrades), so you do it at your own risk


Azure DevOps - how to track planned vs unplanned work items

We have agile / devops culture -based teams who have a need to track work that has been planned and prioritized at an expected pace, vs work that came in for immediate handling. Some are bugs, some are tasks, some stories, etc.
We're thinking that adding a custom field is the way to go, with potential values of Maintenance and Enhancement. And of course, the hardest part: What would the field name be?
Is there a better approach? We don't think that a new work item is really it, but we could be convinced otherwise.
Additionally, we've looked at all of the canned fields and don't see an obvious field that fits, but we would prefer to use the built-in fields where it makes sense.
What, if any, is the recommended approach? I'd be very surprised if we're the first with this need.
A custom field doesn't have big difference from predefined field, so you can feel free to create one when no existing predefined fields can meet your needs.
I agree with your thought of adding a custom field. As for the field name, we can simply name it PlanStatus,PlannedOrNot or whatever you like...
You only need:
1.One inherited process based on Agile process template.
2.Edit Bug type and create the field.
Then edit other workItem types who also need this field. (Edit=>Add an existing field=>PlanStatus)
3.Then you can create a bug/epic with PlanStatus field and you can use the newly created field in Query. Besides, you can add a widget in Project OverView=>Dashboard to track the planned/unplanned workitems. (Chart for WorkItems widget or Query Results widget or what...)

Rundeck display options dynamically

I am using Rundeck for basic API calls periodically or manually. As of now, I have a lot of options the user has to provide, but most of them remains empty.
In fact, some of them depends on a previous one (e.g do you want X ? Then provide Y). Is there a way to display some options only if another has a given value ?
I would like not to create two different jobs but to keep only one.
One possible way is with Cascading Remote Options
This provides a mechanism for declaring hierarchical or dependent sets of option values.

tiki wiki how to permanently hide a tracker plugin from a user once saved

I'm trying to implement a read confirmation in a number of wiki pages.
I'm trying to use trackers.
General Description:
Employees in our company are assigned to read a number of official procedures.
I'm trying to implement a process where:
Each employee is assigned procedures he needs to read according to his department (Group).
Each procedure is a wiki page
At the end of each procedure there will be a confirmation form in the following format.
Users that don't need to read this procedure won't see this form.
Users that confirmed reading the document will see a message like:
You've confirmed reading this procedure.
Administrators will be able to monitor who read what procedure.
How do I hide the tracker plugin from users who don't belong to the department (Group)
How do I display a different message once the user confirmed the read
There are different way to achieve this and it require a bit of thinking (trade-off from a method to another), but this is what I’ll do.
Have 2 groups (before approving - after approving)
Display the procedures using a plugin listExecute and having at the end the approving checkbox to have some actions (notification, group changes, etc).
Enclosing everything in a tracker and turn it into a multipage forms can also be the way.
Your case remind me other use case I worked on including Official Procedures reading including quick test (to check if the procedures were understood) and approving mechanism. Look at https://doc.tiki.org/PluginExercise ;)
Good luck
Another, possibly simpler (? ;) way to do that would be to use just plugins group and list, maybe like this:
{GROUP(groups="This Department")}
{filter type="trackeritem"}
{filter field="tracker_id" content="42"}
{filter field="tracker_field_procedurePage" content="{{page}}"}
{filter field="tracker_field_userLogin" content="{{user}}"}
{OUTPUT()}~tc~Item found, so already done~/tc~You already did this bit{OUTPUT}
{ALTERNATE()}~tc~Nothing found, show the form~/tc~{tracker trackerId=42 etc...}{ALTERNATE}
You don't need to fill in the form
This is totally untested i'm afraid, and i'm not 100% sure you can use a plugin in the ALTERNATE section, but give it a go? If it doesn't work, try using {display format="wiki plugin" etc...} which might do the trick - good luck!

Typo3 best practices - general variables

What is the best way to allow backend users to edit variables?
For example, I have a TYPO3 that sends out various e-Mail notifications and I want the backend users to be able to globally change the recipients. I started with template constants, until I found out, that backend users cannot edit the "template" module.
So what would be the best way to achieve this? I'm using Typo3 8.7.7
I would create a configuration record which can be edited by the backend users.
one way would be to include one file from fileadmin/ into the constants definition of typoscript. This file editors could change. But that could be a security risk, as the editors could define any constants.
the next option would be to define additional fields to the pages record, where these values could be set by any editor. In typoscript you access the field (maybe with slide = -1, so the value needs to be set just once)
another option: add these fields to a (special?) CE (ContentElement).
last option: use std CEs (e.g.HTML-content) at special pages or columns and use the content field (bodytext). (HTML-content has the advantage that the bodytext field is stored unmodified.)
Cleanest and leanest option would be option two (additional fields to table 'pages'). Option three and four are possible with pure typoscript, but you need to use CONTENT or RECORD object. If you use fix uids: remember that your editors might delete the CE and add a new CE with the same content (but another uid)
As #Thomas-Löffler in his answer said:
you also can add a new kind of record/table, where an editor can insert or change the global values. Handling is like pages or tt_content. you can differ if your records are global (pid = 0, or special storage page) or dependent on page tree (rootpath), so you can have differnt values for different page subtrees.
I like Thomas‘ answer for providing a dedicated place to store the configuration option instead of putting it e.g. to pages because your configuration option is not bound to a page context.
Nonetheless for me personally it feels a bit odd to create a dedicated table for it. A table that would never hold more than one record.
That leads me to the conclusion that a key-value storage would be the right thing to use. Fortunately, TYPO3 ships System Registry. The only downside is that there‘s no interface for it so you‘d have to come up with your own forms to fill it. That‘s much easier if you go with Thomas‘ solution…
A clean and easy way is setting up a backend module with a form to set the email addresses.
Then you can grant the access right to a specific group or user and they are ready to go.

Typo3 group Records by a DB field

Im using a Page (type Folder) to show all records with this pid. Is it possible group these records somehow? Theres a field in my DB called "vid", which contains the uid of some other records. I want the records in my folder to be grouped by this uid. Any suggestions? (Using Typo3 4.6.3)
Ok, then the simple answer is No. Grouping is not possible with the default backend list view module. You can sort, and search/filter there, but not more. You may write a custom backend module that does the trick for you.
What I could also imagine is to use the export function in the list module (there is a button somewhere) and then do the grouping with your favorite spreadsheet tool (like excel). Depending on how often you need this feature that may be a simple workaround that does not require and additional coding.