Getting the centroid coordinates with moments - centroid

I have a question about how to determinate the centroid coordinates of an object. I read that for a given shape xc = m10/m00, yc = m01/m00 are the coordinates of the object centroid.
Is it possible to find the same coordinates whatever the selected ROI of an image ?
Here is my code for getting centroid cordinates for 300 images selecting the same ROI for all images:
for i in range(N_files):
images = ROI[i, :, :]
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(images, 105, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
moments = cv2.moments(thresh)
cx_centroid.append(int(moments["m10"] / (moments["m00"]+10**-15)))
cy_centroid.append(int(moments["m01"] / (moments["m00"]+10**-15)))


Pupil detection with hough transform

so I am working for my disertation thesis and I have to detect the pupil from images using Hough Transform. So far I wrote a code that identifies 2 circles on my image, but right now I have to keep the black circle from the pupil.
When I run the code, it identifies me the pupil, but also a random circle on the cheek. My professor said that I should calculate the pixels mean and, considering the fact that the pupil is black, to keep the pixels from only that region. I don't know how to do this.
I will let my code here to have a look and if someone has an ideea on how should I write this and keep only the black pixels would be great. I also attached to this the final image to see what I obtained.
close all
clear all
path='C:\Users\Ioana PMEC\OneDrive\Ioana personal\Disertatie\test.jpg';
%Citire imagine initiala
xx = imread(path);
title('Imagine initiala');% Binarizarea imaginii initiale
yy = rgb2gray(xx);
title('Imagine binarizata');
e = edge(yy, 'canny');
radii = 11:1:30;
h = circle_hough(e, radii, 'same', 'normalise');
peaks = circle_houghpeaks(h, radii, 'nhoodxy', 15, 'nhoodr', 21, 'npeaks', 2);
hold on;
for peak = peaks
[x, y]=circlepoints(peak(3));
plot(x+peak(1), y+peak(2), 'r-');
hold off
I implemented something which should get the task done for you. The example is done with the image you provided.
Step 1: Read the file(s) and convert them to grayscale.
path = %user input;
RGB = imread(path);
lab = rgb2lab(RGB);
grayscale_image = rgb2gray(RGB);
Step 2: Do the Hough transformation with given parameters.
These, and also the sensitivity can be adapted according to your task. Hint: Play around in the Image Segmenter toolbox for fast parameter finding. Next, the inferred circles are converted to integer values, since these are required for indexing.
min_radius = 10;
max_radius = 50;
% Find circles
[centers,radii,~] = imfindcircles(RGB,[min_radius max_radius],'ObjectPolarity','dark','Sensitivity',0.95);
centers = uint16(centers);
radii = uint16(radii);
The annotated image appears as follows:
Step 3: Get the brightness values of the circles.
From the circle center and radius values, we infer their respective brightness. It is sufficient to only check for the x and y pixel values left/right and above/below the center. (-1 is just a safety margin to completely stay within the circles.)
brightness_checker = zeros(2, max(radii), 2);
for i=1:size(centers,1)
current_radii = radii(i)-1;
for j=1:current_radii
% X-center minus radius, step along x-axis
brightness_checker(i, j, 1) = grayscale_image((centers(i,2) - current_radii/2) + j,...
(centers(i,1) - radii(i)/2) + j);
% Y-center minus radius, step along y-axis
brightness_checker(i, j, 2) = grayscale_image((centers(i,2) - current_radii/2) + j,...
(centers(i,1) - current_radii/2) + j);
Step 4: Check which circle is a pupil.
The determined value of 30 could potentially be enhanced.
median_x = median(brightness_checker(:,:,1),2);
median_y = median(brightness_checker(:,:,2),2);
is_pupil = (median_x<30)&(median_y<30);
pupils_center = centers(is_pupil == true,:);
Step 5: Draw the pupils.
The marker can be changed. Refer to:
hold on
plot(centers(:,1), centers(:,2), 'r+', 'MarkerSize', 20, 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on
plot(pupils_center(:,1), pupils_center(:,2), 'b+', 'MarkerSize', 20, 'LineWidth', 2);
This is the final output:

Quantifying pixels from a list of coordinates

I have a list of coordinates, which are generated from another program, and I have an image.
I'd like to load those coordinates (making circular regions of interest (ROIs) with a diameter of 3 pixels) onto my image, and extract the intensity of those pixels.
I can load/impose the coordinates on to the image by using;
hold on
scatter(xCoords, yCoords, 'g')
But can not extract the intensity.
Can you guys point me in the right direction?
I am not sure what you mean by a circle with 3 pixels diameter since you are in a square grid (as mentioned by Ander Biguri). But you could use fspecial to create a disk filter and then normalize. Something like this:
r = 1.5; % for diameter = 3
h = fspecial('disk', r);
h = h/h(ceil(r),ceil(r));
You can use it as a mask to get the intensities at the given region of the image.
im = imread(file);
ROI = im(xCoord-1:xCoord+1; yCoord-1:yCoord+1);
I = ROI.*h;

Matlab: mask/create a circular roi knowing its origin point with a certain radius

Just a quick question. I've an image and I've extracted a certain point (feature), I know the coordinates of that point in every frame.
Say x1 and y1.
I need a circular ROI form that point on the image with a radius that I chose.
I tried impoly and roipoly - not sure how to use either of these when I know the point in the image.
Since you know the coordinates of the center of the ROI along with the radius, you can modify a bit the code provided by #Jonas here to create a circular mask in a quite efficient way.
Im = imread('coins.png');
[rNum,cNum,~] = size(Im);
%// Define coordinates and radius
x1 = 60;
y1 = 100;
radius = 40;
%// Generate grid with binary mask representing the circle. Credit to Jonas for original code.
[xx,yy] = ndgrid((1:rNum)-y1,(1:cNum)-x1);
mask = (xx.^2 + yy.^2)<radius^2;
%// Mask the original image
Im(mask) = uint8(0);
If you want to see only the outer edge of the ROI to see the center, add a logical condition with some tolerance for the radius of a smaller circle. Something like this:
mask = (xx.^2 + yy.^2)<radius^2 & (xx.^2 + yy.^2)>(radius-tol)^2;
With a tol of 2 it looks like this:

How to measure the rotation of a image in MATLAB?

I have two images. One is the original, and the another is rotated.
Now, I need to discover the angle that the image was rotated. Until now, I thought about discovering the centroids of each color (as every image I will use has squares with colors in it) and use it to discover how much the image was rotated, but I failed.
I'm using this to discover the centroids and the color in the higher square in the image:
i = rgb2gray(img);
bw = im2bw(i,0.01);
s = regionprops(bw,'Centroid');
centroids = cat(1, s.Centroid);
colors = impixel(img,centroids(1),centroids(2));
top = max(centroids);
topcolor = impixel(img,top(1),top(2));
You can detect the corners of one of the colored rectangles in both the image and the rotated version, and use these as control points to infer the transformation between the two images (like in image registration) using the CP2TFORM function. We can then compute the angle of rotation from the affine transformation matrix:
Here is an example code:
%# read first image (indexed color image)
[I1 map1] = imread('');
%# constructed rotated image
deg = -15;
I2 = imrotate(I1, deg, 'bilinear', 'crop');
%# find blue rectangle
BW1 = (I1==2);
BW2 = imrotate(BW1, deg, 'bilinear', 'crop');
%# detect corners in both
p1 = corner(BW1, 'QualityLevel',0.5);
p2 = corner(BW2, 'QualityLevel',0.5);
%# sort corners coordinates in a consistent way (counter-clockwise)
p1 = sortrows(p1,[2 1]);
p2 = sortrows(p2,[2 1]);
idx = convhull(p1(:,1), p1(:,2)); p1 = p1(idx(1:end-1),:);
idx = convhull(p2(:,1), p2(:,2)); p2 = p2(idx(1:end-1),:);
%# make sure we have the same number of corner points
sz = min(size(p1,1),size(p2,1));
p1 = p1(1:sz,:); p2 = p2(1:sz,:);
%# infer transformation from corner points
t = cp2tform(p2,p1,'nonreflective similarity'); %# 'affine'
%# rotate image to match the other
II2 = imtransform(I2, t, 'XData',[1 size(I1,2)], 'YData',[1 size(I1,1)]);
%# recover affine transformation params (translation, rotation, scale)
ss = t.tdata.Tinv(2,1);
sc = t.tdata.Tinv(1,1);
tx = t.tdata.Tinv(3,1);
ty = t.tdata.Tinv(3,2);
translation = [tx ty];
scale = sqrt(ss*ss + sc*sc);
rotation = atan2(ss,sc)*180/pi;
%# plot the results
subplot(311), imshow(I1,map1), title('I1')
hold on, plot(p1(:,1),p1(:,2),'go')
subplot(312), imshow(I2,map1), title('I2')
hold on, plot(p2(:,1),p2(:,2),'go')
subplot(313), imshow(II2,map1)
title(sprintf('recovered angle = %g',rotation))
If you can identify a color corresponding to only one component it is easier to:
Calculate the centroids for each image
Calculate the mean of the centroids (in x and y) for each image. This is the "center" of each image
Get the red component color centroid (in your example) for each image
Subtract the mean of the centroids for each image from the red component color centroid for each image
Calculate the ArcTan2 for each of the vectors calculated in 4), and subtract the angles. That is your result.
If you have more than one figure of each color, you need to calculate all possible combinations for the rotation and then select the one that is compatible with the other possible rotations.
I could post the code in Mathematica, if you think it is useful.
I would take a variant to the above mentioned approach:
% Crude binarization method to knock out background and retain foreground
% features. Note one looses the cube in the middle
im = im > 1
Then I would get the 2D autocorrelation:
acf = normxcorr2(im, im);
From this result, one can easily detect the peaks, and as rotation carries into the autocorrelation function (ACF) domain, one can ascertain the rotation by matching the peaks between the original ACF and the ACF from the rotated image, for example using the so-called Hungarian algorithm.

How to get coordinates of corners of an image in matlab

I want to get the four corner points or coordinates of an image. How can get I get them in MatLab?
If you are referring to the coordinates of the image corners when you plot the image in an axes using either IMSHOW or IMAGE/IMAGESC, then here is how you can find them:
If you plot the image without specifying ranges:
Then img is plotted on an axes with the pixels centered at the values 1:size(img,2) horizontally and 1:size(img,1) vertically. Since these values represent the pixel centers, and the pixel size is 1, then the image extends half a pixel past the above ranges in every direction. The extents of the image are therefore:
xmin = 0.5;
xmax = size(img,2)+0.5;
ymin = 0.5;
ymax = size(img,1)+0.5;
From which you can get your corner coordinates [xmin ymin], [xmin ymax], [xmax ymin], and [xmax ymax].
If you specify ranges for plotting, such as:
image([x1 x2],[y1 y2],img);
You may think that these limits you specify are the edges of the plotted image, but they are actually the extents of the pixel centers, so yet again the true extent of the plotted image is half a pixel further in every direction. The pixel size in each direction can be calculated as follows:
dx = abs(x2-x1)/size(img,2);
dy = abs(y2-y1)/size(img,1);
And the extents of the image are therefore:
xmin = min(x1,x2)-0.5*dx;
xmax = max(x1,x2)+0.5*dx;
ymin = min(y1,y2)-0.5*dy;
ymax = max(y1,y2)+0.5*dy;
From which you can again easily get your corner coordinates.