Log files in massively distributed systems - distributed-computing

I do a lot of work in the grid and HPC space and one of the biggest challenges we have with a system distributed across hundreds (or in some case thousands) of servers is analysing the log files.
Currently log files are written locally to the disk on each blade but we could also consider publishing logging information using for example a UDP Appender and collect it centally.
Given that the objective is to be able to identify problems in as close to real time as possible, what should we do?

First, synchronize all clocks in the system using NTP.
Second, if you are collecting the logs in a single location (like the UDP appender you mention) make sure the logs have enough information to actually help. I would include at least the server that generated the log, the time it happened, and the message. If there is any sort of transaction id, or job id type concept, include that also.
Since you mentioned a UDP Appender I am guessing you are using log4j (or one of it's siblings). Log4j has an MDC class that allows extra information to be passed along through a processing thread. it can help collect some of the extra information and pass it along.

Are you using Apache? If so you could have a look at mod_log_spread Though you may have too big an infrastructure to make it maintainable. The other option is to look at "broadcasting" or "multicasting" your log messages and having dedicated logging servers subscribing to those feeds and collating them


Distributed systems with large number of different types of jobs

I want to create a distributed system that can support around 10,000 different types of jobs. One single machine can host only 500 such jobs, as each job needs some data to be pre-loaded into memory, which can't be kept in a cache. Each job must have redundancy for availability.
I had explored open-source libraries like zookeeper, hadoop, but none solves my problem.
The easiest solution that I can think of, is to maintain a map of job type, with its hosted machine. But how can I support dynamic allocation of job type on my fleet? How to handle machine failures, to make sure that each job type must be available on atleast 1 machine, at any point of time.
Based on the answers that you mentioned in the comments, I propose you to go for a MQ-based (Message Queue) architecture. What I propose in this answer is to:
Get the input from users and push them into a distributed message queue. It means that you should set up a message queue (Such as ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ) on several servers. This MQ technology, helps you to replicate the input requests for fault tolerance issues. It also provides a full end-to-end asynchronous system.
After preparing this MQ layer, you can setup you computing servers layers. This means that some computing servers (~20 servers in your case) will read the requests from the message queue and start a job based on the request. Because this MQ is distributed, you can make sure that a good level of load balancing can happen in your computing servers. In addition, each server is capable of running as much as jobs that you want (~500 in your case) based on the requests that it reads from the MQ.
Regarding the failures, the computing servers may only pop from the MQ, if and only if the job is completed. If one server is crashing, the job is still in the MQ and another server can work on it. If the job is saving some state somewhere or updates something, you should manage its duplicate run then.
The good point about this approach is that it is very salable. It means that if in future you have more jobs to handle, by adding a computing server and connecting it to the MQ, you can process more requests on the servers without any change to the system. In addition, some nice features in the MQ like priority-based queuing, helps you to prioritize the requests and process them based on the job type.
p.s. Your Q does not provide any details about the type and parameters of the system. This is a draft solution that I can propose. If you provide more details, maybe the community can help you more.

Mapping out a Kafka+Zookeeper cluster

I inherited a Kafka/Zookeeper installation. I have a passing knowledge of those - I know the general architecture, how clients work, about topics, etc., have been involved in programming Java clients etc.
But the installation is somewhat dubious. They are three instances of Kafka and Zookeeper each (in their separate docker containers). Supposedly they should work, but what I am seeing is all processes spout immense amount of log output with loads and loads of (diverse) warnings and errors. I have the impression that some of these seem to be quite normal (or are being self-healed all the time), and am having a very hard time figuring if everything works as intended or not, and set up correctly.
Some of these are - according to Google - related to unclean shutdowns of the brokers; corrupted individual topics and such. As this is a test environment, I can easily delete such files.
I know about some commands which help me check topics etc. (basic stuff, like listing them, displaying their individual configuration etc.).
Is there an online ressource/documentation which can be used as a systematic walkthrough to check whether everything is basically setup OK; for example to clear up these questions:
Do the three Zookeepers and the three Kafka instances correctly talk to each other for high-availability purposes? Do they have a correct "leader" etc.?
Are the servers generally "healthy", i.e., easily able to accept connections etc.?
How are the topics working (what's in there, how many messages, etc.)?
I am aware that one may very quickly dismiss this question as too generic; I am not asking you to solve my problems. I am looking for a ressource to systematically walk through such an installation - it may or may not cover the examples I have given, but it definitely should give a systematic way to find out if things are fundamentally wrong.
Rather than looking solely at logs, you might want to familiarize yourself with JMX metrics and how you can gather them across the cluster.
If you want to actually collect and analyze logs, you'll likely need to separately use something like Elasticsearch.
You won't see "how many messages" in a topic, and you'll need even more monitoring to know if a port is actually open and the Kafka process is running, the disks are filling up, etc.
My point here is that, Kafka needs fed and watered, if you plan to productionalize it, you can't just set up a small cluster and forget about it. Even if you think it's setup correctly at the beginning, increasing the load on it will cause it to fall in a bad state eventually.
For a limited trial for your dev environment to get a full look at your cluster health, Confluent Control Center can assist with that.
To solve the "what's in there" problem, I suggest you setup a Schema Registry, and convince Kafka producers to use it.
This packtpub tutorial/training by Stéphane Maarek is wonderful resource for setting kafka in cluster mode. However he did that in AWS cloud in ubuntu VM.
I have followed the same steps and installed in Vagrant VMs in cent OS. You can find the code here.
The VM has yahoo kafka manager to monitor the kafka internal details. list of broker available, healthy , partitions, leaders etc.,
kafka manager can help you with high level monitoring.
Please provide your comments.

Real Time Streaming With Multiple Data Sources Using Kafka

We are planning to build a real time monitoring system with apache kafka. The overall idea is to push data from multiple data sources to kafka and perform data quality checks. I have few questions with this architecture
What are the best possible approaches of streaming data from multiple sources which mainly include java applications, oracle database, rest api's, log files to apache kafka? Note each client deployment includes each of such data sources. Hence the number of data sources pushing data to kafka would be equal to the number of customers * x where x are the types of data sources that I listed. Ideally a push approach would suit best instead of a pull approach. In the pull approach the target system would have to be configured with the credentials of various source system which would not be practical
How do we handle failures?
How do we perform data quality checks on the incoming messages? For e.g. If a certain message does not have all the required attributes, the message could be discarded and an alert could be raised for the maintenance team to check.
Kindly let me know your expert inputs. Thanks !
I think the best approach here is to use Kafka connect: link
but it's a pull approach :
Kafka Connect sources are pull-based for a few reasons. First, although connectors should generally run continuously, making them pull-based means that the connector/Kafka Connect decides when data is actually pulled, which allows for things like pausing connectors without losing data, brief periods of unavailability as connectors are moved, etc. Second, in distributed mode the tasks that pull data may need to be rebalanced across workers, which means they won't have a consistent location or address. While in standalone mode you could guarantee a fixed network endpoint to work with (and point other services at), this doesn't work in distributed mode where tasks can be moving around between workers. Ewen

is it possible to write record as NO-UNDO in transaction?

we are making some loging issue, where we need write the logentries in the DB. But the process run in a transaction and by rollback are our new logentries also deleted. can I make a write in DB out of the transaction? something like write in temptable with NO-UNDO option...? that the new logentries still remain in DB...?
Another possibility would be to use an app server. Transactions on app server sessions are independent from transactions in the original session (that's what the optional and redundant "DISTINCT TRANSACTION" syntax is all about).
Another option would be to use a simple messaging system. One very easy to setup and use option is STOMP. It is platform neutral and very easy to get going with.
Julian Lyndon-Smith posted the following on PEG about a month ago, and it really is as easy to setup and use as he says (I've tried it, I used ApacheMQ which is also very easy to setup and use):
Following on from presentations in Boston and Finland, dot.r is
pleased to announce the open source Stomp project, available
Download from either http://www.dotr.com or
https://bitbucket.org/jmls/stomp , the dot.r stomp programs allow you
to connect your progress session to any other application or service
that is connected to the same message broker.
Open source, free message brokers that support Stomp are:
(http://fusesource.com/products/fuse-mq-enterprise/) [a Progress company now owned by Red Hat inc]
Fuse MQ Enterprise is a standards-based, open source messaging platform that deploys with a very small footprint. The lack of license
fees combined with high-performance, reliable messaging that can be
used with any development environment provides a solution that
supports integration everywhere
Apache ActiveMQ (tm) (http://activemq.apache.org/)is the most popular
and powerful open source messaging and Integration Patterns server. Apache
ActiveMQ is fast, supports many Cross Language Clients and Protocols, comes
with easy to use Enterprise Integration Patterns and many advanced features
while fully supporting JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4.
Apache ActiveMQ is released under the Apache 2.0 License.
RabbitMQ is a message broker. The principal idea is pretty simple: it
accepts and forwards messages. You can think about it as a post
office: when you send mail to the post box you're pretty sure that Mr.
Postman will eventually deliver the mail to your recipient. Using this
metaphor RabbitMQ is a post box, a post office and a postman.
The major difference between RabbitMQ and the post office is the fact
that it doesn't deal with paper, instead it accepts, stores and
forwards binary blobs of data - messages.
Please feel free to log any issues on the
https://bitbucket.org/jmls/stomp issue system, and fork the project in
order to commit back all those new features that you are going to add
dot.r Stomp uses the permissive MIT licence
Have fun, enjoy !
Every change to the database must be part of a transaction. If you do not explicitly start one it will be implicitly started for you and scoped to the next outer block with transaction capabilities.
However and although I would not recommend you to, work with sub-transactions. You can invoke a sub transaction by explicitly specifying a DO TRANSACTION within the transaction scope. Although the database will never know about it, the client can roll back the sub transaction while the database can commit the transaction.
But in order to implement something like this you must master the concepts of transaction scope, block behavior and error handling.
Write your log entries to a no-undo temp-table.
When the code will commit a transaction, or transactions aren't active (transactionID = ?) have your code write the log entries out.
I don't think there is any way to do this in ABL as you planned either efficiently (sprinkling temp-table flushes or other tidbits all over the place is gross) or reliably (what if the application crashes with an un-flushed temp-table?), as others have mentioned. I would suggest making your complicated logging less coupled to your app by making the database writes asynchronous, occurring outside of your application if possible.
Since you're on Windows, you could change your logging to use the .NET log4net library instead of ABL constructs. log4net has a few appenders that would be useful:
AdoNetAppender which lets you log directly to a database
RemoteSyslogAppender which uses the syslog protocol, letting you log to an external Unix syslog or rsyslog daemon (rsyslog supports writing log messages to databases)
UDPAppender which sends the log messages via UDP packets somewhere else to be handled (e.g. a logFaces server, which supports writing to databases)
If you must do it in ABL then you could use a named output stream specifically for your log messages (OUTPUT TO STREAM) which writes to a specific location where an external process is listening to handle it. This file could be a pipe created by something like mkfifo or just a regular text file that is monitored for changes with inotify (not sure what the Windows equivalents of these are). This external process would handle parsing the messages and writing them to the database (basically re-inventing rsyslog).
I like the no-undo temp-table idea, just be sure to put the database write part in a "FINALLY" block in case of unhandled exceptions.

What is the best, most efficient, Client pool technique with Erlang

I'm a real Erlang newbie (started 1 week ago), and I'm trying to learn this language by creating a small but efficient chat server. (When I say efficient I mean I have 5 servers used to stress test this with hundreds of thousands connected client - A million would be great !)
I have find some tutorials doing so, the only thing is, that every tutorial i found, are IRC like. If one user send a message, all user except sender will receive it.
I would like to change that a bit, and use one-to-one discussion.
What would be the most effective client pool for searching a connected user ?
I thought about registering the process, because it seems to do everything I need, but I really don't think this is the better way to do it. (Or most pretty way to do it anyway).
Does anyone would have any suggestions doing this ?
Every connected client is affected to an ID.
When the user is connected, it first send a login command to give it's id.
When an user wants to send a message to another one the message looks like this
When I ask for "the most effective client pool", I'm actually looking for the fastest way to retrieve/add/delete one client on the connected client list which could potentially be large (hundred of thousands -- maybe millions)
EDIT 2 :
For answering some questions :
I'm using Raw Socket (Using telnet right now to communicate with server) - will probably move to ssl later...
It is my own protocol
Every Client is a spawned Pid
Every Client's Pid is linked to it's own monitor (mostly for debugging reason - The client if disconnected should reconnect by it's own starting auth from scratch)
I have read a couple a book before starting coding, So I do not master yet every aspect of Erlang but I'm not unaware of it, I will read more about it when needed I guess.
What I'm really looking for is the best way to store and search thoses PIDs to send message directly from process to process.
Should I write my own search Client function using lists ?
or should I use ets ?
Or even use register/2 unregister/1 and whereis/1 to maintain my client list, using it's unique id as atom, it seems to be the simplest way to do so, I really don't know if it is efficient, but I'm pretty sure this is the ugly solution ;-) ?
I'm doing something similar to your chat program using gproc as a pubsub (similar to the demo on that page). Each client registers as it's id. To find a particular client, you do a lookup on that client id. To subscribe to a client, you add a property to that process of the client id being subscribed to. To publish, you call gproc:send(ClientId,Message). This covers your use case, the more general room based chat as well, and can handle distributed masterless registry of processes.
I haven't tested to see if it scales to millions, but it uses ets to do the storage and gproc is rock solid code by Ulf Wiger. I wouldn't count on being able to write a better implementation.
I'm also kind of new to Erlang (a couple of months), so I hope this can put you in the correct path :)
First of all, since you're a "newbie", you should know about these sites:
Erlang Official Documentation:
Most common modules are in the stdlib application, so start from there.
Alternative Documentation:
There's a real time search engine, so it is really good when searching
for specific modules.
Erlang Programming Rules:
For you to enter in the mindset of erlang programming.
Learn You Some Erlang Book:
A must read for everyone starting with Erlang. It's really comprehensive
and fun to read!
Forum and cookbooks, to search for common problems faced by programmers.
Well, thinking about a non persistent database, I would suggest the sets or gb_sets modules (documentation here).
If you want persistence, you should try dets (see documentation above), but I can't state anything about efficiency, so you should research this topic a bit further.
In the book Learn You Some Erlang there is a chapter on data structures that says that sets are better for read intensive systems, while gb_sets is more appropriate for a balanced usage.
Now, Messaging systems are what everyone wants to do when they come to Erlang because the two naturally blend. However, there are a number of things to look into before one continues. Messaging basically involves the following things: User Registration, User Authentication, Sessions Management,Logging, Message Switching/routing e.t.c. Now, to do all or most of these, one needs to have a Database, certainly IN-MEMORY, thats leads me to either Mnesia or ETS Tables. Since you are new to Erlang, i suppose you have not yet really mastered working with these. At one moment, you will need to maintain Who is communicating with who, Who is available for Chat e.t.c. Hence you might need to look up things and write things some where.Another thing is you have not told us the Client. Is it going to be a Web Client (HTTP), is it an entirely new protocol you are implementing over raw Sockets ? Which ever way, you will need to master something called: Concurrency in Erlang. If a user connects and is assigned an ID, if your design is A process Per User, then you will have to save the Pids of these Processes or register them against some criteria, yet again monitor them if they die e.t.c. Which brings me to OTP and Supervision trees. There is quite alot, however, tell us more about the Client and Server interaction, the Network Communication you need e.t.c. Or is it just a simple Erlang RPC project you are doing for your own revision ?
EDIT Use ETS Tables, or use Mnesia RAM tables. Do not think of registering these Pids or Storing them in a list, Array or set. Look at this solution which was given to this question