Nant and changing file properties (read-only to writable) - nant

As part of the Nant copy task, I would like to change the properties of the files in the target location. For instance make the files "read-write" from "read-only". How would I do this?

Use the <attrib> task. For example, to make the file "test.txt" read/write, you would use
<attrib file="test.txt" readonly="false"/>

Also, for a list of files, the command is:
<attrib readonly="false">
<fileset basedir="mydirectory">
<include name="**"/>


copy file with different name with phing

I wrote a script in Phing that copies files for two websites, but I can't do such thing like copy file with a name change. I want to copy this image into favicon.png.
<copy todir="C:\dest_folder\" >
<fileset dir="C:\source_folder\" >
<include name="assets/ico/favicon_website1.png"/>
Can this be done in only one <copy> tag?
How can I do it?
I expect quite a few files to be copied with a changed name so I want to simplify the script.
If it's just the one file you want to rename, use tofile rather than a fileset.
<copy file="assets/ico/favicon_website1.png" tofile="C:\dest_folder\favicon.png" />

Is it possible to create an ant-build file for a wikitext project automatically in eclipse?

I have a few hundred textile files in my eclipse project and I have written an ant-build xml file for creating the output html files. This works fine normally. However, every time I add some .textile files to the project, I also have to edit the projectBuilder.xml file manually if the the output has to be generated.
Is there a way in eclipse where I can generate the projectBuilder.xml file automatically? i.e. Lets say, I add a new folder with some 50 subfolders having .textile files inside them, I want eclipse to detect this and add those paths to the build file.
Following is part of the build file for illustration purpose:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="ALM" default="generate-html">
<property name="wikitext.standalone" value="jar" />
<path id="wikitext.classpath">
<fileset dir="${wikitext.standalone}">
<include name="org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.*core*.jar" />
<taskdef classpathref="wikitext.classpath" resource="org/eclipse/mylyn/wikitext/core/util/anttask/" />
<target name="generate-html" description="Generate HTML from textile source">
<wikitext-to-html markupLanguage="Textile">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/..">
<include name="Docu/*.textile" />
<include name="Add-Ons/*.textile" />
<include name="uC1/asv/ASD/doc/*.textile" />
I'm not sure, which of these 2 problems you have.
To automate the transformation process, select Project->Properties->Builder. Add an Ant builder and give it the Ant script that you already have. This leads to running your script on every change in the project (like the normal Java compiler). If you want to run the Ant script only when your textile files change, then have a look at the last tab "Build options" when configuring that builder, there you can restrict it to a "working set of relevant resources".
To dynamically get the list of directories, there are multiple ant tasks available and it might depend on your project layout what to use: Using fileset you could just find all textile files and then use the fileset contents for the generation: Find all directories in which a file exists, such that the file contains a search string Or if the directory structure very plain, then you can just iterate it with foreach: Ant: How do I interate over all subfolders and perform a task in ant.

Copy files from a zip folder to another folder in nant

I want to copy the files from the zip folder to another folder.
I am doing this , but it doesn't works
<copy todir="Lib">
<fileset basedir="Output/">
<include name="*.dll" />
How to achieve this ? the folder is zipped.
A ZIP folder is not a folder, it is a ZIP file, even though the operating system (through your files explorer) may make it look like a folder. Instead of using <fileset> and <copy>, use the unzip task of NAnt.
<unzip zipfile="Output/" todir="Lib" />

Once saved in eclipse, copy project to a different directory

Using Eclipse, is there a way to automatically copy a file/project's directory to a different path once it's saved?
Effectively, when i save a file, it copies it from the workspace to the deploy directory
Workspace: "/code/my_app"
deploy to: "/application/plugins/my_app"
This is Mainly for Python and PHP projects
You can do that with Apache Ant pretty easily. There's even an Ant View in eclipse to run the script from. See the copy task.
Here's a sample ant build.xml file:
<project name="whatever" default="copy">
<target name="copy">
<copy todir="someDir">
<fileset dir="someOtherDir/" casesensitive="yes">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/*Test*"/>
You can also add more targets for deploying your application.
Try “Ant Builder” :).
i have not tried this but this looks nearly what you want.

netbeans - scp after build

I'd like to copy a file to a remote server with scp after building, using Netbeans.
What I do now manually is:
Clean and Build Main Project
scp dist/project.jar login#dest/...../......
Is there some way to automate this task? I tried looking at the build.xml file, but it really looks like something I don't want to mess with.
I use WinSCP to perform something similar to this. I monitor a local directory for file changes and it automatically transfers the changes files.
This is possible, see the scp task on ant's site:
An example from the site:
Copy a set of files to a directory
<scp todir="user:password#somehost:/home/chuck">
<fileset dir="src_dir">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<scp todir="user:password#somehost:/home/chuck">
<fileset dir="src_dir" excludes="**/*.java"/>
You can hardcore the password inside the build task, but that's not a great idea. Better to use public keys.