How can I install CPAN modules locally without root access ( line 229 error)? - perl

Doesn't work with other modules, but to give an example. I installed Text::CSV_XS with a CPAN setting:
'makepl_arg' => q[PREFIX=~/lib],
When I try running a script:
$ perl
use lib "/homes/foobar/lib/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi";
use Text::CSV_XS;
print "test";
I get
Can't load '/homes/foobar/lib/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/Text/CSV_XS/' for module Text::CSV_XS: /homes/foobar/lib/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/Text/CSV_XS/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /www/common/perl/lib/5.8.2/i686-linux/ line 229.
at line 6
Compilation failed in require at line 6.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 6.
I traced the error back to it happens at this line:
# Many dynamic extension loading problems will appear to come from
# this section of code: XYZ failed at line 123 of
# Often these errors are actually occurring in the initialisation
# C code of the extension XS file. Perl reports the error as being
# in this perl code simply because this was the last perl code
# it executed.
my $libref = dl_load_file($file, $module->dl_load_flags) or
croak("Can't load '$file' for module $module: ".dl_error()); exists in the above directory

When you installed the module, did you watch the output? Where did it say it installed the module? Look in lib. Do you see the next directory you expect?
Look in ~/lib to see where eveything ended up to verify that you have the right directory name in your use lib statement:
% find ~/lib -name
Once you see where it is installed, use that directory name in your use lib (or PERL5LIB or whatever).
I expect you have a lib/lib in there somehow. The PREFIX is just the, well, prefix, and the installer appends other directory portions to that base path. That includes lib, man, bin, etc.

Personally I would suggest to use local::lib. :)

Try this instead:
'makepl_arg' => q[PREFIX=~/]
PREFIX sets the base for all the directories you will be installing into (bin, lib, and so forth.)
You may also be running into shell expansion problems with your '~'. You can try to expand it yourself:
'makepl_arg' => q[PREFIX=/home/users/foobar]
It would also be helpful if you included the commands you used to get the error you are asking about.

It looks from the error message ("at /www/common ...") that your script is a CGI or mod_perl script. The web server is probably not running as the user 'foo', under whose home directory you've installed the module - that could result in the web server being unable to read that directory.
It may also be running in a "chroot jail", which would mean that the directory in which you've installed the module may not be visible to the script.
In other words, just because you can see the module, does not mean that the web server, and therefore your script, can do so. You should check the relevant file permissions, and if the server is chrooted, whether your module directory is mounted within the virtual file system.

Does the file in question ( exist?
Does it exist at the listed location?
If you do:
set |grep PERL
What is the output?
Have you successfully installed other local perl modules?

I strongly suggest installing your own perl in your own home directory, if you have space. Then you can keep everything under your control and keep your own module set, as well as escaping if the admins are keeping you on an older version of perl. (Not to mention preserving yourself if they upgrade some day and leave out all the modules you are relying on.)


Perl executable crashes even though file is not missing

I get the following error:
Can't load '...\AppData\Local\Temp\par-6e72616f\cache-20221205133501\5743946b.xs.dll' for module GD:
The specified module could not be found at <embedded>/ line 193.
at <embedded>/PAR/ line 140.
(Line breaks added for readability.)
Here is the file
use GD;
Here is the command to convert it to an exe (I use a batch file that timestamps it):
pp -T 20221205133501 -o t2_20221205133501.exe
On my laptop, the exe works, but on a barebones Citrix environment it fails.
My environment:
Strawberry Perl v5.32.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-64int
GD v2.73
I know the file is simple, but that one line is enough to cause the crash.
The file it complains about exists and is located where it is looking.
I have looked and is looks like I need to add -m GD, or -l xxx to make it work. I tried adding all the dll files I could find for GD, but failed.
I have a corporate environment so I can't really use anything that depends on external programs not in Windows 10. pp_simple depends on wxpar which I do not have. I have used:
objdump -x C:\Strawberry\perl\vendor\lib\auto\GD\GD.xs.dll | find "DLL"
which got me a list of DLLs, and I did try using them with -l.
From Re: Par with strawberry-Perl
There are likely missing DLLs that need to be added to the pp call
using the --link option.
Finding these manually can be a pain, so have a look at pp_autolink or
pp_simple (the former is mine, but adapted from the latter).

Installing in Active perl on windows 10

I'm trying to get a Perl script running on Windows 10 with Active Perl 5.28.1. It currently runs on windows 7 with Active Perl 5.8.8. When I try to run it I get:
Can't locate in #INC (you may need to install the Switch module) (#INC contains: C:\Perl\lib C:/Perl64/site/lib C:/Perl64/lib) at line 108.
So I tried to install I started cpan and then did install
I got:
Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging
cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v2.20)
Enter 'h' for help.
cpan> install
Reading 'C:\Perl64\cpan\sources\authors\01mailrc.txt.gz'
Use of uninitialized value $command in concatenation (.) or string at C:\Perl64\lib/CPAN/ line 163, <IN> line 1.
'-qdt' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Reading 'C:\Perl64\cpan\sources\modules\02packages.details.txt.gz'
Use of uninitialized value $command in concatenation (.) or string at C:\Perl64\lib/CPAN/ line 163.
'-qdt' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Warning: Your C:\Perl64\cpan\sources\modules\02packages.details.txt.gz does not contain a Line-Count header.
Please check the validity of the index file by comparing it to more
than one CPAN mirror. I'll continue but problems seem likely to
Warning: Your C:\Perl64\cpan\sources\modules\02packages.details.txt.gz does not contain a Last-Updated header.
Please check the validity of the index file by comparing it to more
than one CPAN mirror. I'll continue but problems seem likely to
.Could not split line["┬0\cL²\cU\c?└'≈\cCé"]
Could not split line["c▐X'Γπ"├█\cP\cE?▀&δ┌╠5α%â╛mτl∞Bô⌠ñg▒R\cI¥\cT\cP╘≈\cX."]
Could not split line["V╟\c]\$≈»1"]
Could not split line["a\cVk\cQ0y│ôδNj+╒1<c;¼òPb╪Zà⌠∞\cBl≥┤h\cRU\cPFÄ┴▄4û\cIƒ\#⌐╜─b*QZ\$lEX╞╔■î>∩îÅ=\cF┬N;│¼-\cZu¿fÆh\eD"]
Giving up parsing your C:\Perl64\cpan\sources\modules\02packages.details.txt.gz, too many errorsReading 'C:\Perl64\cpan\sources\authors\01mailrc.txt.gz'
Use of uninitialized value $command in concatenation (.) or string at C:\Perl64\lib/CPAN/ line 163.
'-qdt' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Reading 'C:\Perl64\cpan\sources\modules\02packages.details.txt.gz'
Use of uninitialized value $command in concatenation (.) or string at C:\Perl64\lib/CPAN/ line 163.
'-qdt' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Warning: Your C:\Perl64\cpan\sources\modules\02packages.details.txt.gz does not contain a Line-Count header.
Please check the validity of the index file by comparing it to more
than one CPAN mirror. I'll continue but problems seem likely to happen.
Warning: Your C:\Perl64\cpan\sources\modules\02packages.details.txt.gz does not contain a Last-Updated header.
Please check the validity of the index file by comparing it to more
than one CPAN mirror. I'll continue but problems seem likely to
.Could not split line["┬0\cL²\cU\c?└'≈\cCé"]
Could not split line["c▐X'Γπ"├█\cP\cE?▀&δ┌╠5α%â╛mτl∞Bô⌠ñg▒R\cI¥\cT\cP╘≈\cX."]
Could not split line["V╟\c]\$≈»1"]
Could not split line["a\cVk\cQ0y│ôδNj+╒1<c;¼òPb╪Zà⌠∞\cBl≥┤h\cRU\cPFÄ┴▄4û\cIƒ\#⌐╜─b*QZ\$lEX╞╔■î>∩îÅ=\cF┬N;│¼-\cZu¿fÆh\eD"]
Giving up parsing your C:\Perl64\cpan\sources\modules\02packages.details.txt.gz, too many errorsLockfile removed.
I tried deleting the files in:
C:\Perl64\cpan\sources\authors and C:\Perl64\cpan\sources\modules\
That had no effect, if there are files in the directories they are updated
as needed.
What am I doing wrong?
note: I found I needed to add some cr/lf to the text, otherwise I would get a error message about code not being formated correctly.
According to ActivePerl 5.28 has removed the old PPM interactive GUI module installation tool in favor of the new website where you log in, pick modules, builds, waits and finally downloads your own custom runtime as one big .exe or .msi file (on windows anyways).
This installation file includes ActivePerl 5.28 and the modules you picked.
In my test on Windows 10 the Switch module was installed without trouble like this.
Other alternatives might be:
Perl 5.26 where PPM a is still available I think, find it at
use the CPAN command from 5.28, but for many if not most modules you need make or dmake. The latter is perhaps easiest available through
Use WSL - windows subsystem for linux. There apt or yum or similar command for your flavour of linux are available. Easy and dependable way to install Perl modules. In my experience. But this isn't ActivePerl, it's barely Windows, it's mostly Gnu/Linux
Strawberry-Perl for Windows
Switch seems to be (judging by a very quick glance now) just a pure perl module that does not depend on other non-core modules. So you can just download the file from and place it in one of the folders output from perl -le'print for #INC' and make sure the file is readable by the system user.

Can't find application class in #INC when starting Mojolicious-generated app

I generated a mojolicious app with the command mojo generate app first-app. It generated the app structure that should allow a running example when running the dev server with morbo ./script/first-app.
The file structure looks like this:
mojo app structure
My error when running morbo ./script/first-app in the root of the project directory is this error:
Can't load application from file "/home/djnorrisdev/Documents/mojo-practice/first-app/script/first-app":
Can't find application class "first-app" in #INC. (
Compilation failed in require at (eval 72) line 1
(Line breaks added for readability. An indented line is a continuation of the previous line.)
I tried using the full path for morbo (as mentioned in a 6 year old SO post), but that gives the same error as above. That command was this: /home/djnorrisdev/perl5/perlbrew/pls/perl-5.30.0/bin/morbo ./script/first-app
I'm guessing anyone familiar with a full mojolicious app would be familiar with the script file, but here's the contents of script/first-app :
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::File 'curfile';
use lib curfile->dirname->sibling('lib')->to_string;
use Mojolicious::Commands;
# Start command line interface for application
Considering this is a mojolicious-generated app, I would assume it should not get an #INC error and run with morbo without issue. Does anyone have insight into this?
For your setup to work, would have to contain package first-app;, but that's not legal code because of the dash. Håkon Hægland suggests that mojo generate app first-app should not have worked (presumably to avoid this very problem), so it's unclear how you came to have the setup you describe.
To fix the problem, you could rerun mojo generate app with a more suitable name (such as FirstApp) and start over.
Alternatively, you should theoretically be able to fix the problem with as little as three changes:
Rename lib/ to a more conventional name such as lib/
Change the argument passed to ->start_app to 'FirstApp'.
Change the package directive in now-named lib/ to package FirstApp;.
A module's path, a module's package directive, and the use statement used to load the module —the value passed to ->start_app in this case— must all match. The three changes ensures this for the module in question.
[Note: I have no experience with Mojo.]

Running Perl Script as CGI Script vs from cmd line

I am trying to run a Perl script as a CGI script. When I run the perl script from cmd line, it runs perfectly well, but it shows the following error when I run it from my browser.
Storable object version 1.012 does not match $Storable::VERSION 1.010 at
C:/Perl/lib/ line 225.
Compilation failed in require at C:/Perl/site/lib/ line 20.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:/Perl/site/lib/ line 20
The perl script concerned has basically been designed to queue some job to a remote software.
In case it rings a bell, Line 20 in the mentioned file is :
use Storable qw(&retrieve &store);
Here are the things I have done :
I have checked the following pages on how to troubleshoot your CGI
script but haven't got around the problem.
I have checked that the perl versions are the same for my PC as well
that used for the software I am sending the script too. I guess had
that been a problem, I wouldn't have been able to run the script
from the commnad line either.
I have run a simple Perl CGI (hello world) script using the same basic html code, so I guess that means I am not putting the cgi files (or accessing them) at the wrong places.
I am running a deadline for finishing this task, and thought should ask what approach I should take to solve such a problem. I am new to Perl. Any cues to what I should read to get around the problem will be greatly appreciated. I cannot share the code anyways, since much of it is proprietary.
Storable is an XS module, which means that it has both C code in Storable.dll (or on Unix) and Perl code in That error indicates that the version of Storable.dll ("Storable object version 1.012") does not match ("$Storable::VERSION 1.010"). If you can run the script from the command line, that means that your webserver is either using a different version of Perl, or #INC is different, or possibly you have an extra Storable.dll in your webserver's directory.
Try to use nstore instead of store. This way, your file will be crossplatform.
Also, try to reinstall the Store module.
Here is how I was able to solve the issue, which btw wouldn't have been possible without the valuable inputs of Miguel Prz and cjm.
Regarding the Storable Module : After reading both the answers, I noticed that my pc had two versions of
Perl. I removed one of them. This got me around the "Storable object
version 1.012 does not match $Storable::VERSION" error. Sounds pretty lame, I know. But I thought I should let you know anyways. But then
I ran into another set of problems. This :
Can't locate
AJE/ in #INC (#INC contains: C:/Perl/lib
C:/Perl/site/lib .)
From comparing with the #INC of the perl environment from the
command line (for which I found this SO post very useful), I
noticed that the #INC that my web server was using (consisting of only 2 directories as shown above) did not include
many of the directories in the #INC of the command line perl environment. This is where cjm's words came back to me! I then used use lib to add those files in my
perl script and that solved the problem!
Thank you for all the help!

Error while running test file(.t file) in perl

I am trying to write my first test case in perl with the help of Test::Simple module.
I have saved the file with .t extension now when i am trying to run this file on windows system then it says windows can not open this file.
I had googled about this and what i found is for running this file you should make a new directory with name /t and keep this file to there.
I have tried this also but still it is not working.
Can any body gives me some tips.
following is my Test cases :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Test::Simple tests => 2;
ok( 1 + 1 == 2 );
ok( 2 + 2 == 5 );
A .t file in Perl is just a Perl script. The .t is just there to let you know that it's a test script instead of something else. The file extension and directory structure really doesn't matter, it's there just to help you can keep your environment clean.
To run a Perl script on Windows, from a command line, simply type perl <script name>. Make sure that you have a Perl executable installed on your system as Windows does not come with one by default, and make sure it is in your path. If the script you want to run is not in your current directory, make sure to specify the path to the script.
In the URL you gave it says:
Now because 'dot-T' files are just normal Perl scripts, you can run them as such -
perl t/Monger.t
Is it a typo in your post, you wrote /t as a directory to keep your test files in - it should be t/, so just a directory relative to where you are. (That's "just" a convention.)