How do I configure Eclipse to work on Qt-based applications in a subversion tree? - eclipse

Most of the work being done at my company is Qt-based C++, and it's all checked into a Subversion repository. Until now, all work on the codebase has been done purely with nano, or perhaps Kate. Being new here, I would like to take advantage of setting up Eclipse -properly- to edit my local copy of the tree. I have the CDT "version" of Eclipse, and the Qt integration, and the Subclipse module. At this point, though, I don't know what to do. Do I "import" the projects into an Eclipse-controlled workspace? Do I edit them in place? Nothing I've tried to do gets Eclipse to recognize that the "project" is a Qt application, so that I can get the integration working.

I would create a new QT project in eclipse, then switch perspectives to subclipse and simply do a SVN checkout into the new eclipse project. You should be good to go.

OK, I've been playing around with this idea, and it has some merit. I can switch to the "SVN Project Exploring" perspective (which I hadn't noticed before), and do a checkout from the head of the sub-project I want. I get a nice SVN-linked copy of the tree in my Eclipse workspace for editing. Eclipse even "understands" the classes, and can do completion on methods and such. However, I still can't get Eclipse to understand that the project is a "QT Gui" project, such that I could view the properties, and control the linking of the various Qt libraries and the like. By extension, it also doesn't understand how to build my project, like it would be able to do if I had created an empty Qt Gui project from scratch. How do I get this part working?

I have exactly the same situation at work (with CVS instead of subversion and the rest of the team using KDevelop but that's no big deal). Just start a new Qt Gui project using the Qt - Eclipse integration features and then remove all the auto generated files. Now using the "Team" features of eclipse and choose to share your project, enter the path to the repository and you 're good to go.

Checkout the project. It will ask you some options like if you want to start with a blank project, or want to use the tree to make a new project. Choose the latter and you should be ok :). It seems to work for me with Ganymed and subversive(not sure about subclipse and i don't remember.) :)

The only way I could get this to work was to check out the project with eclipse and then copy over the .project and .cdtproject files from another Qt-project. Then do a refresh on the project. This is a horrible hack but it gets you started.
You might need to define another builder for 'make'.

Second nikolavp - Checkout, and mark the option to use the new project wizard, then select Qt project. I've done this (with ganymede) and it successfully finds everything and builds correctly.

My solution:
go to the svn-view and add the repository location for your project
check out the project some temporary location with svn or any client you like
choose 'File->Import...' and say 'Qt->Qt project'
browse to the location of the *.pro file, select and hit the OK-Button
you are in the game with an appropriate Qt-project and Subversion Access for that project

I would say the same as the last one,
but instead of the two first steps I would set up the Qt-Eclipse integration:
Qt-Eclipse integration before looking for the *.pro file.


Why does my eclipse project not have a build path?

What is the advantage with not having a build path in eclipse? Why is that setting default when it's like something you'd never use? It seems eclipse indigo was developed to make software development as obscure as possible. I just checked out a fresh copy of the project I checked in (called dungeonworld) this afternoon from another computer and automatically nothing works, can't compile, can't choose build path, can't add jre, can't add jdk, can't add that to project properties.
Is my eclipse broken? I can't believe this is happening, such an easy thing not feasible.
Nothing above solutions worked for me so i tried below
Right click on project >> properties >> project facets >> click on java
It looks like you did not add Eclipse project metadata files to your source control system, so Eclipse doesn't know what your build path is or whether it is even a java project. You can see that the little folder on your dungeonworld project is missing the little 'j', which means Eclipse doesn't think it's a java project.
Go back to your other computer and look for the following files in your original project root...
Make sure all of the end up in your source control system or nothing will work right.
I have same problem, but i have solved
project right click -> properties -> java build path -> src/main/sources
all remove items on "Excluded", and then that item turn the status "(None)"
I tried below steps and it works for me.
Right click on project >> properties >> project facets >> click on java
Eclipse has a build path.
It's stored in a (by default hidden) .classpath file in your project.
You can also access it through the UI in project properties (right click on your project, properties, java build path).
Well, this is probably not your problem, but similar is happening if you are in Eclipse different perspective (for example for Python).
There where no entrys after right click on my projekt in Eclipse. How to click something, wenn build path entries are missing. So my Eclpise didn't detect my java project. I used following Maven command and after that I cleaned the project too. Now Projekt works as expected. So...
If you are using Maven, try mvn eclipse:eclipse in cmd console in your project directory! Make sure to use the path to your Maven folder for the command.
For example:
cd C:\yourEclipseProject\
C:\yourPathToMaven\apache-maven-2.2.1\bin\mvn eclipse:eclipse
This was helping me. After unsuccessful web research, a coworker told me this tip.
I just had a similar problem and I figured out that I had been choosing General Project instead of Java Project while creating a project. After I chose Java>Project it solved my problem. Maybe it'll solve yours as well.
After choosing that, eclipse automatically included java libraries as well.
It's not a good practice to commit IDE related files into source control. What if someone in team uses different IDE? It might have been only option at a time when OP asked this question.
New versions on eclipse (4.x) takes care of this automatically. Probably by observing what kind of source and build files you have in your project.
Don't know the reason. But this works for me, so posting it.
Right click on project -> 'Properties' -> 'Java Build Path'.

How to use an existing Project as a template for a new one with Eclipse (CDT)?

I'd like to use one of my Projects where everything is configured fine and how it is need to start working as a "template" for creating a new Project within eclipse with CDT.
So that time for configuring and writing a working project can be safed because it was already made somewhere else.
Any hints?
You could always right-click the project, choose "copy" and then hit ctrl+v (command+v on mac) to paste a new copy of the project into the workspace, then delete the source files that you don't need, leaving only the project configuration.
Just some ideas:
You can also use File->Export to export the C/C++ project settings, and include those with the project itself (like on a git repo?)
You could make your 'perfect' starting project and use that as a git repo. Then, when you want to use it, just clone and disconnect (under the team menu) the template. Finally, you can re-share to a new repo?
Save the project as 'read-only' and use it as a starting point (now use Save as..) (Not tested, just an idea)
Finally, if you want to do it right, your going to have to write up a plugin! Yay!
Good starting point if you choose this route from this SO link
More on making Eclipse plugins (a bit old)
Good luck! And let us know if you come up with anything else...

Putting a project in Eclipse under source control

I'd like to know a step-by-step procedure for a noob on how to create a hello world project in Eclipse that is Subversion/Mercurial/Git integrated. I know this is easy, but I am unsure how to do it.
downloaded helios and put it on a local folder.
created a new java project on directory "C:\workspace\tests".
added a new file with a hello world message as it contents. The full filename is "C:\workspace\".
now I'll want to change the "hello world" message to "bye world", but I'll want to be able to revert back to the previous message if needed. I need some kind of version control!
What are from this point on the baby-steps I must following to have this already created project and its files under subversion / git / mercurial version control? This shouldn't be about more complex matters, only how to add a simple existing project to source control on our own machine through eclipse!
Put the links to all the software that'll have to be installed, if you please. This is supposed to be a tutorial for total noobs at version control.
edit: i don't know how to make this CW. Could anyone do that?
First you need the appropriate provider installed for your versioning system.
Then the first step from there is right-clicking on the project you want to put under version control, and choosing Team -> Share. What happens then is provider-dependent.
Subclipse is a great plugin for Subversion.
You will need an existing Subversion client to use it.
I will assume you are using Windows based on your drive letter. Tortoise SVN is another good tool that you can use in Windows Explorer rather than inside of Eclipse. This is a more universal approach to Subversion.
I would personally recommend Git for version control, but I don't know of any good Eclipse plugins for it off the top of my head.

How do you make eclipse use an existing svn working copy?

I've got a working copy checked out with svn; furthermore, I've created a new project in Eclipse that has the root of the working copy as the project's location. I want to be able to do stuff like compare versions from Eclipse. I have Subclipse 1.4.8, but that doesn't seem to give me what I want. Am I doing something wrong?
i have an svn working copy that also is a project in eclipse. after installing the subclipse plugin i had the same problem, the working copy was not recognized as such.
i just managed by chance to get it recognized as an svn working copy by renaming the project in question and then renaming it back to its old name. not very nice, but it did the trick :-)
There is an option when creating a new project, to use an existing source directory:
New project/ new Java Project / Create project from existing source.
Use that, tell it where your source lives, and it should automatically detect if it's a SVN working copy.
I guess this is not possible with Subclipse as it's given in its documentation that, you can only import an existing svn-managed folder under one condition, according to the doc:
"The only requirement is that your
working copy has to also be a valid
Eclipse project."
So, if you have a working copy that is not a complete eclipse project, Subclipse will not connect it to SVN.
You can right click on the root node of your project and select: Team / Share project
Then you choose SVN, let the default settings and it should work fine!
I am answering this after a long time of the question being asked. I ended up here because I was facing the same problem.
My solution was to create an empty .svn folder at the root folder of the project (in the latest version of svn client tortoise all meta-data is at the root folder). Then did an eclipse refresh and voila it did the trick. I am running subclipse core - 1.8.4.
One step that seemed to work for me, that no one has explicitly mentioned yet: I closed and then re-opened the project. I tried the "rename" trick, above, and that didn't work, but perhaps the poster of that answer also closed the project - they didn't detail exactly what steps they went thru to rename it. (I found you don't have to close the project to rename it, but perhaps they did.)
< /rob>
In my case, I couldn't use an existing copy because I checked out the code using a newer version of Subversion on the command-line and Subclipse 1.4 couldn't recognize it. Upgrading and going through the improved "Share Project" menu resolved the problem.
I got this tip from the forums here:
I had the same issue and here are the details of the fix.
My Eclipse is "Helios Service Release 1".
I had an SVN checkout on my filesystem, I went to New Java Project, unchecked Use default location, chose the location, went to next step, chose the source folder and said Finish.
The project came up with no disk icon on it. As per few forum posts, right-clicked on the project, went to Team > Share Project, chose SVN, clicked Next, and the option was only to share the files to the SVN Repository for the first time.
I said Cancel, and the option is to make changes to the SVN plug-in settings. Went to Window menu, chose Preferences, browsed Team> SVN. Chose the SVN Connector tab, changed the SVNKit 1.2.3 to SVNKit 1.3.5 and said OK.
Then, right clicked on the project, said Team> SVN, on the next screen, chose the option Use Project Settings and clicked Finish. The disk button came to the project and the SVN URL got displayed on it.
Add the repository to your list of repositories in subclipse by choosing Window->Show View->Other... and choose SVN->SVN Repositories. Put in all the necessary info to connect to the repository.
Next, right click the repository and choose "checkout". If the project doesn't already have an eclipse .project file, you can create a new project from the source. If it already has a .project file, it will import that .project and use that as your eclipse project locally.
It will definitively not work if you use a different version of svn to checkout, that the one that is supported by Eclipse. I had this problem as I used svn 1.6 to checkout but I had an older eclipse version that had only 1.5. Subclipse has its own build-in svn client (Actually, in two flavors if I am not mistaken).
Check that the subclipse version matches the svn client that you used to checkout. You can check the plugin version number for subclipse (Help -> About -> Click on subversion logo) and match it against svn --version
This worked for me:
1) Go to the 'SVN Repository Exploring' perspective and add a folder somewhere above your working copy
2) Close and open the Eclipse projects.
This should then be enough to get them recognized by Subclipse.
I have encountered a similar situation were existing projects would not get associated with the Subversive plugin. Unfortunately, none of the previous suggestions helped (renaming projects etc.). What has helped is removing projects from Eclipse by deleting them -- just the projects from Package Explorer and not the actual directories and files on disc (the deletion prompt has a special checkbox for that, which is unchecked by default) -- and reimporting the deleted projects as existing projects back.
Of course, as mentioned in some of the answers here, the relevant SVN repositories need to be registered with Eclipse before reimporting the projects. Otherwise, there would no repositories to re-associate the projects with.
When you open a versioned project (i.e., a project in SVN working copy) in Eclipse, that was never previously used with Subclipse, you need to perform these steps:
Right-click the project in Project Explorer.
Select Team | Share Project.
At this point Subclipse will tell you that "The project is already configured with SVN repository information". Click Next.
Subclipse automatically recognizes this project as versioned and all the features of the SVN plug-in should become available.

Is there a NetBeans equivalent to Eclipse's Workspace

I enjoy using NetBeans, especially for development with Maven, however, I've found recently that I've been working with three different branches of the same code base in different parts of the development cycle.
One of the things that Eclipse can do is separate the projects into different workspaces, so I can simply start Eclipse with the workspace containing my Maven projects in the production patch branch or the trunk depending upon what I need to be working on.
I'd love to accomplish this in NetBeans, but haven't found a way to do so. Any ideas?
I am using Mac OS with version 6.7.1.
There is the option of project group.
In File > Project group.
In here you can create a project group based on a folder location, so any projects underneath this folder will be considered within this project group.
When switching between project groups only projects within are displayed, and it maintains the current status of opened files, etc.
Switching between project groups doesn't require closing the IDE.
Given those options I believe this would be equivalent to the workspace switching in Eclipse.
I've found two things:
First there is a "similar" feature. It involves using the userdir switch on the command line. The downside being you would need to restart your IDE rather than switching while open. I think I can live with that for the time being. I found the technique here for Windows:
Create a shortcut on your desktop to the Netbeans executable: C:\Program Files\NetBeans x.x\bin\netbeans.exe
Right-click on the shortcut and click "Properties".
In the "Target" textbox, add the extra parameter to the very end: --userdir C:\path\to\new_workspace
Click "OK" to exit the Properties window and double click the shortcut. Netbeans will launch and create/load the workspace at that location
Secondly, someone has submitted a feature to allow for workspace switching (or in this case userdir switching) from the IDE itself. Perhaps this will be rolled into 7.0.
Well Netbeans has a group so you can create a group of projects which you want to say put in a eclipse workspace otherwise.
So when you switch a group it's like switching workpsace in eclipse
I know, that this question is old, but I found it on google, while I was searching for a tool like the following:
With that plugin, you can load different projects in your projects overview.
So you can have two or more projects open and change to another "set" of projects.
Neither projects or project groups do not work in a similar way as an Eclipse workspace (yet) as far as I know. When switching workspaces in Eclipse, all the files opened will be closed and the ones in the new project will be opened. In this way, all projects work as one entity. The netbeans project/project groups do not work in that way. I hope there will be such a feature soon cause that really helps if you have many windows open and you switch between projects
I'm looking for solution and finally use Project Group solution, this feature has been improved and easy to use.
Userdir is a good solution at first (i tried to use it first), but "workspace switching" feature doesn't exists, so I have to use different shortcut for different workspace. Finally I used Project Group
NetBeans' equivalent is the "Project". In your project explorer you can right click on the current project and close it. Then go to File > Open Project and select a different branch. You will have to create a new project from each branch of your code.