Switching editors in Eclipse with keyboard, rather than switching Design/Source - eclipse

In Eclipse, I can switch through open editors using control-page up/down. This works great, except for editors like XML or JavaScript, where there are Design and Source tabs. For those editors, it just toggles between the different tabs. Is there any way to get Eclipse to ignore them? I know about alt-F6 for "Next Editor", but that doesn't use the same order that the editor tabs are displayed in, so it's confusing.

With Ctrl-E you can jump directly to any editor by typing the beginning of it's name. Quite handy when you've got a lot of editors open.

You're right -- looks like Eclipse has acknowledged it as a bug. It's fixed in 3.5.

I was initially thinking Alt-← and Alt-→ might do what you want, but that's more for going forward and backwards in history of tabs you've viewed. Which might sort of get you what you want, but is probably just as confusing as Alt-F6.
I think it sounds more like a bug in Eclipse, might be worth going over to eclipse.org to see if there's a pre-existing bug for this.


How do you make Eclipse not edit all the occurrences found by "Find Next"?

When I use Cmd+K to go to the next occurrence of the selected word, Eclipse leaves behind these red "cursors" right before the copies of the word that I navigate through. If I then edit the last occurrence that I find, Eclipse "helpfully" edits all the occurrences that I've navigated through in the same way. This leaves corruption in parts of my file that I'm not currently looking at, which is really infuriating.
I want to disable this "feature", but I haven't got a clue what to call it, so I don't know how to find the setting that turns it off. Searching the Eclipse preferences for "occurrence" only gives various versions of "Mark Occurrences" for each editor plugin, which doesn't disable this behavior when unchecked.
EDIT: Here's a video displaying the behavior I'm talking about: https://youtu.be/8xeKRLyGSLg
This isn't really given by PyDev, it's a feature added by LiClipse (http://www.liclipse.com/multi_edition_video.html).
After the link is done with Ctrl+K, you can press ESC to remove those links if you don't want the multi-edition to happen (so that when you edit one occurrence you don't edit the others).
I must say this is the first request to have that turned off... I'm pretty certain as I just took a look and there's no setting to do that -- so, unfortunately, until the next release, you have to either live with it, remembering to press ESC if you don't want the multi edition to happen or use a plain Eclipse install with PyDev, but you'd also be without other LiClipse benefits, such as textmate bundles, vertical indent guides, theming integration, etc.
Still, note that ideally, I'd say you should get used to it as it can be a real time-saver -- although I'll implement the setting to turn it off for the next release anyways, as it's something that should really be there ;)

SVN Export in Eclipse removes labels on tabs

I have a very strange effect when using subclipse with eclipse. Whenever I use Team->Export to export a file from the editor the export works fine, but the label of the tab of the file is removed.
Effect can be seen here: http://www.daspferd.de/img/tabs.png
Strangely enough it happens with php-files, css-files, html-files but NOT with javascript-files. So I'm assuming it's some kind of setting that I haven't found yet and not a bug in subclipse.
Anyone know where I can shut down this behaviour?
It could be a bug in the editors. If eclipse opens an editor on the exported file, it might not open it as an IFileEditorInput, and the editors therefore do not set the title correctly (that's the job of each individual editor implementation).
This is just a guess, but it would be consistent with some editors behaving ok and some not. It would basically be a missing feature in some of your editors.

Is it possible to work in Eclipse with keyboard only?

as most of us surely do every now and then, I try to improve my workflow. As Eclipse is my main IDE, I wondered if it may be possible to use it without mouse. I browsed the available shortcuts and tried to use them instead of my mouse. I found interesting features like Ctrl+3 which opens something like the Apple spotlight.
I know there are a lot of questions concerning favorite shortcuts etc. but I'd like to know if it works because at the moment it feels a bit squishy 100% without mouse.
So is anyone out there using Eclipse like that? And are there some hints to ease the change?
Yes, it is possible. For a start, check out 10 Eclipse navigation shortcuts every java programmer should know. When you use these 10 shortcuts and some of the shortcuts of the comments, you will already see a big performance boost.
The "open type" and "open resource" dialogs are CamelCase-sensitive, so when typing "NPE" in the open type dialog, I get two matching items NoPermissionException and NullPointerException. So using good names with consistent spelling is a must.
Ctrl+F11 starts a program, F11 debugs it. Note howewer to check if in Window-Preferences-Run/Debug-Launching the value of "Launch Operation" is set to your needs.
You may want to customize the search dialog (Ctrl+h) to only show the file search (default is to context sensitively present you with different search tabs).
Ctrl+n allows you to create something new (opens a wizard with an initial filter text to filter the possible next pages).
I'm a blind programmer who uses eclipse. While there are plenty of shortcuts I find people often overlook using menus from the keyboard. If there's a function you use a lot that doesn't appear to be supported with keyboard shortcuts you can either create a shortcut to it in prefferences or use keyboard shortcuts such as alt+f to access the file menu and a one letter combination that allows you to access the item. For example hit alt+f then a to access the save as dialog. The underlined letter is the one you want to hit once in the menu.
There are a couple of things you can do to improve your keyboard:mouse usage ratio with Eclipse.
First off, if you push Ctrl-Shift-L, it shows you a master list of all the shortcuts you can use. If you know what you want to do, this is usually a quicker way of doing it without having to dig through menus, and as a bonus, you will learn some shortcuts you didn't know before.
The other thing you can try is a plugin called MouseFeed which looks promising. It tells you the shortcut for any menu item you use and if there isn't one, reminds you to create one. It essentially acts as training wheels until you become as close to 100% keyboard use as possible. I'm not sure how well it works in 3.4, but you can give it a shot.
Hope that helps.
Here you get an Eclipse Shortcut Overview PDF file of all key bindings. This file you can print and put beside your keyboard if you wish.

Eclipse: Nested Editor Tabs?

Is anyone aware of any method (or external plugin) that would allow for nested editor tabs? It would be nice to be able to group related open files into their own "master" tabs, but I'm not sure if this is even possible. Any ideas?
This is totally non-obvious, and I discovered it by accident, but...
If you click on a tab and start dragging it downwards, once you get more than half-way down the editor pane, a horizontal line will appear. Let go, and now you'll have two different editor panes, each with tabs of documents. Now you can drag tabs up and down between the two panes to see different documents at the same time.
I think that's as close as you can get.
I think the best you can currently do is "Window->New Window" and then use each new window as a separate "tab" of related editors. Not exactly ideal, I admit.
It's a cool idea though, especially if you could have shortcuts or something that open groups of editors with a single command.
This definitely isn't possible in the current RCP. You might be able to construct an editor component which created a CTabFolder and delegated to other editor components, but I'm not sure how well that would work.
There are Perspectives in Eclipse that you might use to achieve something close, they are more global things though...
But I agree with you, I would like this feature as well! This would be also very useful when editing many files that have the same name but come from different packages, because now it's a mess >_<
For me the utility of such a feature is to reduce context switching time. I'm working on project A, have lots of editors open, now I need to drop that and work on project B. I want to keep all the editors open associated with project A but hide them while I work on B. When I'm done with B, I can pick up right where I left off in A without having to find and open all those A files again; I can even leave them unsaved indefinitely, since Juno never crashes!! :)
I have used the New Window feature, and it's great, but the new window needs a bunch of configuration (closing Views I don't need, moving stuff around to where I want it, opening Views I had open in the old window, and so on) before I can get to work. It also uses a lot more memory than a simple tab group would since it seems to be a complete new copy of Eclipse.
The split-window feature is great and I use it all the time. It is indeed tab groups, and if there were a way to hide a tab group, and for each tab group to have its own tab list (the thing you get when you click ">>5" so you can see editors you have open that don't fit in the tab header), it would totally fill the bill.

Can you disable automatic horizontal scrolling in Eclipse?

Sometimes when I jump into source code, e.g. from search or when looking up the declaration of something, the Eclipse text editor tries to display nearby long lines by horizontal scrolling. This happens even if the item I jumped to is well within the display without scrolling. I find this rather annoying, so:
Is there a way to disable this? I have searched in vain through all the editor settings.
Specifically, this is about Eclipse CDT, but I suppose the behaviour is the same in JDT.
This seems to happen in other eclipse editors too (like PDT for PHP)
It could have been related with the ScrolledFormText, but the Plugin Spy tells us a WorkbenchWindow class is concerned, as well as an AbstractDecoratedTextEditor, that is in essence an org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor.
The source of that AbstractTextEditor indicates having:
a ScrollLinesAction for vertical scrolling
a TextNavigationAction for settings the cursor and potentially triggering horizontal scrolling
I am not sure how to change that behavior, except by contributing somehow to the active editor identifier (for instance, for java, "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.ClassFileEditor"), and modifying that Action.
I was having the same issue and found these open bugs for it on the Eclipse Bugs:
You can prevent it from happening when you switch the Code Folding off and reload the file.
right click on your eclipse shortcut and choose properties. in compatibility tab choose "windows xp(servicepack 3). http://www.vistax64.com/vista-general/133849-disable-dynamic-horizontal-scrolling-vista.html