Is anyone developing facebook apps on Grails - facebook

I have not seen much support for Grails to develop facebook apps.I was just wondering if people around are developing facebook apps on grails

Jozef Dransfield:

I'm deep into Facebook integration from the social networking site I originally started using the Grails facebook-connect plugin and had good success at Facebook sign-on integration with the Grails jScurity plugin. However, as I attempted to implement other features, particularly Friend Invitations, I found that the facebook-connect plugin uses an old facebook SDK that was not compatible with the newer Javascript SDK. Documentation and examples using this newer SDK were readily available in searches unlike for the older API.
I switched to the Grails facebook-graph plugin and was able to work seemlessly with the Javascript API and get friend invitation working.

I have worked last weeks on a use-case concerning only server-side integration (no facebook connect style application). See some of my thoughts here : Solution is actually implemented on application.

I helped out a startup in San Francisco that are using Grails with facebook apps.
So yes, it's happening. There is even a grails plugin for facebook integration (at the time I'm writing this is woefully incomplete, but looks like it's having work done so check up on it again soon).


What's best solution to use facebook SDK NOW in Xamarin.forms - PCL project?

I'm making app with using Xamarin.forms. (PCL project)
I want to use facebook SDK to use
- get my profile. (name, e-mail)
- get my friends list. (their account id)
- posting on my wall.
I searched it and there are many options for that.
And Some solution seems like out of date. (not updated)
using Xamarin.Auth. (Component)
looks like it's not using facebook app to log in that user installed on their phone.
The Outercurve Foundation's Facebook SDK (Component)
many people recommended to use it. but
In rating page, people says that it's out of date and useless now. (because it's not updated and facebook rule's changed)
Facebook SDK by Xamarin from nuGet Package.
Xamarin developer says that there is no FB SDK for PCL project so far.
I'm curious that what is the good way to use facebook SDK?
It must have been being used by many developers who make app with using Xamarin.forms.
Are you guys uses Dependency Service with native SDK?
No 3 is your best option. Correct, there is no Xamarin-Facebook binding library for PCL. However, it's fairly easy to make it happen with dependency injection. Either with the DependencyService or other container.

Facebook App-Application is misconfigured for Facebook integration

I am developing iphone app which shares photos on social networks.For photo sharing I am using "Sharekit".I have created Facebook App and using its api key and secrete.(used correct api key and secret.).
When I try to share image with this app(even simple text),the following error comes.(even the facebook login popup doesn't appear.)
"Sorry,the application you are using misconfigured for Facebook integration.Please download the newest version of the application"
I would have uploaded snap shot but as a new user Stack overflow is not allowing to upload image..Any help will be appreciated.
apparently this problem was faced by me too.
Since i was using their old API methods..
it is really tough to find the cause now..
Although i have not used ShareKit..i believe it is also using the older methods.
I solved the problem by using their official tutorial on Facebook iOS integration
I noticed that the version of sharekit i am using 0.2.1 is pretty outdated one. The project was moved to github and the latest version 2.0 can be found here. The home site is outdated with version 0.2.1 so follow the github link for latest update.
You might want to take a look at Socialize:, which uses the newer methods. Full feature list at
Good luck!

Better Facebook SDK

I want to develop facebook iframe application and I have working experience of .NET and PHP. Can anyone help me figure out which is best SDK to use ( .NET or PHP). Which is better to use?
If you're best with PHP, I'd recommend using the official Facebook PHP SDK, otherwise you may want to check out Microsoft's Facebook SDK or Facebook's C# SDK.
I haven't has a chance to mess around with any .net SDK...
But, as far as Facebook SDK's go - the php one is quite satisfactory. I would try it first, then if you are not happy with it - go to the other one.
I think PHP is better than other, beacuse facebook is already using php in a development process...
I would recomend based on your command on the programming language. Both have SDKs to use facebook.
If you have good knowlege in both, better suggestive is PHP over .NET

.NET Facebook API

I'm new in Facebook API's, so I have a question cause I'm in seriously trouble with API's and Facebook's security politics!
I'm developing a WinForm socket application and needing Facebook integration for add a event to user's wall and I must use .NET 2.0
When I'm googling, I've found many sdk (for example; Facebook C# SDK -this one supports only 3.5 and 4.0-, Facebook.NET -this one supports 2.0 but it isn't working-, Microsoft Facebook Development Toolkit, etc.) but there are no working one with .NET 2.0, cause Facebook's security protocols perpetually changing.
Can anybody advice me a sdk or way for this scenario?
PS: Sorry for my English, I'm not native speaker though I've deal as possible as clearly.
Thank you in advance,
Luindale Ainion.
I'm afraid (due to the fact that 3.5 has been around since 2007) that all the .Net SDKs available need 3.5 or later.
You will have to create your own solution using the WebClient class and a lot of patience.

Is it possible to use Twitter and Facebook APIs on J2ME platform?

I googled and I can't find it is possible, someones said that j2me don't support REST communication or there are problems with login.
Is it possible?
Sure, it's definitely possible. There are plenty of examples of Twitter and Facebook Java code.
Update: I missed that the question was about J2ME. While it looks like none of the existing Twitter and Facebook libraries would work, you can make HTTP connections in J2ME, so REST queries should be possible.