Where can I get a simple explanation of policy injection? - enterprise-library

I'd like a dead simple explanation of policy injection for less-informed co-workers. Where is a good resource for this? I learned about policy injection from the entlib help files, which I'm sure aren't the best option.

The MSDN documentation for Policy Injection has a pretty clear explanation:
Applications include a mix of business
logic and crosscutting concerns, and
the two are typically
intermingled—which can make the code
harder to read and maintain. Each task
or feature of an application is
referred to as a "concern." Concerns
that implement the features of an
object within the application, such as
the business logic, are core concerns.
Crosscutting concerns are the
necessary tasks, features, or
processes that are common across
different objects—for example,
logging, authorization, validation,
and instrumentation. The purpose of
the Policy Injection Application Block
is to separate the core concerns and
crosscutting concerns.
Simply put, the PI block lets developers define a set of policies that specify the behavior of objects in the system. So your core business logic, such as the code that calculates profit per unit in a fiscal year (one concern), is separated from the logging of that execution of logic (another, but more often used, concern).
The same documentation says that the PI block is not AOP because:
It uses interception to enable only pre-processing handlers and post-processing handlers.
It does not insert code into methods.
It does not provide interception for class constructors.
So trying to look at PI from an AOP perspective can muddy the waters a bit.

What the EntLib calls Policy Injection, is really Aspect Oriented Programming. I wrote a post introducing the concepts of AOP on my blog a while back, maybe it'll be helpful.


Implementing SOA with RESTful service and application APIs?

At the moment we have one huge API which is used by our backoffice, our frontend, and also our public API.
This causes me a lot of headaches because when building new endpoints I find a lot of application specific logic in the code which I don't necessarily want to include in my endpoint. For example, the code to create a user might contain code to send a welcome email, but because that's not needed for the backoffice endpoint I will then need to add a new endpoint without that logic.
I was thinking about a large refactor to break our code base in to a number of smaller highly specific service APIs, then building a set of small application APIs on top of those.
So for example, an application endpoint to create a new user might do something like this after the refactor:
The application and service APIs will be entirely separate code bases (perhaps a separate code base per service), they may also be built using different languages. They will only interact through REST API calls. They will be on the same local network, so latency shouldn't be a huge issue.
Is this a bad idea? I've never seen/worked on a codebase which has separated the two before, so perhaps there is a better architecture to achieve the flexibility and maintainability I'm looking for?
Advise, links, or comments would all be appreciated.
Your idea of making multiple, well-defined services is sound and really it is the best way to approach this. Going with purely micro-services approach however trendy it might seem, proves to be an overkill most often than not. This is why I'd just redesign the existing API/services properly and follow solid and sound SOA design principles below. Good Resources could be found on both serviceorientation.com and soapatterns.org I've always used them as reference in my career.
Consider what types of services you need
(image from serviceorientation.com)
Entity services are generally your Client, Payment services - e.g. services centered around an entity in your domain. They should be business-agnostic, and be able to be reused in all scenarios. They could be called sometimes by clients directly if sufficient for their needs. They could be called by Task services.
Utility services contain logic you're likely to reuse in other services, but are generally not called by the clients directly. Rather, they'd be called by Task and Entity services. An example might be a Transliteration service.
Task services combine and reuse Entity and Utility services into meaningful tasks. Most often they are not that agnostic and they do implement some specific business logic. They have meaningful business operations and they are what clients mostly call.
Principles to follow when redesigning
I strongly recommend going over this cheat sheet and making sure everything there is covered when you do your redesign. It's great help.
In general, you should make sure that:
Each service has a common context and follows the separation of concerns principle. E.g. Clients service is only for clients related operations, etc.
Each of the Entity and Utility services is business-agnostic and basic enough. So it can be reused in multiple scenarios and context without being changed. Contract must be simple - CRUD and only common operations that make sense in most usage scenarios.
Services follow a common data model - make sure all the data structures you use are used uniformly in all services in order to prevent need for integration efforts in the future and promote combination of services for clients to exploit. If you need to receive a customer that another service returns, this should be happening without the need for transformation
OK, but where to put the non-agnostic logic?
Now, you have multiple options for abstracting business logic whenever you have a need for complex business functionality. It depends on your scenario what you're going to chose:
Leave logic to all clients. Let them combine your simplified services
If there is business logic that is commonly implemented in multiple of your applications and has the potential to be reused heavily you can implement a composite service that reuses multiple existing underlying services and exposing the logic.
Service Composability. Concerns on multiple API calls communication overhead.
Well, this is an age-old question - should you make multiple API calls when they will probably create some communication overhead? The answer is - it depends on how complex your scenario is, how much reuse you expect and how flexible you want to be. Also is speed critical? To what extent? In Service Oriented Architecture though, this is a very common approach - to reuse your existing services and combine them in new configurations as needed. Yes, it does add some overhead, but I've seen implementations in very complex environments, for example Telecoms, where thanks to the use of ESB solutions, message queues, etc the overhead is negligible compared to the benefits. Here is a common architecture approach (image from serviceorientation.com):
The mandatory legacy refactoring heads-up
More often than not, changing the established contract for multiple existing client systems is a messy business and could very well lead to lots of refactoring and need for looking for needle-in-a-stack functionality that's somewhere deep in the (possibly) legacy code. Business logic might be dispersed everywhere. So make sure you're ready and have the controls, time and will to lead this battle.
Hope this helps
Is this a bad idea?
No, but this is a big overall question to be able to provide very specific advice.
I'd like to separate this into 3 areas:
Working backwards, the Technology is the final and most-specific part, and totally depends on what your current environment is (platforms, skills), and (hopefully) will be reasonable self-evident to you once the other things are in progress.
The Design that you outlined above seems like a good end-state - having multiple, specific, focused APIs, each with their own responsibility. Again, the details of the design will depend on the skills of you and your organization, and the existing platforms that you have. E.g. if you are already using TIBCO (for example) and have a lot invested (licenses, platforms, tools, people) then leveraging some of their published patterns/designs/templates makes sense; but (probably) not if you don't already have TIBCO exposure.
In the abstract, the REST API services seems like a good starting point - there are a lot of tools and platforms at all levels of the system for security, deployment, monitoring, scalability, etc. If you are NGINX users, they have a lot of (platform-independent) thoughts on how to do this also NGINX blog, including some smart thinking on scalability and performance. If you are more adventurous, and have an smart, eager team, a look at Event-driven architecture - see this
Approach (or Process) is the key thing here. Ultimately, this is a refactoring, though your description of "a large refactor" does scare me a little - put that way, it sounds like you are talking about a big-bang change and calling it refactoring. Perhaps it is just language, but what's in my mind would be "an evolution of the 'one huge API' into multiple, specific, focused APIs (by refactoring the architecture)". One place to start is Martin Fowler, while this book is about refactoring software, the principles and approach are the same, just at a higher-level. Indeed, he talks about just this here
IBM talk about refactoring to microservices and make it sound easy to do in one step, but it never is (outside the lab).
You have an existing API, serving multiple internal and external clients. I will suggest that you'll want to keep this interface solid for these clients - separate your refactoring of the implementation from the additional concerns of liaising with and coordinating external systems/groups. My high-level starting approach would be:
identify a small (3-7) number of related methods on the API
ideally if a significant, limited-scope change is needed anyway with these methods, that is good - business value with the code change
design/specify a new stand-alone API specifically for these methods
at first, clone the existing model/naming/style
code a new service just for these
with proper automated CI/CD testing and deployment practices
with associated monitoring
modify the existing API to have calls to these methods re-direct to call the new service
perhaps have a run-time switch to change between the old implementation and the new implementation
remove the old implementation from codebase
capture issues, assumptions and problems along the way
the first pass will involve a lot of learning about what works and doesn't.
then repeat the process over & over, incorporating improvements each time.
At some point in the future, when appropriate due to other business-driven needs, the API published to the back-end, front-end and/or public clients can change, but that is a whole different project.
As you can see, if the API is huge (1,000 methods => 140 releases) this is a many-months process, and having a reasonably frequent release schedule is important. And there may be no value improving code that works reliably and never changes, so a (potentially) large portion of the existing API may remain, just wrapped by a new API.
Other considerations:
public API? Maybe a new version (significant changes) will be needed sooner than the internal APIs
focus on the methods/services used by it
what parts/services change the most (have the most enhancement requests approved)
these are the bits most likely to change, and could benefit most from a better process/architecture
what are future plans for change and where would the API be impacted
e.g. change to user management, change to payment processors, change to fulfilment systems
e.g. new business plans (new products/services)
consider affected methods in the API
Also see:
Using Microservices for Legacy System Modernization
Migrating From a Monolith to APIs and Microservices
Break the Monolith! Loosely Coupled Architecture Brings DevOps Success
From the CEO’s Desk: Application Modernization – Assess, Strategize, Modernize! 9
[Microservices Architecture As A Large-Scale Refactoring Tool 10
Probably the biggest 4 pieces of advice that I can give is:
think refactoring: small changes that don't affect function
think agile: small increments that are valuable, testable, achievable
think continuous: have a vision for where you will (eventually) get to, then work the process continuously
script & automate the processes from code, documentation, testing, deployment, monitoring...
improving it every time!
you have an application/API that works - keep it working!
That is always the first priority (you just need to work to carve-out time/budget for maintenance)
Not a bad idea at all.
Also what are your looking is microservices arch. and with that the question comes is how you break your system into well defined services.
We use Domain Driven Design Arch. to break our system into microservices and lagom framework , which allows every service to be in diff. code base and event driven arch. between microservices.
Now lets look at your problem at low level: you said a service contains code like creating a user and sending a email and one with just creating a user and there might be other code as well.
First we need to understand how many type of code you are writing:
Domain Object Logic (eg: User Object) -- what parameters are valid and all -- this should be independent of service endpoint and should be encapsulated in one Class like user class and we say it an Aggregate in Domain Driven Design terms
Business Reactions -- like on user creation send a email -- using event driven arch. these type of logics are separated into process managers or sagas which could most cases work conditionally like a for user created externally send a mail and for user created internally send a email , by having extra data in the event
Also the current way you are doing it , how are you handling transaction across services???

Comprehensive IoC (Inversion of Control) project example

All the articles and papers about this subject, provide overly simplistic examples. The concepts are easy to understand. However, without substantial experience (both myself and my teammates) in this subject, it is not trivial to map the concepts to actual design decisions in a real life system. No way to validate my architecture.
Can anyone provide me with a real system implementation, that correctly implements IoC.
Note: I am not talking about dependency injection. I'm currently using a container, and I use system wide injection. I am more interested in the way code is kept decoupled, i.e., how is library separation performed (to what extent), and how and where is the interface/contract code declared and included.
The open-source GlassFish application server (https://glassfish.java.net/) uses hk2 (https://hk2.java.net) as a DI container. It has several areas where implementations are kept separate from contracts, and where in fact implementations of those contracts can be dynamically added or removed while the server is up and running.
For example take a look at the command-line (asadmin) facility. Users can deploy OSGi bundles that can add new implementations of the command-line contract which will then dynamically be added to the set of things asadmin can do. This is a good example of how to use IoC in order to keep your contracts and services separated.
It is also instructive in that GlassFish was not originally designed with a DI container, so it is a good real-world use case for how to add DI/IoC into systems that were not originally designed in that way.

Are there any workflow engines in existence that don't use BPMN and BPEL?

Our business is planning on building a rather large business application with about 2000 or so users.
Many objects in the system require a mildly complex series of approvals, notifications, etc.
For various reasons, our company has decided to reject formal use of BPMN or BPEL. What I am looking for is a workflow engine that I can pass these objects to as a means of facilitating, tracking, and managing the state of these objects. We are implementing this project using EJB 3.1 with a WebSphere AS.
Am I correct in my understanding of a workflow engine? Everything seems tied to BPMN or BPEL...am I just missing something here as to why most solutions seem to implement BPMN or BPEL? Some advice would be wonderful!
Workflow engines typically take an active role in an enterprise architecture. They execute a declarative process model, which is basically a directed graph consisting of nodes, which represent activities or tasks and edges, which represent the control flow between these edges. Such edges can be annotated with conditions to allow for expressing conditional branching/merging. There are several modelling languages around, like YAWL, XPDL, jPDL, BPEL and BPMN 2.0, which sit on top of these abstract concepts and some syntatic, visual and functional sugar, but only the latter are official industry standards. This is important to avoid vendor locks, make models interchangeable (at least to a certain extent), supportable by experts and different tools. During runtime, process instances are created based on a process model and are executed according to the control flow defined by the model. So the engine actively navigates from one activity to the next activity and thus "orchestrates" your business logic. The main difference between BPMN 2.0 and BPEL is that BPEL is tightly coupled to Web services, i.e. business functions to be invoked by activities are supposed to be rendered as Web service. So if you want to orchestrated WS-* services, it is still the best choice since BPMN 2.0 lacks well-defined and standardized bindings to concrete service implementations. In any case, I'd strongly recommend to use one of the standardized languages since they are both broadly accepted in industry and well supported by various vendors and open source communities.
I tried to explain that in more details because I was not entirely sure about what you mean by "facilitating, tracking, and managing the state of these objects". This sounds a little bit like you are more interested in passively monitoring an object's state change as opposed to actively controlling state changes using a workflow engine. If this assumption is right, then perhaps a abstract state machine would fit your needs better.
Take a look at jBPM5, it provides a very flexible core that allows you to build your own domain specific language on top of it. Right now the language provided is BPMN2, but you can easily add your own.
We are building a product that has a migration path for BPMN 2.0 but does not - internally, use BPMN. We believe checklists are much easier to use in real-time workflows than flowcharts. Is still however, has rules/triggers/conditionals and more - so it's a tool that effectively models processes as "checklists on steroids":
Check it out at http://tallyfy.com

PostSharp & Critical Code Parts

Supposing a critical part of an application's business rules are dependent on a given behavior, but that coding this behavior explicitly will clutter your code, would you rely on encapsulating it in an aspect with PostSharp (or with any other aspect framework for that matter)? Is that a "safe" and "wise" option, or is it always better to explicitly code the behavior no matter how it will clutter the code? What about the maintainability of such a solution?
It is not recommend putting business rules or business logic in aspects. It defeats the purpose of AOP. Business rules/logic are not cross cutting concerns. If you consider part of your business logic as clutter then you should use common OOP practices to abstract it or extract it into it's own method(s).
You can, of course, move it into an aspect, but what would the goal be? To reduce clutter? That isn't acceptable to me. Use aspects to remove clutter not related to business logic so that your business logic is clear. If your business logic is cluttered then you need to refactor.
PostSharp vs other AOP frameworks: If you do end up putting "critical code" into an aspect, then PostSharp will be the best framework to get the best performance. Runtime frameworks like IoC contains that do dynamic interception will not perform as well as statically compiled code. Plus, PostSharp has so many optimizations that it performs based on the code you write that no other framework can match.

What is CSLA Framework and Its use?

What is CSLA Framework and Its use ?
My Opinions From My Experience w/ a 1.7M LOC code base:
CSLA is intended for a distributed application/database environment. This is why the basic business object is and does everything, for example it's own data persistence. An object (and everything remotely associated w/ its state) is intended to be serialized, sent to a different application and/or data server and work.
If the above is not a problem you need to solve, CSLA is overkill, big time. Our development team regrets having committed to CSLA.
Juggling all the CSLA balls in a complex Windowed UI is tough. We have multi-tabbed screens (which may in turn open sub-screens) that, unless you follow the "left to right, top to bottom" flow of data entry, and click save often, ends up putting and/or fetching incomplete data to/from the database; or dropping data altogether that you just entered. Yes, our original coders are at fault, but so is CSLA... It just seems that there are so many moving parts to enable, control, and coordinate CSLA features. It's like having to deal with all the dials & switches of a fighter jet when all you really need is something more like a Cessna 152.
You will write lots of custom code to enable the CSLA features. For example CSLA will never be confused with object relational mapper (ORM) tools like Hibernate and Entity Framework. Our SAVE() methods are non trivial, so are the trivial ones.
Encouraging the use of code generators compounds problems. We used CodeSMith to generate classes from data tables. So we end up with code that has a 1-1 correspondence of table to c# class. So you must write all the code to handle dataStore to your "real" objects.
Data store/ and fetch is very inefficient w/ CSLA. Because of the Behemoth, monolithic BusinessObject-does-all-and-knows-all centric paradigm, objects end up doing a one-object-at-a-time data fetch and instantiate. Collections of composite objects significantly compound the problem. A single "get this object" always results in a cascade of separate data fetches (one or more for each individual object) to instantiate the entire inheritance & composite relationship chains. Its known as the "N+1 query problem." Oh, and fetching data ALWAYS results in a new object being created, even if we're only updating an existing one. No wonder our more complex screens are FUBAR.
It allows you to architect your application with solid object oriented principals and a good seperation of concerns.
Yes and no. Mostly no.
The BusinessObject handles it's own data storing. That is anti separation of concerns.
"It allows you..." well, yeah - so does a blank text editor screen, but does not force or encourage you like the MVC.NET framework does, for example. IMHO, CLSA provides absolutely zero benefit for ensuring that the code you develop with it follows "solid OO principles". In fact coders w/ weak OO skills (the majority, in my experience) will really stand out when using CSLA! Woe betide the maintenance programmer.
CSLA is the poster child for the solid object oriented principle favor composition over inheritance. CLSA code is untestable. Because an inherited framework BusinessObject is, does, and needs everything, all at once and every time, it's not likely that you will be able to get much test coverage. You can't get at the pieces because everything is tightly coupled.The framework is not amenable to dependency injection. It is an iron curtain of code.
Your code will be difficult to debug. Call stacks get very deep and as you get near the center of the sun so to speak, everything turns into reflection - "what *&^# methods just got called???" And you simply get lost. period.
EDIT 7 Mar 2016
What more insight can I add after the original post? Two things, perhaps:
First, It feels like CSLA has some promise. If we knew how to juggle all those moving parts together. But CSLA is so enigmatic that even things we have done right are corrupted over time. IMHO without a very strong team-wide CSLA wherewithal, any implementation is doomed. Without a vibrant "open source" of technical references, training, and community it's hopeless. In almost a decade our CSLA code, in my final analysis, is just compounding technical debt.
Second, here is a recent comment I made, below:
Our complexity often does not seem to fit in the CSLA infrastructure
so we write outside of the framework. This and cheap labor results in
rampant SRP violations and has me hitting brick walls managing dynamic
rule application, for example. Then, CSLA parent/child infrastructure
propagates composite object validation but we don't always want c/p
relationships, so we write more validation and store code. So today
our CSLA implementation is inconsistent & confusing. Refactoring to
more-better CSLA will have profound domino effects. So after that
initial injection CSLA is essentially abandoned.
end Edit
CSLA is business object framework that allows you to easily create business objects on top of a data layer. It allows you to architect your application with solid object oriented principals and a good seperation of concerns.
I would highly recommend you read the CSLA book by Rocky Lhotka called Expert C# 2008 Business Objects. That will not only teach you about the framework but also teach good software architecture principals.
You can grab the book here on Amazon
I suggest reading the What is CSLA? page, and browse through the CSLA .NET FAQ site.
For the latest published information check out the Using CSLA 4 ebook series.
In reply to #radarbob https://stackoverflow.com/a/10922373/261363, hope I won't regret this and start a flame war.
Our team has been developing a couple of LOB applications with CSLA. From my experience on writing green field apps with CSLA and maintaining existing code here are my replies to your points.
The BO is not suppose to do it's own data persistence, you will have a Factory that will handle all data persistance, for example using a ORM to map to Models that are later on saved.
Sorry to hear that, I make sure I study the framework documentation and write at least one toy application before committing to a existing code database. Furthermore you can even download and browse the CSLA code.
You have BO -> Portal -> Factories that should not be very complicated the existing CSLA examples go a long way on explaining what is happening on each level.
CLSA should never be confused with a ORM
As you should, business object are rarely mapped to one table and thus require a bit of work when saving. In the case they are mapped to one table to you use something like AutoMapper to map your BO to your POCO in 1 line.
Look into CSLA Commands, also is nothing stopping you from keeping your BO as small or big as you want as long as you keep in mind that they are not the same as the POCO's that you will persist.
In a project we worked on we where able to easily test BO to ensure that the business logic was correct. Because of the nice separation of concerns we tested our Factories in isolation to make sure that business objects will be persisted accordingly.
At one point I was able to easily persist part of my BO's in MongoDB so the application was running on a hybrid database MSSQL and MongoDB without having to even change one line of code in my business objects, all I had to do was to update the factories to use Mongo instead of the current ORM.
Hope this addresses all your points in a fair manner,
CSLA: Component-based Scalable Logical Architecture
A paragraph in a nutshell that described CSLA to me from the website was this:
CSLA .NET enables you to create an object-oriented business layer that abstracts and encapsulates your business logic and data. The framework ensures your business objects work seamlessly with all .NET interface technologies, including WinRT XAML, WPF, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web Forms, WCF, asmx services, Windows Phone 7, Silverlight, Windows Workflow and Windows Forms.
Why you might use it:
Business rule management. Once you learn the business rule system, it provides a way to enforce business logic in a tidy package. If you have an object with child objects that need to report Validation to the parent most level, there is a way to handle that. (see http://www.lhotka.net/weblog/CSLA4BusinessRulesSubsystem.aspx for more information on the rule system)
You have business objects that you need to support N-level undo? A CSLA BusinessBase has a baked in property management system (like dependency properties) for functionality like N-Level Undo (it is actually completely implemented.) (This also ties into the business rule management. You can fire validation when a primary property changes, or you can change a property based on the value of another property.)
Data portal management. This one was an interesting concept. If I need to execute data operations locally, CSLA is configured for this out of the box. I can also stand up a WCF service that references my business object libraries, and use a few lines of configuration to make a WCF endpoint to manage data operations. The WCF service is a part of the CSLA framework. It was neat to see this in action. Other scenarios? Sure! Your business object library doesn't need to change, the DataPortal class determines if it needs to execute remotely or locally, according to your configuration.
CSLA does force you to use a few mechanisms that may not feel natural at first. I think that is somewhat true of any pattern you choose to implement. However, when it comes to the challenges of implementing Service Oriented Architecture, CSLA offers a lot. Yes, you are going to have an architect level developer authoring some of your libraries. However, if you're building an enterprise class application, shouldn't you be doing that already?
CSLA, when architected correctly, is testable. We use the repository pattern to replace out the actual dal with a mock layer and test both by specification (using NUnit/SpecFlow) and in a unit fashion when appropriate.
As far as support, including Rocky himself, there is a community of contributors that ensure things like CSLA.Net for Xamarin become a reality. There are consultancies that know CSLA and use it on a regular basis depending on the scope of work (and no, not just the consultancy for which I work.)
All things considered, CSLA may not be for you. Like others have indicated, read the site and the books (especially Expert C# 2008 Business Objects.) Ask questions, as the CSLA community tends to give quality advice.
CSLA is described in detail here. The new book is a great starting point. As a great compliment to the book I would recommend checking out our CSLA 3.8 templates. Rocky recommends using a Code Generator, and we have the leading set of templates, that will get you up and running in no time.
-Blake Niemyjski (Author of the CodeSmith CSLA Templates)