Launch Local Mail Client from App Hosted on Citrix - citrix

I have a desktop application (Windows Forms) which my client hosts on a Citrix server. I would like to launch the user's locally configured mail client to send mail from my application. How do I do this?
In addition to this, I will need to attach a file to the email before it is sent.

I'm not at all sure how the Citrix client would handle mailto: links (or if you can configure that), but if you haven't tried them, I suggest you do.
Also note that not all email clients support the attachment parameter in mailto URLs.


Viewing emails via browser on Ubuntu

I have a working postfix smtp server on my Ubuntu 20.04 cloud machine. I can send/receive emails using the standard command line "mail" client. I am now looking for a way to do the same via web browser. I already am running nginx on the server.
It seems there are various apps such as RoundCube and SquirrelMail that are available on Ubuntu. However, they seem to require additional pop3/imap server packages to be installed.
As the webmail client is intended to be on the same machine as my smtp server is, I do not see why additional pop3/imap packages need to be installed.
Wondering if there is a simpler way to look at emails via web browser. Regards.
You need to install a web server, PHP (or whatever is required to run the webmail app of your choosing), and an IMAP server.
mail is an email client that knows how to directly access your messages on the filesystem, something that a web app has no capability to do. Also note that it is executed from the context of you having already logged in to your server as a particular user.
It's a Very Bad Idea to give your web server read/write access to parts of the filesystem outside the directories where your web-related files are kept (write access can and should be even more strict).
It's technically feasible to create a webmail app that does what you want (I think there may have been some attempts in the distant past), but it would be limited to systems with a very specific mail system setup and require some questionable permission tweaking. IMAP is the layer that abstracts your particular mail system setup from any of the various mail clients you may want to use to access your messages. It also helps make sure users and apps are not able to access things they should not.
Wondering if there is a simpler way to look at emails via web browser
Not that I can think of. Fortunately, this will get you most of the way there:
apt-get install dovecot-imapd
Dovecot will need minimal configuration in your case, and more time will be spent installing and tweaking whatever webmail client you choose (or you can try Thunderbird). And remember that the IMAP server can be limited to local clients (webmail counts as such) and need not be exposed to the Internet.

Sender dependent relaying on Zimbra 8.7? Can it be done?

I had a server running Zimbra 8.6 and it was configured to send via any one of five external relays based upon which one of my external accounts I was sending from. This worked great until I had a server crash and rebuilt this one using the latest Zimbra 8.7.
I have read and researched and tried everything I had done for my old 8.6 system and I simply cannot get this to work! When I try to send an email from the web client to gmail I get a warning from gmail that my server's IP address and domain are not allowed to relay since they are unauthenticated. According to my postfix configuration I should be authenticating using my own gmail credentials. But, the web client seems to ignore this.
When I try logging in directly on the Zimbra box I can use sendmail with the -tf parameters to mock up an email from one of my addresses to gmail and it works just fine. It is sent and looks like it came from the proper relay domain.
Is sender dependent relaying broken on 8.7? Does it work for anyone?
Welp, I gave up and set my server up to use gmail as the external relay for all accounts, and in my admin console I set my user account to be able to send from all of my external email addresses (specifying each of them there).
Now it properly relays through gmail and still shows each message as coming 'from' the external account I select in the new message window.
Maybe this will help someone with a similar issue.

How do you view email messages sent to greenmail

I have an application that uses camel to send email. There is a greenmail server set up in our environment. The testers testing the service need to be able to view the emails sent, to verify that the html is formatted correctly.
There doesn't seem to be an obvious way to point a browser at the greenmail server to view the email.
Note that we use wildfly, and JMX with wildfly and dockers is not reliable. Is there something besides jmx?
Use Thunderbird client. Set it up so that it uses pop3 and your server/port that hosts your greenmail.
You can create a separate user and specify it in CC for your mail so that the observation of the mail would not impact the core process you test.
Here is more detailed post on how to setup Thunderbird with Greenmail.

How to send mails from Magento?

I have installed Magento 1.7 on my mac. What should I do to send emails about orders from localhost. I'm developing store localy and just want to check how it works.
Use the tool give on this link Test mail tool
For sending the emails you need SMTP server which listens to port number 25.By default there is no SMTP server with wamp. So you need to use some SMTP tool to check email sending feature in local environment.

Mail server redirect to another server

I have a site, which has a server with "Parallels Plesk Panel" installed. I want to send an email from that site a "Contact Us" message to email.
The problem is that this email was already created by one of the programmers using the google mail system (apparently you can create accounts there with a domain name different from
So now, the server rejects my message, telling me that it can't find an email with this name. It works fine when I send to any other domain, but when sending to the same one, it fails. I've created another email and sent emails there and it works.
My question now is, how do I send emails to the existent which is already created in gmail without making the server block me. One of the options I saw at this panel is to redirect the request for that email to another mailing system (and to specify its IP). Maybe that would help if I would to put there gmails IP?
Using my contact us form I am sending an email to I get an SMTP error 550, can't find the mail box. When sending to anything but it works. When adding that email to my server, it is also fine.
Now, the previous programmer already created, but not with our plesk panel, but using gmail server. Apparently, using gmail you can create an email of the type and not just The obvious problem is then that I try to send to this email. It sees that the server is and tries to find it there (same domain as the site from which I send the message). It fails and gives me the 550 error.
I want the server to send the email with that message to which is actually on gmail.
if I understand correctly, your problem is that two servers think they host the maildomain: your plesk server and gmail.
solution: disable local mail delivery for that domain on the plesk server and make sure plesk can correctly resolve the mx records of that domain , runing dig mx +short on the plesk server should return a google owned hostname, not the local hostname.
I don't own a plesk server, so I can't tell how how exactly to disable the mail domain, but a quick google search returns:
try a remote email form service. most hosting companies' mail servers are local. to do this, you would have to make your own .htaccess file which contains php.ini mail server settings. i THINK this is correct. you can install php yourself to see what those settings are.
this is something you will probably have to do through the web hosting control panel.
and by the way, XHTML is served up as HTML unless you configure the server to serve XHTML up as XHTML. so use HTML when possible unless you know how to do that. here's how.