How can I disable the eclipse server startup timeout? - eclipse

By default when using a webapp server in Eclipse Web Tools, the server startup will fail after a timeout of 45 seconds. I can increase this timeout in the server instance properties, but I don't see a way to disable the timeout entirely (useful when debugging application startup). Is there a way to do this?

In Eclipse Indigo, you can edit the default timeout by double-clicking on the server in the "servers" view and changing the timeout for start (see graphic). Save your changes, and you're good to go!

On the EclipseIDE, double click on the server
Admin panel opens up, click on the "Timeouts" tab
Put larger value in the "Start (in seconds)", may be 1800
Restart/Start the server
If everything is okay, the server should start.

Just another data point. If you see in your Console "Server startup in NNN ms", but the Server view still shows that it is trying to start, and then times out eventually killing the server, it might be that you have no plain HTTP connector configured. For example, if you have only a 2-way SSL connector configured in your Tomcat, it will start fine with the scripts in "TOMCAT_HOME/bin", but if you try to start it with the Eclipse Server view, it won't be able to open a connection to the HTTP port, and will terminate when it hits the timeout. (This was with a fairly old STS 2.1.0. Don't know if it's fixed in later versions)

Julie's answer gives you a long timeout, but not unlimited. You can move the server configuration file to the workspace, and then edit the xml file directly and set a limit greater than 1800. It's an ugly hack, but should work.

Goto Window > Preferences > Server
Set 'Server timeout delay' as Unlimited from drop-down menu.
Goto $WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs
Add/update line machine-speed= -1
here, -1 ~ Unlimited

If you still has issue after changing timeout settings, then it's best to remove the server configuration in Eclipse (in Server view tab) and re-create it again.
Server --> New Server.
It worked for me.

yes this works, but the maximum limit is 1800, which is 30mins.
Sometimes when rebuilding our entire database (on server initial start) this can go for longer than 30mins and causes problems.

In eclipse 2019-09 (4.13.0) there is no UI capability to set an unlimited value. It must be between 1 and 84600 seconds (a day).
But if you edit the .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/servers.xml file in the workspace and set the server's start-timeout attribute to a large number of in my case -1 it will not abort the server startup until such time is reached. I had to restart eclipse for the change to be read.
NOTE: using the UI to edit other values will coalesce your value to a value within the allowable range.


Connected To XEPDB1 From SQL Developer [duplicate]

I am using ORACLE database in a windows environment and running a JSP/servlet web application in tomcat. After I do some operations with the application it gives me the following error.
ORA-12518, TNS: listener could not hand off client connection
can any one help me to identify the reason for this problem and propose me a solution?
The solution to this question is to increase the number of processes :
1. Open command prompt
2. sqlplus / as sysdba; //login sysdba user
3. startup force;
4. show parameter processes; // This shows 150(some default) processes allocated, then increase the count to 800
5. alter system set processes=800 scope=spfile;
As Tried and tested.
In my case I found that it is because I haven't closed the database connections properly in my application. Too many connections are open and Oracle can not make more connections. This is a resource limitation. Later when I check with oracle forum I could see some reasons that have mentioned there about this problem. Some of them are.
In most cases this happens due to a network problem.
Your server is probably running out of memory and need to swap memory to disk.One cause can be an Oracle process consuming too much memory.
if it is the second one, please verify large_pool_size or check dispatcher were enough for all connection.
You can refer bellow link for further details.
I ran across the same problem, in my case it was a new install of the Oracle client on a new desktop that was giving the error, other clients were working so I knew it wouldn't be a fix to the database configuration. tnsping worked properly but sqlplus failed with the ora-12518 listener error.
I had the tnsnames.ora entry with a SID instead of a service_name, then once I fixed that, still the same error and found I had the wrong service_name as well. Once I fixed that, the error went away.
If from one day to another the issue shows for no apparent reasons, add these following lines at the bottom of the listner.ora file. If your oracle_home environment variable is set like this:
(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle11\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server)
The lines to add are:
ADR_BASE_LISTENER = C:\oracle11\app\oracle\
I had the same problem when executing queries in my application. I'm using Oracle client with Ruby on Rails.
The problem started when I accidentally started several connections with the DB and didn't close them.
When I fixed this, everything started to work fine again.
Hope this helps another one with the same problem.
I experienced the same error after upgrading to Windows 10. I solved it by starting services for Oracle which are stopped.
Start all the services as shown in the following image:
I had the same issue. After restarting all Oracle services it worked again.
same problem encountered for me.
And from oracle server listener log, can see more information.
and I found that the SERVICE_NAME is not match the tnsnames.ora configured Service name. so I changed the application's data source configuration from SID value to Service_NAME value and it fixed.
23-MAY-2019 02:44:21 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=JDBC Thin Client)(HOST=__jdbc__)(USER=XXXXXX$))(SERVICE_NAME=orclaic)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=::1)(PORT=50818)) * establish * orclaic * 12518
TNS-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error
64-bit Windows Error: 203: Unknown error
I had the same issue in real time application and the issue gone by itself next day. upon checking, it was found that server ran out of memory due to additional processes running.
So in my case, the reason was server run out of memory
first of all
check the listener log
check the show parameter processes vs select count(*) from v$processes;
increase the process, it may require SGA increase

Jmeter Error: Connection reset at Source) at

Jmeter Environment Details
I am performing Jmeter testing on Microsoft Azure Cloud. I have created on VM(Virtual Machine) on the same cloud and from there I am hitting the application server on the same cloud environment. So in this case there is no network latency.
Problem Statement:
I am trying to run the load test for 300 users for 30 mins , but after 5 mins my script started failing, because of Socket connection refused error.
My Analysis based on information available on net:
I have read somewhere that this problem is because of limited socket connection limit on server, but when i run the same test from VM then my scripts run's just fine. so its definitely not server's issue. Can somebody please help me resolve this issue? Are there any settings needs to be done in jmeter, increase the socket connections?
Actual Screenshot of Error
enter image description here
Most likely:
Looks like situation described at Connection Reset since JMeter 2.10 ? wiki page. If you're absolutely sure that nothing is wrong with your server, you can follow the next recommendations:
Switch all your HTTP Request Samplers "Implementation" to be "HTTPClient4". The fastest and the easiest way of doing it is using HTTP Request Defaults.
Add the next lines to file (in JMeter's /bin folder)
Add (or uncomment and edit) the following line in hc.parameters file
Alternative assumption:
"Good" browsers send "Connection: close" with the last request to the web server. "Bad" browsers don't and keep connection open. You can control this behaviour via "Use KeepAlive" checkbox in the HTTP Request Sampler/Defaults. If it's unchecked - you can try ticking it.

FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized, jvmtiError=AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197)

Can you explain what this error is (and secondly why I am getting it)?
FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized, jvmtiError=AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197)
P.S. It may be related to Known Tomcat 6.0 and JDK 1.7.0_02 issues?, as I only started getting it after upgrading from JDK 1.7.0 to 1.7.0 update 2, with no other upgrades to other software.
I am running:
Eclipse Indigo 3.7
JDK 1.7.0_0u2 (JDK 7 update 2)
Tomcat 6.0
Windows 7
Apache HTTP Server (although not using it yet)
When I start Tomcat I started getting this error, but not all the time. Rebooting just now fixed it. Some mornings I come to work without a reboot and it fixes it even though it failed the day before. It's sporadic. To debug this I need to understand. Can you help explain it?
EDIT : I have two Tomcat servers, for two different projects, on the same port. The other (first) server is "stopped" but remains "synchronized", in case this matters. I've quickly tried changing all the ports up one (8080 to 8081) and the error reproduces. This may not be a proper test of changing ports, however.
EDIT 2: I just had this problem, and rebooting "fixed" the issue. The workstation was on all weekend and Tomcat worked on Friday and Eclipse was shutdown at the end of the day. I will keep taking notes like this as I run into it to remove guesswork.
EDIT 3: Today it gave me this error from an unrebooted system that worked yesterday, programs shut down yesterday and restarted today. I rebooted, and the error is gone. Most notably is that the error always occurs at 23% compilation. It hits 23%, waits a bit and this is when I know it won't succeed, and then popups a window. I'll capture what the window says next time. Then it gives the above error to the Console.
EDIT 4: I am running Windows 7 and Apache HTTP Server (although not using it yet). I'll add these to the list above.
EDIT 5: The popup window mentioned in edit #3 is (and note my Tomcat is named Server Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost):
Problem Occurred
'Server Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost' has encountered a problem.
Server Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost failed to start.
OK << Details
Server Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost failed to start.
EDIT 6: I just got a new problem, which is Cannot connect to VM com.sun.jdi.connect.TransportTimeoutException popup window error and the same main error that this question asks about in the Console window.
EDIT 7: Just restarting Eclipse, not rebooting the whole computer, solved the error this morning.
This error typically comes up when the necessary port is taken by another program.
You said that you have changed the HTTP connector port from 8080 to 8081 so the two Tomcats do not clash, but have you also changed the <Server port="..." in tomcat/conf/server.xml to be different between your Tomcats?
Are there any other connectors ports which may possibly clash?
Does your HOSTS file have an entry for localhost? Some other situations this error is seen in seem to have this as a problem resolution.
Make sure you have localhost set in it...
(from this and this)
Encountered this. all I did was to kill all the java process(Task Manager) and run again. It worked!
Check whether your config string is okay:
I just had this issue today, and in my case it was because there was an invisible character in the jpda config parameter.
To be precise, I had dos line endings in my file on tomcat, causing a carriage-return character right after 'dt_socket'
EDIT these lines in host file and it should work.
Host file usually located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost localhost
I had the same problem because I set the following in of my tomcat:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=9999"
After removing it, my tomcat worked well.
Hope help you.
Encountered this issue and changing the debug port helped. For some reason, the debug port had to be greater than the app port.
Change control panel Java's option about proxy to "direct", change window's internet option to not use proxy and reboot. It worked for me.
This error mostly comes when we forcefully kill the weblogic server ("kill -9 process id"), so before restart kindly check all the ports status which weblogic using e.g. http port , DEBUG_PORT etc by using this command to see which whether this port is active or not.
netstat –an | grep
(Admin: 7001 or something, Managed server- 7002, 7003 etc)
eg: netstat –an | grep 7001
If it returns value then,
option 1: wait for some time, so that background process can release the port
option 2: execute
Option 3: Bounce the server/host or restart the system.
My issue was resolved by option 2.
if your JVM Cli is: -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=60000,server=n,suspend=n and JDK version is 7, change "server=n" to "server=y" will be OK.
In my project I had the same error, I restarted Tomcat and it worked, withtout killing the java process.
I set localhost, and solve this problem.
I had the same problem in of my tomcat for JPDA Options:
After removing JPDA option from my command to start the Tomcat server, I was able to start the server on local environment.
I was getting the same error when i switched to STS version 3.8.3
And imported my entire workspace to the new STS.
Apparently the "Boot Spring App" instance was defective. (i run from STS)
If this is your problem,
Simply create the Boot run configuration again.
In case you are working with environments or docker images you can really change /etc/host I recommend just changing the binding from star to
So (basing on my case for instance) instead of:
You would define it as:

Blackberry with Eclipse - How can I get rid of multiple Debug Servers?

Each time I choose 'run' it creates a DebugServer (in the debug view). Almost all the context menu options are disabled, including 'Terminate' option.
Is there a way to get rid of these without restarting Eclipse (every dozen runs or so)?
Normally, after you will Terminate or Disconnect debug session, it will be marked as
DebugServer [BlackBerry Simulator]
disconnected>RIM JVM
and you can remove it with context menu Remove All Terminated
Otherwise something may be wrong with system (conflict with system defence software, wrong BB eJDE setup, insufficient memory/CPU resources etc)
However you can always terminate debug server by killing fledge.exe and BbDevMgr.exe

Starting eclipse in Tomcat - Debug Mode - Timeout Error

I get the following timeout error when trying to start tomcat in eclipse.
Timeout waiting for Tomcat v5.5 Server at localhost to start. Server did not start after 45s.
Does anyone know hot to set the tomcat timeout?
In server view, dbl-click on the server. The server configuration editor opens. There is a Timeouts section within.
You can go to "Windows"-->"Preferences"--> click on "Server" then you will see drop down "Server timeout delay". Select Longer.
It should work.
You can try remove all breakpoints unnecessary and run again.