Is it necessary to vacuum a SQLite3 database to prevent data-loss? - postgresql

In PostgreSQL it is necessary to vacuum periodically to prevent data loss of very old data due to transaction ID wraparound. I am concerned that data loss might be an issue with SQLite3 databases as well if they are not vacuumed routinely.
Additionally, does the workload that the SQLite3 database experiences matter? I am currently thinking of using SQLite3 in a few scenarios including:
as a file format for a program where people might share files and use them across different machines
to store application settings
to store logs for an application which might log multiple times per second (queries on recent data might be performed every hour)
Also would the frequency of updates and deletes matter?

removes fragmentation, so it helps when you have both lots of deletions and inserts, and many read-only queries that scan entire tables, and
frees unused pages, so it helps when you have delete lots of data, and have very few insertions afterwards.
But these are merely optimizations.
Fragmentation typcially matters only on rotating disks, and freeing space is not necessary unless you're running out of space.
SQLite uses a different transaction locking mechanism (which is much simpler and faster, but not scalable) and does not require maintenance.


Can reads occur whilst executing a bulk \copy batch of inserts

I plan to be batch inserting a large volume of rows into a Postgres table using the \copy command once per minute. My benchmarks show I should be able to insert about 40k rows per second, and I plan to do this for 3 or 4 seconds each minute.
Are read queries on the table blocked or impacted whilst the \copy dump is occurring? And I wonder the same for inserts as well?
I'm assuming as well that tables which aren't being \copy'd into will face no blocking issues.
The manual:
The main advantage of using the MVCC model of concurrency control
rather than locking is that in MVCC locks acquired for querying
(reading) data do not conflict with locks acquired for writing data,
and so reading never blocks writing and writing never blocks reading.
That's the beauty of the MVCC model used by Postgres.
So, no, readers are not blocked. Neither in the target table, nor in any other table.
Impacted? Well, bulk loading large amounts of data incurs considerable load on the system (especially I/O) which potentially impacts all other processes competing for the same resources. So if your system is already reaching some limits, readers may be impacted this way.
Rows written by your COPY command (by way of psql's \copy) are not visible to other transactions until the transaction is committed.
Concurrent INSERT commands are not blocked either - unless you have UNIQUE (or PK) constraints / indexes where writes do compete. Avoid race conditions with overlapping unique values! And performance can be impacted even with non-unique indexes as writing to indexes involves some short-term locking.
Generally, keep indexes on your table to a minimum if you plan huge bulk writes every minute. Every index incurs additional costs for the write - and may bloat more than the table if write patterns are unfavorable. Autovacuum may have a hard time to keep up.

When should one vacuum a database, and when analyze?

I just want to check that my understanding of these two things is correct. If it's relevant, I am using Postgres 9.4.
I believe that one should vacuum a database when looking to reclaim space from the filesystem, e.g. periodically after deleting tables or large numbers of rows.
I believe that one should analyse a database after creating new indexes, or (periodically) after adding or deleting large numbers of rows from a table, so that the query planner can make good calls.
Does that sound right?
vacuum analyze;
collects statistics and should be run as often as much data is dynamic (especially bulk inserts). It does not lock objects exclusive. It loads the system, but is worth of. It does not reduce the size of table, but marks scattered freed up place (Eg. deleted rows) for reuse.
vacuum full;
reorganises the table by creating a copy of it and switching to it. This vacuum requires additional space to run, but reclaims all not used space of the object. Therefore it requires exclusive lock on the object (other sessions shall wait it to complete). Should be run as often as data is changed (deletes, updates) and when you can afford others to wait.
Both are very important on dynamic database
I would add that you can change the value of the default_statistics_target parameter (default to 100) in the postgresql.conf file to a higher number, after which, you should restart your server and run analyze to obtain more accurate statistics.

Database for long running transactions with huge updates

I build a tool for data extraction and transformation. Typical use case - transactionally processing lots of data.
Numbers are - about 10sec - 5min duration, 200-10000 row updated (long duration caused not by the database itself but by outside services that used during transaction).
There are two types of agents that access database - multiple read agents, and only one write agent (so, there are never multiple concurrent write).
During the transaction:
Read agents should be able to read database and see it in the current state.
Write agent should be able to read database (it does both - read and write during transaction) and see it in the new (not yet committed) state.
Is PostgreSQL a good choice for that type of load? I know it uses MVCC - so it should be ok in general, but is it ok to use long and big transactions extensively?
What other open-source transactional databases may be a good choice (I am not limited to SQL)?
I do not know if the sharding may affect the performance. The database will be sharded. For every shard there will be multiple readers and only one writer, but multiple different shards can be written to at the same time.
I know that it's better not to use outside services during transaction, but in that case - it's the goal. The database used as a reliable and consistent index for some heavy, huge, slow and eventually-consistent data processing tool.
Huge disclaimer: as always, only real life test can tell you the truth.
But, I think PostgreSQL will not let you down, if you use most recent version (at least 9.1, better 9.2) and tune it properly.
I have somewhat similar load in my server, but with slightly worse R/W ratio: about 10:1. Transactions range from few milliseconds up to 1 hour (and sometimes even more), and one transaction can insert or update up to 100k rows. Total number of concurrent writers with long transactions can reach 10 and more.
So far so good - I don't really have any serious issues, performance is great (certainly not worse than I expected).
What really helps is that my hot working data set almost fits into available memory.
So, give it a try, it should work great for your load.
Have a look at this link. Maximum transaction size in PostgreSQL
Basically there can be some technical limits on the software side to how large your transaction can be.

PostgreSQL temporary table cache in memory?

I want to store some temporary results in some temporary tables. These tables may be reused in several queries that may occur close in time, but at some point the evolutionary algorithm I'm using may not need some old tables any more and keep generating new tables. There will be several queries, possibly concurrently, using those tables. Only one user doing all those queries. I don't know if that clarifies everything about sessions and so on, I'm still uncertain about how that works.
What I would like to do is to create temporary tables (if they don't exist already), store them on memory as far as that is possible and if at some point there is not enough memory, delete those that would be committed to the HDD (I guess those will be the least recently used).
The client will be doing queries for EMAs with different parameters and an aggregation of them with different coefficients, each individual may vary in terms of the coefficients used and so the parameters for the EMAs may repeat as they are still in the gene pool, and may not be needed after a while. There will be similar queries with more parameters and the genetic algorithm will find the right values for the parameters.
Is that what "on commit drop" means? I've seen descriptions about
sessions and transactions but I don't really understand those
concepts. Sorry if the question is stupid.
If it is not, do you know about any simple way to get Postgres to do
In the worst case I should be able to make a guesstimation about how many tables I can keep on memory and try to implement the LRU by myself, but it's never going to be as good as what Postgres could do.
Thank you very much.
This is a complicated topic and probably one to discuss in some depth. I think it is worth both explaining why PostgreSQL doesn't support this and also what you can do instead with recent versions to approach what you are trying to do.
PostgreSQL has a pretty good approach to caching diverse data sets across multiple users. In general you don't want to allow a programmer to specify that a temporary table must be kept in memory if it becomes very large. Temporary tables however are managed quite differently from normal tables in that they are:
Buffered by the individual back-end, not the shared buffers
Locally visible only, and
What this means is that typically you aren't generating a lot of disk I/O for temporary tables. The tables do not normally flush WAL segments, and they are managed by the local back-end so they don't affect shared buffer usage. This means that only occasionally is data going to be written to disk and only when necessary to free memory for other (usually more frequent) tasks. You certainly aren't forcing disk writes and only need disk reads when something else has used up memory.
The end result is that you don't really need to worry about this. PostgreSQL already tries, to a certain extent, to do what you are asking it to do, and temporary tables have much lower disk I/O requirements than standard tables do. It does not force the tables to stay in memory though and if they become large enough, the pages may expire into the OS disk cache, and eventually on to disk. This is an important feature because it ensures that performance gracefully degrades when many people create many large temporary tables.

How to get high performance under a large transaction (postgresql)

I have data with amount of 2 millions needed to insert into postgresql. But it has played an low performance. Can I achieve a high-performance inserter by split the large transaction into smaller ones (Actually, I don't want to do this)? or, there is any other wise solutions?
No, the main idea to have it much faster is doing all inserts in one transaction. Multiple transactions, or using no transaction, is much slower.
And try to use copy, which is even faster:
If you really have to use inserts, you can also try dropping all indexes on this table, and creating them after loading the data.
This can be interesting as well:
Possible methods to improve performance:
Use the COPY command.
Try to decrease the isolation level for the transaction if your data can deal with the consequences.
Tweak the PostgreSQL server configuration. The default memory limits are very low and will cause disk trashing even with a server having gigabytes of free memory.
Turn off disk barriers (e.g. nobarrier flag for the ext4 file system) and/or fsync on the PostgreSQL server. Warning: this is usually unsafe but will improve your performance a lot.
Drop all the indexes in your table before inserting the data. Some indexes require pretty much work to keep up to date while rows are added. PostgreSQL may be able to create indexes faster in the end instead of continuously updating the indexes in paraller with the insertion process. Unfortunately, there's no simple way to "save" current indexes and later restore/create the same indexes again.
Splitting the insert job into series of smaller transaction will help only if you have to retry the transaction because of data dependency issues with paraller transactions. If the transaction succeeds on the first try, splitting it into several smaller transactions run in sequence will only decrease your performance.
In my experience you CAN improve INSERT time-to-completion by splitting a large transaction into smaller ones, but only if the table you are inserting to has NO indexes or constraints applied, and NO default field values that would have to contend for a shared resource under multiple concurrent transactions. In that case, splitting the insert into several distinct parts and submitting each concurrently as separate processes will complete the job in significantly less time.