mIRC Script snippet misfirigin - mirc

Whenever somebody just types ! point the snippet runs through all of its commands for some reason I'm trying to find what causes this to happen, so far I cannot find the issue in the code
alias -l sd { return " $+ $scriptdir $+ $$1 $+ " }
on $*:text:/^!(monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday|sunday|website|food|touchy|sakura|Bass|bacon|snickers|bot|quiz|quizrules|NYE|NYD|stop|dance|Leta|back|sways|ladies|enters|choice|lounge|hiphop|fault|country|piano|rocks|diva|diva1|hello|sassy|hips|bounces|woot|kiss|pops|wiggle|greets|gotit|phone|next|cheeky|dj|xmas|here|guitar|twist|dj1|facebook|cheeky1|jig|birthday|thanks|chacha|moves|fleshies|aerial|drinks|heifer|dances|tap|chacha1|jam|hairbrush|hairbrush1|hairbrush2|reggae|lmfao|accept|hairbrush3|touch|no|music|tinbot|buffering|fleshie1|brat|2step|twirls|vote|whistle|hohey|scripted|botgurl|shows|phone1|laughs|me|crazy|shares|rani|takes|hour|mj|elvis|profiles|song|sweet|brightie|fire|passenger|lr|)$/Si:#:{
if (!%f) { inc -u6 %f
if ($isfile($sd(timetable.txt))) { .play $+(-t,$regml(1)) # $sd(timetable.txt) 50 }
else { msg # Either timetable.txt doesn't exist or the txt file name doesn't match! }
menu * {
on 1:ping: { $iif(%pp,raw pong $1 wannaplaypingpong,) }
on 1:pong: { $iif(%pp,raw ping $1 wannaplaypingpong,) }
alias pingpongoff { unset %pp | echo -a Ping-Pong has been disabled. }
alias pingpongon { set %pp on | echo -a Ping-Pong has been enabled. }
alias antioff { timeridle off | unset %antiidle | echo -a Anti-Idle has been disabled. }
alias antion { .timeridle 0 120 scid -atM1 antiidle | set %antiidle on | echo -a Anti-Idle has been enabled. }
alias antiidle { .msg $status $me }
raw 401:*: {
if (connected isin $1-) && (%antiidle) { echo -s ***** SassIRC Anti-Idle | halt }

You have an error at the end of your regex.
Which contain redundant last pipe |, remove it from the end and it will solve the problem.


sed remove section between curly braces

I'm trying to delete a section elasticsearch { * } from a configuration file due to lack other options.
output {
if [env] {
if [containerimage] and [containerimage] != "apache" {
file {
path => "/var/log/logstash/logs/%{[env]}/%{file}-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}"
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["{{elasticsearch/host}}:{{elasticsearch/port}}"]
template_overwrite => true
I tried to reverse the sed command found on stackoverflow but it deletes ending } from configuration files too.
[root#indexer conf.d]# sed '/{/{:1; /}/!{N; b1}; /elasticsearch/!p}; d' example
output {
if [env] {
if [containerimage] and [containerimage] != "apache" {
file {
path => "/var/log/logstash/logs/%{[env]}/%{file}-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}"
It may be due to }} in to cfg that must be there. Any ideas to overcome this problem? Thanks in advance
some other experiment:
sed '/elasticsearch {/{:1; /}/!{N; b1} }; /elasticsearch/!p; d' example
output {
if [env] {
if [containerimage] and [containerimage] != "apache" {
file {
path => "/var/log/logstash/logs/%{[env]}/%{file}-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}"
template_overwrite => true
But leaves template_overwrite and some closing braces.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/^\s*elasticsearch {$/{:a;N;/^\s*}$/M!ba;d}' file
Gather up the lines beginning elasticsearch { and ending } and delete them.
N.B. This uses the M flag for a multiline match for the end condition which is GNU sed specific. An alternative:
sed -n '/^\s*elasticsearch {$/{:a;n;/^\s*}$/!ba;d};p' file
Here's one in awk:
awk '
RS="^$" # read in the whole file
c=1 # brace counter
match($0,/\n? *elasticsearch \{/) # find the start of string to remove
print substr($0,1,RSTART-1) # RUNNING OUT OF BATTERY
while(c>0) {
match($0,/(\{|\} *\n*)/)
}' file
output {
if [env] {
if [containerimage] and [containerimage] != "apache" {
file {
path => "/var/log/logstash/logs/%{[env]}/%{file}-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}"
Only tested with provided data.
Is this all you're trying to do?
$ sed '/elasticsearch[[:space:]]*{/,/^[[:space:]]*}/d' file
output {
if [env] {
if [containerimage] and [containerimage] != "apache" {
file {
path => "/var/log/logstash/logs/%{[env]}/%{file}-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}"
The above will work with any POSIX sed. If that's not all you need then please edit your question to show a more truly representative example so we can help you. FWIW I wouldn't really do the above as it's not extensible if/when your requirements vary slightly, I'd do this instead:
$ awk '/elasticsearch[[:space:]]*{/{f=1} !f; /^[[:space:]]*}/{f=0}' file
output {
if [env] {
if [containerimage] and [containerimage] != "apache" {
file {
path => "/var/log/logstash/logs/%{[env]}/%{file}-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}"

How to delete pattern which matches with the next new pattern which is calling in the next line by using /bin/sed command in dc_shell

Below is the example of my file,
signal {
"m_1_clk" {
P {
'0ns' D;
'25ns' U;
'65ns' D;
"m_0_clk" {
P {
'0ns' D;
'25ns' U;
'65ns' D;
"o_[9]" {
Data S Mk {
Active Up;
"m_0_clk" {
Data S Mk {
Active Up;
"m_1_clk" {
Data S Mk {
Active Up;
I am expecting the output from above file to be:
signal {
"o_[9]" {
Data S Mk {
Active Up;
Above is the example of my file
I would like to delete pattern which matches the next pattern which is calling in the next line.
Trying to search the specific pattern for deleting the lines which it should not be present in my file.
Need to search the specific pattern with new pattern in the next line. because first line is calling in multiple loops. so should grep specific pattern of all the content.
I tried using the below command in tcl its not working. could anyone help me on this,
below is the sed command used in tcl
exec /bin/sed -e {s/\m\(.*\)clk" {\.*\n\.*Data\.*//} -i file
exec /bin/sed -e {s/\m\(.*\)clk" {\.*\n\.*P {\.*//} -i file
Could you please try following and let me know if this helps you.(Considering that your actual Input_file is same as shown sample file)
awk -v line_number=$(cat Input_file | wc -l) '/signal {/ || /"o_\[9\]" {/ || FNR==line_number{flag=1}; /^$/{flag=""} flag' Input_file
Explanation: Adding explanation for code too now as follows:
awk -v line_number=$(cat Input_file | wc -l) ' ##Creating variable named line_number in awk script whose value is number of lines of Input_file.
/signal {/ || /"o_\[9\]" {/ || FNR==line_number{ ##checking condition here if a line contains strings either signal { OR "o_\[9\]" { then do following:
flag=1} ##Setting variable named flag here and setting its value to 1 here.
/^$/{ ##Checking condition here if a line is NULL or BLANK then do following:
flag=""} ##Nullifying the variable flag here.
flag ##awk works on method of condition then actions, so checking if variable flag value is NOT NULL here and not mentioning any action here so by default peint of current line will happen here.
' Input_file ##Metioning the Input_file name here.
Solution with a context-sensitive parser:
use Marpa::R2 qw();
my $input = <<'INPUT';
signal {
"m_1_clk" {
P {
'0ns' D;
'25ns' U;
'65ns' D;
"m_0_clk" {
P {
'0ns' D;
'25ns' U;
'65ns' D;
"o_[9]" {
Data S Mk {
Active Up;
"m_0_clk" {
Data S Mk {
Active Up;
"m_1_clk" {
Data S Mk {
Active Up;
my $grammar = Marpa::R2::Scanless::G->new({
bless_package => 'Foo',
source => \<<'GRAMMAR',
:default ::= action => [values] bless => ::lhs
lexeme default = action => [ value ] bless => ::name latm => 1
:start ::= blocks
blocks ::= block+
block ::= optionalname [{] contentblocks [}] optionalws
optionalname ::= name | epsilon
contentblocks ::= contentorblock+
contentorblock ::= content | block
name ~ [a-zA-Z0-9_"\x{5b}\x{5d} ]+
content ~ [a-zA-Z0-9;'\s]*
optionalws ~ [\s]*
epsilon ::=
my $parser = Marpa::R2::Scanless::R->new({grammar => $grammar});
my $output;
print $output;
sub deleteblocks {
my ($v) = #_;
return if ref $v eq 'Foo::block' and $v->[0][0]
and $v->[0][0][0] !~ /signal|"o_\[9\]"/;
if (ref $v) {
deleteblocks($_) for $v->#*;
} else {
$output .= $v || '';
Output is:
signal {
"o_[9]" {
Data S Mk {
Active Up;

mIRC chat bot doesn't acknowledge commands

Below is some code I have written for my ever growing bird-related chat bot.
If I use the mIRC consolse, I can execute the alias blocks (eg. //fchirp [user] ), but for some reason, the bot doesn't acknowledge somebody typing "!chirp" from the main chat window. It doesn't even execute the first //echo statement in the on-text-event.
The weirdest part is: this code worked before and I've been using it regularly. I haven't changed any part of what is shown here aside from the //echo statements which I use for debugging.
addWorms and giveWorms are both aliases I wrote and function correctly on their own. The main issue I'm running into is get the bot to do anything at all when someone types"!chirp". (It should be noted that other unrelated on-text-events earlier in the code work just fine with identical syntax.)
alias fchirp {
/writeini chirp.ini $1 First $adate
/writeini chirp.ini $1 Last $adate
/writeini chirp.ini $1 Count 1
msg $chan /w $1 Welcome to the Nest! Thanks for checking in! :D
addWorms $1
msg $chan /w $1 Type !worms to see how many you have!
//echo -a first chirp
alias chirp {
var %a $readini(chirp.ini, $1, Count)
var %count $calc( %a + 1 )
if ( $readini(worms.ini, $1, Breed) == $null ) {
addWorms $1
//echo -a addWorms done
if ( $readini(chirp.ini, $1, Last) === $adate ) { msg $chan /w $nick You've already checked in today! BabyRage | halt }
/writeini chirp.ini $1 Last $adate
/writeini chirp.ini $1 Count %count
//echo -a last/count updated
if ( $calc( $readini(chirp.ini, $1, Count) % 5 ) == 0 ) {
giveWorms $1 10
msg $chan /w $1 Welcome back! Lucky day!
else {
giveWorms $1 5
msg $chan /w $1 Welcome back! Here's your worms! Don't forget to !hunt ! ^_^
//echo -a giveWorms
on *:TEXT:!chirp:#: {
//echo -a acknowledged
if ( $readini(chirp.ini, $nick, First) != $null ) {
//echo -a true
chirp $nick
else {
//echo -a false
fchirp $nick
msg $chan /w $nick Don't forget to !hunt for worms! :D
The Event catching can be interfere by two main reasons.
You have an error above your code on the same remote file. e.g. missing bracket or syntax error.
Other event already been captured
mIRC will not process event that already been matched by another pattern on the same file.
ON *:TEXT:* dog *: echo -ag This will be called if we wrote the word dog in a sentence.
ON *:TEXT:*:#: echo -ag This will be called
ON *:TEXT:*test*: echo -ag This will never be called. Even if we wrote the word test in sentence.
You can merge your TEXT events to handle both actions, although if they aren't logic related, i would separated them for another remote file.
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
if ($1- == !chirp) {
; In here put your code.
; Another code over here..
; Count some stuff in here..
Remark: / is useless on alias/popup/remote code, and it is just for identifying text vs commands for console mIRC window.

Redirect mongo shell error to output

I have a script that seeds my database, but I want to only redirect the stderr to the user.
I'm trying this:
echo "Seeding pokemon"
mongo mongodb_1:27017/pokemon pokemon.js > /dev/null 2>&1
But I'm not getting the error output.If I remove the redirection, the error outputs to my console.
Mongo Shell does not currently support separate output stream for errors.
Have can subscribe to SERVER-18643 to get notified once this is implemented.
Workaround suggested in the above ticket is to tag your output inside the Mongo Shell:
Then you can redirect to the correct output stream using the following script:
COMMAND="mongo <args>"
function STDERR {
cat - 1>&2
function STDFILE {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
cat - >> $1
for line in $OUTPUT; do
if [[ "$line" == "<STDERR>"* ]]; then
elif [[ "$line" == "</STDERR>"* ]]; then
if [ "$WRITE_ERR" -eq "1" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "$line" | STDERR
printf "%s\n" "$line"

How to auto copy paste between different channels on different network in mIRC, if it matches predefined word?

I'm a person with zero programming skill, thus everything related to programming seems like the hardest thing.
I wanted to auto copy paste between different channels on different network using mIRC, if it matches predefined word. For example:
My predefined word is: hello
If someone in #channelA (on network1) or #channelB (on network2) or #channelC (on network3) says hello, it will appear on #channel4 (on network4) as: said "hello" without channel's name or anything and no duplicate from rest of the networks(if said hello there as well) will appear on network 4's channel, i.e only first one will appear for each keyword.
I have tried searching for a solution and found this:
mIRC bot - copy/paste lines in 2 channels
But it's not helpful to me. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Usually we never built someone a script but asks him for what he done so far and then pointing him the failures or helping him a little bit.
But because the script you mentioned sounds nice, i took the liberty of implementing it myself.
If you not familiar with mSL i suggest you to only touch the following identifiers:FromNetwork, FromChannel, ToNetwork and ToChannel
;### TextPublisher v1
;### Author: Orel Eraki
;### Email: orel.eraki#gmail.com
;### Usage:
;### - Pretty simple, just edit the identifier settings.
;### - For enable/disable change "TextPublisherEnable" identifier to 1 or 0
;### Settings
alias -l TextPublisherEnable return 1
alias -l TextPublisherFormat return &timestamp < &+ &nick &+ > &1-
alias -l TextPublisherMatchText return *text*
alias -l TextPublisherFromNetwork return Network1
alias -l TextPublisherFromChannel return #Channel1
alias -l TextPublisherToNetwork return Network2
alias -l TextPublisherToChannel return #Channel2
;### Functions
alias -l FindNetworkCid {
if ($1) {
var %i = 1, %n = $scon(0), %temp
while (%i <= %n) {
if ($scon(%i).status == connected && $scon(%i).network == $1) {
return $scon(%i).cid
inc %i
;### Events
on *:text:$($TextPublisherMatchText):$($TextPublisherFromChannel): {
if ($TextPublisherEnable && $network == $TextPublisherFromNetwork) {
var %networkId = $FindNetworkCid($TextPublisherToNetwork)
if (%networkId) {
scid -t1 %networkId if ($TextPublisherToChannel ischan) { msg $TextPublisherToChannel $eval($replace($TextPublisherFormat, &, $chr(36)), 2) }
This might help, Its taken from my Nick Mention and will work with any word you want. It comes up in the room you are in highlighted and also opens a new window and records what/who and time it was said. It may lead you in the direction you are looking for if it is not exactly what you are looking for..
;; Word mention ;;
on *:START: {
window -De #WordMention
echo #WordMention Your word mentioned and what was said goes here
on *:text:*:#:{
if (# == $active) halt
if (%me isin $strip($1-)) || ($me isin $strip($1-)) {
if (%mention. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $true) halt
echo -a 2,4 # $nick said : $1-
echo #WordMention =======================================
echo #WordMention 0,4 $+ $timestamp $nick said your word at $asctime(h:nn:sstt) in #
echo #WordMention $nick said: $1-
echo #WordMention =======================================
set -u10 %mention. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $true
menu channel {
.Word mention ( $+ %mynick $+ )
..Set My word $iif(%me == $null,(no word set),( $+ %me $+ )):/set %me $$?="Enter word eg = word to watch for" | echo -a %me Set
..$iif(%myword == on,$style(2),$style(0)) On:/set %mynick on
..$iif(%myword == off,$style(2),$style(0)) Off:/set %mynick off