Can't install Spring IDE for eclipse - eclipse

Hey everyone I'm having trouble installing the 'Spring IDE' plugin for Eclipse (Version 4.5.2 Mars) and was wondering how to fix this problem.
From my understanding, it appears the require files are missing in order to install the Spring IDE. This is the message I get.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Spring IDE Spring Data Support (
Missing requirement: Spring IDE Live Beans Graph (org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.livegraph requires 'bundle org.eclipse.zest.core [1.0.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Spring IDE Spring Data Support (
To: 0.0.0
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Spring IDE Core (required) (
To: org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.livegraph []
I'm pretty new to web development and I'd really like to learn how to create web application using spring MVC. Is there anyway to get around this?

You are be having a problem with In your case specifically you have a problem with the Eclipse Visualization Toolkit. ("bundle org.eclipse.zest.core [1.0.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found Cannot satisfy dependency:)". These are core libraries used by Spring IDE.
The solution for your problem should be:
Remove all Spring IDE libraries that are left around (if possible and only using Eclipse. Go to the file system only if you know exactly what jars you need to remove from the plugin directory.
Install GEF.
Install the Spring IDE.

For a new developer I would highly suggest using eclipse STS "Spring Tool Suite". It allows you to create Spring MVC - "Spring Boot" applications and get it up and running very quickly with little effort. There's no need to run around and grab up all the different spring plugins. There are a ton of examples for every most types of apps you would want to start creating and you can easily import the start and finished versions of the code. No need to download and setup tomcat as it has an embedded tomcat that you can start and restart quickly with a click of a button. Also, without any config, you can see your html, js, and css changes instantly (hot swap) by just saving the file (you dont have to restart the server).


What is the difference between Eclipse with Spring IDE plugin and Spring Tool Suite alone?

What's the difference between these
Eclipse with the Spring IDE plugin
Spring Tool Suite (STS) alone
I ask because STS says it's built on top of Eclipse, and I wonder what differences it has over simply using a plugin that adds similar functionality to "vanilla" Eclipse.
It's true, STS is built on top of Eclipse. The difference is only related to another products support from the STS installation, like Roo, Pivotal tc Server, Cloud Foundry and getting started guides, but you could also include this features in your Eclipse installation.
So STS gives a complete solution around Spring features and simplifies the developer environment install, that's the key difference.
As Martin Lippert explains in the forums:
"So you can end-up having the same features in STS and your existing
Eclipse installation after installing the STS features into it."
You could find more details on the Spring forums.
Details on features: STS features and Spring IDE plugin features.
Spring Tool suite has ready to go features specially designed to spring supported projects and cloud environment. And Eclipse is more generic where we've to add the plugins and extensions for our platform setup.
There is already an article about this in DZone Spring IDE and the Spring Tool Suite - Using Spring in Eclipse.
While the Spring IDE project provides a set of plugins for the Eclipse
IDE, the Spring Tool Suite comes as a ready-to-use distribution of the
latest Eclipse releases with the Spring IDE components pre-installed.
This includes the tc Server integration for Eclipse (another IDE
extension that is provided by Pivotal as an open-source project) and
various other additions to Eclipse that turn the pure Eclipse IDE into
a ready-to-use, best-of-breed environment for enterprise Spring
application development.

Installing Spring ToolSuite in Eclipse

I am starting to develop WebApp using Spring Framework. For that I know I have to use Spring Tool Suite. I went to the Eclipse site for downloads but I am having trouble knowing wich of the four types of downloads suggested in the page below should I choose, sicnce none of them seem to have Spring in its features ?
Any help ?
Just for your consideration I wrote the following tutorials about STS
Installing Spring Tool Suite
Configuring Apache Maven
Getting Started: IDE & Projects
Configuring The Java Working Set
Structuring The Workspace
Complete and more detailed tutorials, available here: Spring Tutorial
Spring Tool Suite is a different download. It can be found here: .
Unless you are using Java EE which btw stands for Enterprise Edition,
I'd recommend just going with
Eclipse Luna -> Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
In addition to the full distribution downloads on (they are ready-to-use Eclipse distributions with pre-installed Spring tooling) you can also use an Eclipse installation and go to the Eclipse Marketplace to install the Spring tooling into your Eclipse instance.

Where to download Spring Roo 1.2.4 runtime?

I'm running Eclipse Juno 4.2 (upgraded from Indigo 3.7), with the Spring Tool Suite tools installed. A while ago I had installed Spring Roo 1.2.2.RELEASE, and configured the Roo plugin to point to the 1.2.2.RELEASE runtime.
I would now like to upgrade to Spring 1.2.4.RELEASE, but cannot find the runtime anywhere. I've looked on the Spring site, but cannot seem to find a download link to it anywhere.
So a few questions:
1) Is the runtime still required as a separate download and do I still need to configure Eclipse to point to it separately?
2) Where can I download the runtime from?
3) Why do I need the separate runtime? Why is STS/Eclipse not smart enough to use the Roo artifact that is included in my maven project?
I still don't why I need the separate runtime to configure Eclipse, however, I did finally find a download link for the latest ROO packages:

Use Tomcat server with Hibernate and Springsource Tool Suite?

I just installed Springsource Tool Suite as a plugin to eclipse kepler. I need to develop database-driven-web applications with it. I have thought I could do that using hibernate, but the eclipse STS plugin that I found for hibernate seems to only work with jboss server. I want to work with tomcat 7 server. Can someone suggest a good way to use hibernate with STS eclipse and tomcat? Or is there a better way besides eclipse to do database integration with STS eclipse and tomcat? Links to download tools, and to modern tutorials with the current versions of each tool, would be greatly appreciated. I just created a new Spring MVC project using the template in STS eclipse kepler. It would be nice to have tutorials and tools that work with that toolset. Even a fully working database-driven web application sample code to study.
Your requirements as listed below:
Spring Tools Suite : (Choose the appropriate version)
For Tomcat 7 to be used on STS , you will need to download it from this link:
Update to JDK 7. Link:
To setup tomcat 7 in Spring Tools Suite (essentially Eclipse configured for Spring) use this link : (Follow the same procedure for STS)
You will also need to install a DBMS. Try using MySQL . Download it from :
Also if you decide to use Eclipse for Spring (I do.. :P ), use this :
If you decide to use Kepler, you will need to install STS plugin for Kepler. Try:
Try the following link for your first project:
EDIT: As a developer it is very essential to know what is the standard way of implementing a Spring+ORM application. It's practice to to include Maven as a dependency management tool. Follow the links:
Download Maven:
Setup maven in Eclipse : Setting up new Maven In eclipse
Link to website using maven : Just Google.. :P
As for the no Maven part, try understanding why actually is maven used. Follow the link: , to setup a spring envirnoment without maven. When you use Hibernate, just add the necessary jars to WEB-INF/lib folder. As simple as that.
Hope it helps. :)

Spring installation with Eclipse

I have downloaded and installed Spring STS for Eclipse...
But when I've Created a Spring Project I can't to
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
So I tried to add library like spring.jar but I couldn't find this jar.(properties-->java build path-->libraries)
What's wrong with this setting? Or my installation is not ended?
Spring STS is only a Eclipse plugin which helps the developer managing spring beans. It is not mandatory for developing a spring-based application.
So your second approach was the right one to add the spring library. You can download spring here: Spring Downloads and then add it as a library to your project.
But serious... I would encourage you to do a tutorial first:
Plugins does not includes library of spring.
Plugin is only to manage the reference of configuration in your project build in eclipse.
Libraries are actual jar file which is required at compile as well as run time.
If you skip the plugin installation then your code will work if your configuration is correct
But if you skip spring library installation or download then your code will not compile of run.
Please go through step by step tutorial by following these tutorial
Spring Step By Step Tutorial