ADF - Using parameter from loop in a copy data flow - azure-data-factory

I've created a loop that loops over URL's to fetch ODATA. Then, a copy flow is created for every path in the oDATA service. However, I need to be able to pass the URL into these tables as well.
How can I add the URL (#pipeline().parameters.ProjectUrl) to my sink when I am unable to import schemas because I'm working with parameters? Note that my query is a select, like so:
I'd like to add my parameter here, so it gets added to the tables.

By copy flow do you mean 'a mapping data flow, which is used just to copy' ?
If that is the case, go into the flow, and add a parameter. Keep the type as string (not all of the flow parameter types have pipeline equivalents). Go back to the pipeline, and look at the execute data flow activity. The parameter will now be visible in the activity. When you click on the 'value' field, you can choose between 'Pipeline expression' and 'Data flow expression'. Choose 'Pipeline expression' and place the #pipeline().parameters.ProjectUrl here.


How to provide LinkedService with a parameter value from Mapping Dataflow?

I am doing a SQL Azure Database as a datasource in a mapping dataflow. The parameter KeyVaultConnectionString should be dynamic. Se picture 1.
My problem is that I am unable to fiugure out how to provide the value from mapping dataflow. I have tried different things like #pipeline.parameters.ConnString but thats just crap.
***** UPDATE (28-09-2022) *****
I forgot to explain that the flow is a Flowlet. The picture below shows the Flowlet that uses a SQL Server as a Source. I choose Inline dataset but I am not able to pass variable from the "outer" mapping data flow to the datasource.
For inline dataset as source in dataflows, the parameter option is not showing as a separate section. I tried to use the following linked service where I am using the linked service parameter to give my blob storage name.
Now when I use this in the dataflow source as inline dataset and try to test connection, it fails.
However, complete configuring the dataflow with required transformations and use dataflow activity in azure data factory pipeline. Here it shows the parameter to which the necessary value should be passed to linked service.
When you are in design/debug mode from the data flow designer, parameters will show in the right-panel when you click "Debug Settings" on the top of your designer window.

Formio conditional select

I use the library formio.js and I'm trying to filter options in a selectbox according to selected value of another selectbox in the form.
I understood how you can do it with external source as described here
But I don't understand how I can do it without external source.
In the example in the link above, you see that the selected value of the first selectbox is passed in the URL that gets the content of the second selectbox server side. But in my situation I can't make the query to the server, I want to filter the data defined directly in the component. Is that possible?

Use Lookup and For Each Iteration to pull data from different projects

Hi would just like to ask if this is possible, I am currently working on ADF, what I want to do is get workitems from[Organization]/[Project] then copy it to SQL Database. i am currently already doing this for 1 project, but want to do it for multiple projects without creating multiple copyto tasks within ADF but just run a Lookup to ForEach to iterate through all the team analytics URLs, is there anyway to do this?
We can use lookup and for-each activity to copy data to SQL dB tables from all URLs. Below are the steps
Create a lookup table which contains the entire list of URLs
Next in for each activity's settings, type the following in items for getting output of lookup activity
Inside for each activity, use copy activity.
In source, create a dataset and http linked service. Enter the base URL and relative URL. I have stored relative URLs in lookup activity. Thus I have given #{item().url} in relative URL
In sink, Create azure SQL database table for each item in for each activity or use the existing tables and copy data to those tables.

Nested ForEach in ADF (Azure Data Factory)

I have a set of json files that I want to browse, in each file there is a field that contains a list of links that direct to an image. The goal is to download each image from the links using binary formats (I tested with several links and it already works).
Here, my problem is to make the nested ForEach, I manage to browse all the json files but when I make a second ForEach to browse the links and make a copy data to download the images using an Execute Pipeline I get this error
"ErrorCode=InvalidTemplate, ErrorMessage=cannot reference action 'Copy data1'. Action 'Copy data1' must either be in 'runAfter' path, or be a Trigger"
Example of file:
"type": "jean",
"type": "socks",
"image":[ "",
Do you have a solution?
As per the documentation you cannot nest For Each activities in Azure Data Factory (ADF) or Synapse Pipelines, but you can use the Execute Pipeline activity to create nested pipelines, where the parent has a For Each activity and the child pipeline does too. You can also chain For Each activities one after the other, but not nest them.
Excerpt from the documentation:
You can't nest a ForEach loop inside another ForEach loop (or an Until loop).
Design a two-level pipeline where the outer pipeline with the outer ForEach loop iterates over an inner pipeline with the nested loop.
Or visually:
It may be that multiple nested pipelines is not what you want in which case you could pass this looping off to another activity, eg Stored Proc, Databricks Notebook, Synapse Notebook (if you're in Azure Synapse Analytics) etc. One example here might be to load up the json files into a table (or dataframe), extract the filenames once and then loop through that list, rather than each file. Just an idea.
I have repro’d and was able to copy all the links looping the copy data activity inside the ForEach activity and using the execute pipeline activity.
Parent pipeline:
If you have multiple JSON files, get the files list using the Get Metadata activity.
Loop the child items using the ForEach activity and add the execute pipeline activity to get the data from each file by passing the current item as a parameter (#item().name).
Child pipeline:
Create a parameter to store the file name from the parent pipeline.
Using the lookup activity, get the data from the current JSON file.
Filename property: #pipeline().parameters.filename
Here I have added https:// to your first image link as it is not validating in the copy activity and giving an error.
Pass the output to the ForEach activity and loop through each image value.
Add Copy data activity inside ForEach activity to copy each link from source to sink.
I have created a binary dataset with the HttpServer linked service and created a parameter for the Base URL in the linked service.
Passing the linked service parameter value from the dataset.
Pass the dataset parameter value from the copy activity source to use the current item (link) in the linked service.

Passing a variable from pipeline to a dataflow in azure data factory

I have the following setup in ADF and I would like to pass a variable which has been set in Set variable activity to my data flow activity. I tried creating parameter, but I am unable to do so. Can someone explain me how it is done??
As you see I am unable to get $token1 value in my source option in the dataflow.
You have done it in a correct way, this is how we add pipeline variables to the Data flow.
I have tried from my end the same way and it worked fine for me.
Create parameter in data flow.
Pass the value of data flow parameter from pipeline dataflow settings as below:
In Dataflow source options, open the expression builder to add dynamic content and select the data flow parameter created.
I created a string variable at the pipeline level and passed it to the data flow string parameter. So in the Authorization value, it is shown as 'abc' to indicate it is string.
Data preview of source:
Note: Make sure you are selecting the correct parameter from the expression builder. I see that you have created a parameter as a string but when the parameter is added in the value it is showing as 'Any'. Delete and recreate the parameter/header to refresh any changes.