What is the meaning of "drop" and "sgd" while training custom ner model using spacy? - neural-network

I am training a custom ner model to identify organization name in addresses.
My training loop looks like this:-
for itn in range(100):
losses = {}
batches = minibatch(TRAIN_DATA, size=compounding(15., 32., 1.001))
for batch in batches
texts, annotations = zip(*batch)
nlp.update(texts, annotations, sgd=optimizer,
drop=0.25, losses=losses)
print('Losses', losses)
Can someone explain the parameters "drop", "sgd", "size" and give some ideas to how should I change these values, so that my model performs better.

You can find details and tips in the spaCy documentation:
The trick of increasing the batch size is starting to become quite popular ... In training the various spaCy models, we haven’t found much advantage from decaying the learning rate – but starting with a low batch size has definitely helped
batch_size = compounding(1, max_batch_size, 1.001)
This will set the batch size to start at 1, and increase each batch until it reaches a maximum size.
For small datasets, it’s useful to set a high dropout rate at first, and decay it down towards a more reasonable value. This helps avoid the network immediately overfitting, while still encouraging it to learn some of the more interesting things in your data. spaCy comes with a decaying utility function to facilitate this. You might try setting:
dropout = decaying(0.6, 0.2, 1e-4)
sgd: An optimizer, i.e. a callable to update the model’s weights. If not set, spaCy will create a new one and save it for further use.

The drop, sgd and size are some of the parameters you can customize to optimize your training.
drop is used to change the value of dropout.
size is used to change the size of the batch
sgd is used to change various hyperparameters such as learning rate, Adam beta1 and beta2 parameters, gradient clipping and L2 regularisation.
I consider the sgd to be a very important argument to experiment with.
To help you, I wrote a short blog post showing how to customize any spaCy parameters from your python interpreter (e.g. jupyter notebook). No command line interface required.


Impact of using data shuffling in Pytorch dataloader

I implemented an image classification network to classify a dataset of 100 classes by using Alexnet as a pretrained model and changing the final output layers.
I noticed when I was loading my data like
trainloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=32, shuffle=False)
, I was getting accuracy on validation dataset around 2-3 % for around 10 epochs but when I just changed shuffle=True and retrained the network, the accuracy jumped to 70% in the first epoch itself.
I was wondering if it happened because in the first case the network was being shown one example after the other continuously for just one class for few instances resulting in network making poor generalizations during training or is there some other reason behind it?
But, I did not expect that to have such a drastic impact.
P.S: All the code and parameters were exactly the same for both the cases except changing the shuffle option.
Yes it totally can affect the result! Shuffling the order of the data that we use to fit the classifier is so important, as the batches between epochs do not look alike.
Checking the Data Loader Documentation it says:
"shuffle (bool, optional) – set to True to have the data reshuffled at every epoch"
In any case, it will make the model more robust and avoid over/underfitting.
In your case this heavy increase of accuracy (from the lack of awareness of the dataset) probably is due to how the dataset is "organised" as maybe, as an example, each category goes to a different batch, and in every epoch, a batch contains the same category, which derives to a very bad accuracy when you are testing.
PyTorch did many great things, and one of them is the DataLoader class.
DataLoader class takes the dataset (data), sets the batch_size (which is how many samples per batch to load), and invokes the sampler from a list of classes:
The key thing samplers do is how they implement the iter() method.
In case of SequentionalSampler it looks like this:
def __iter__(self):
return iter(range(len(self.data_source)))
This returns an iterator, for every item in the data_source.
When you set shuffle=True that would not use SequentionalSampler, but instead the RandomSampler.
And this may improve the learning process.

How to compensate if I cant do a large batch size in neural network

I am trying to run an action recognition code from GitHub. The original code used a batch size of 128 with 4 GPUS. I only have two gpus so I cannot match their bacth size number. Is there anyway I can compensate this difference in batch. I saw somewhere that iter_size might compensate according to a formula effective_batchsize= batch_size*iter_size*n_gpu. what is iter_size in this formula?
I am using PYthorch not Caffe.
In pytorch, when you perform the backward step (calling loss.backward() or similar) the gradients are accumulated in-place. This means that if you call loss.backward() multiple times, the previously calculated gradients are not replaced, but in stead the new gradients get added on to the previous ones. That is why, when using pytorch, it is usually necessary to explicitly zero the gradients between minibatches (by calling optimiser.zero_grad() or similar).
If your batch size is limited, you can simulate a larger batch size by breaking a large batch up into smaller pieces, and only calling optimiser.step() to update the model parameters after all the pieces have been processed.
For example, suppose you are only able to do batches of size 64, but you wish to simulate a batch size of 128. If the original training loop looks like:
loss = model(batch_data) # batch_data is a batch of size 128
then you could change this to:
smaller_batches = batch_data[:64], batch_data[64:128]
for batch in smaller_batches:
loss = model(batch) / 2
and the updates to the model parameters would be the same in each case (apart maybe from some small numerical error). Note that you have to rescale the loss to make the update the same.
The important concept is not so much the batch size; it's the quantity of epochs you train. Can you double the batch size, giving you the same cluster batch size? If so, that will compensate directly for the problem. If not, double the quantity of iterations, so you're training for the same quantity of epochs. The model will quickly overcome the effects of the early-batch bias.
However, if you are comfortable digging into the training code, myrtlecat gave you an answer that will eliminate the batch-size difference quite nicely.

H2O.ai mini_batch_size is really used?

In the documentation of H2O is written:
mini_batch_size: Specify a value for the mini-batch size. (Smaller values lead to a better fit; larger values can speed up and generalize better.)
but when I run a model using the FLOW UI (with mini_batch_size > 1) in the log file is written:
WARN: _mini_batch_size Only mini-batch size = 1 is supported right now.
so the question: is the mini_batch_size really used??
It appears to be a left over from preparation for a DeepWater integration that never happened. E.g. https://github.com/h2oai/h2o-3/search?l=Java&p=2&q=mini_batch_size
That makes sense, because the Hogwild! algorithm, that H2O's deep learning uses, does away with the need for batching training data.
To sum up, I don't think it is used.

Set Batch Size *and* Number of Training Iterations for a neural network?

I am using the KNIME Doc2Vec Learner node to build a Word Embedding. I know how Doc2Vec works. In KNIME I have the option to set the parameters
Batch Size: The number of words to use for each batch.
Number of Epochs: The number of epochs to train.
Number of Training Iterations: The number of updates done for each batch.
From Neural Networks I know that (lazily copied from https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/153531/what-is-batch-size-in-neural-network):
one epoch = one forward pass and one backward pass of all the training examples
batch size = the number of training examples in one forward/backward pass. The higher the batch size, the more memory space you'll need.
number of iterations = number of passes, each pass using [batch size] number of examples. To be clear, one pass = one forward pass + one backward pass (we do not count the forward pass and backward pass as two different passes).
As far as I understand it makes little sense to set batch size and iterations, because one is determined by the other (given the data size, which is given by the circumstances). So why can I change both parameters?
This is not necessarily the case. You can also train "half epochs". For example, in Google's inceptionV3 pretrained script, you usually set the number of iterations and the batch size at the same time. This can lead to "partial epochs", which can be fine.
If it is a good idea or not to train half epochs may depend on your data. There is a thread about this but not a concluding answer.
I am not familiar with KNIME Doc2Vec, so I am not sure if the meaning is somewhat different there. But from the definitions you gave setting batch size + iterations seems fine. Also setting number of epochs could cause conflicts though leading to situations where numbers don't add up to reasonable combinations.

How to use KNN to classify data in MATLAB?

I'm having problems in understanding how K-NN classification works in MATLAB.´
Here's the problem, I have a large dataset (65 features for over 1500 subjects) and its respective classes' label (0 or 1).
According to what's been explained to me, I have to divide the data into training, test and validation subsets to perform supervised training on the data, and classify it via K-NN.
First of all, what's the best ratio to divide the 3 subgroups (1/3 of the size of the dataset each?).
I've looked into ClassificationKNN/fitcknn functions, as well as the crossval function (idealy to divide data), but I'm really not sure how to use them.
To sum up, I wanted to
- divide data into 3 groups
- "train" the KNN (I know it's not a method that requires training, but the equivalent to training) with the training subset
- classify the test subset and get it's classification error/performance
- what's the point of having a validation test?
I hope you can help me, thank you in advance
EDIT: I think I was able to do it, but, if that's not asking too much, could you see if I missed something? This is my code, for a random case:
kmax=100; %for instance...
[trainInd,valInd,testInd] = dividerand(1000,trainRatio,valRatio,testRatio);
for know=1:kmax
%is it the same thing use knnclassify or fitcknn+predict??
predicted_class = knnclassify(val', train', train_class',know);
mdl = fitcknn(train',train_class','NumNeighbors',know) ;
label = predict(mdl,val');
if consistency>precisionmax
mdl_final = fitcknn(train',train_class','NumNeighbors',know) ;
label_final = predict(mdl,test');
Thank you very much for all your help
For your 1st question "what's the best ratio to divide the 3 subgroups" there are only rules of thumb:
The amount of training data is most important. The more the better.
Thus, make it as big as possible and definitely bigger than the test or validation data.
Test and validation data have a similar function, so it is convenient to assign them the same amount
of data. But it is important to have enough data to be able to recognize over-adaptation. So, they
should be picked from the data basis fully randomly.
Consequently, a 50/25/25 or 60/20/20 partitioning is quite common. But if your total amount of data is small in relation to the total number of weights of your chosen topology (e.g. 10 weights in your net and only 200 cases in the data), then 70/15/15 or even 80/10/10 might be better choices.
Concerning your 2nd question "what's the point of having a validation test?":
Typically, you train the chosen model on your training data and then estimate the "success" by applying the trained model to unseen data - the validation set.
If you now would completely stop your efforts to improve accuracy, you indeed don't need three partitions of your data. But typically, you feel that you can improve the success of your model by e.g. changing the number of weights or hidden layers or ... and now a big loops starts to run with many iterations:
1) change weights and topology, 2) train, 3) validate, not satisfied, goto 1)
The long-term effect of this loop is, that you increasingly adapt your model to the validation data, so the results get better not because you so intelligently improve your topology but because you unconsciously learn the properties of the validation set and how to cope with them.
Now, the final and only valid accuracy of your neural net is estimated on really unseen data: the test set. This is done only once and is also useful to reveal over-adaption. You are not allowed to start a second even bigger loop now to prohibit any adaption to the test set!