Reverse DNS lookup in perl - perl

How do I perform a reverse DNS lookup, that is how do I resolve an IP address to its DNS hostname in Perl?

If you need more detailed DNS info use the Net::DNS module, here is an example:
use Net::DNS;
my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
# create the reverse lookup DNS name (note that the octets in the IP address need to be reversed).
my $IP = "";
my $target_IP = join('.', reverse split(/\./, $IP))."";
my $query = $res->query("$target_IP", "PTR");
if ($query) {
foreach my $rr ($query->answer) {
next unless $rr->type eq "PTR";
print $rr->rdatastr, "\n";
} else {
warn "query failed: ", $res->errorstring, "\n";
Original Source, more details there as well.

gethostbyaddr and similar calls. See

use Socket;
$iaddr = inet_aton(""); # or whatever address
$name = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET);

perl -MSocket -E 'say scalar gethostbyaddr(inet_aton(""), AF_INET)'
Returns: Can't find string terminator "'" anywhere before EOF at -e line 1.
perl -MSocket -E "say scalar gethostbyaddr(inet_aton(\"\"), AF_INET)"
I have to change the line to use double quotes and then escape out the quotes around the IP address

perl -MSocket -E 'say scalar gethostbyaddr(inet_aton(""), AF_INET)'

There may be an easier way, but for IPv4, if you can perform ordinary DNS lookups, you can always construct the reverse query yourself. For the IPv4 address A.B.C.D, look up any PTR records at For IPv6, you take the 128 hex nibbles and flip them around and append and do the same thing.

If gethostbyaddr doesn't fit your needs, Net::DNS is more flexible.

This might be useful...
$ip = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" # IPV4 address.
my #numbers = split (/\./, $ip);
if (scalar(#numbers) != 4)
print "$ip is not a valid IP address.\n";
my $ip_addr = pack("C4", #numbers);
# First element of the array returned by gethostbyaddr is host name.
my ($name) = (gethostbyaddr($ip_addr, 2))[0];


Reversing the IP address in Linux using perl

I have a job where I need to do nslookup on an IP address. If it matches then I need to print the name of the host. The problem is that the IP address comes reversed when running the command.
I tried to use reverse but that reversed everything which is not what I want.
my $ip = '';
$result = reverse($ip);
print $result;
which then prints
I do not want to reverse everything, just the full numbers.
Please can someone help?
Simply split the IP address on .s using split, reverse the resulting array, then rejoin it:
join(".", reverse(split(/\./, $ip)))
This will give you the "reversed" IP address, which you can then compare to the nslookup result.
So what we need to do is to just split the actual address, reorder them in reverse and then match the IP to the reversed IP.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $ipaddress = '';
my #ip = split /\./,$ipaddress; #split the IP by .
my $sserddapi = "$ip[3].$ip[2].$ip[1].$ip[0]"; #reverse it
my #lookup = `nslookup $ipaddress`; #do the match
$lookup[3] =~ s/\s+//g; #remove all whitespace
my #device = split /=/, $lookup[3]; #get the hostname
if ($lookup[3] =~ /^$sserddapi/) { #see if it matches
$lookup[3] =~ s/$; #Remove the unwanted stuff
print "$ipaddress = $lookup[3]\n"; #print the result

How to take IP address as input

How to take IP address as input and use it in the Xpath expressions?
When i am using it as a static input like $iptext = ''; it is working fine but when i am getting the input from user i am getting error
#my $ip = <>;
#my $iptext=$ip.'';
my $query = "//nodeA/nodeB[nodeC/text() = '$iptext']/../NodeD/Name/text()";
I assume what you are forgetting is that input read with <> or <STDIN> come with newlines:
chomp(my $ip = <>); # newline removed
Documentation for chomp here.
If you do not remove the newline, your $query string will contain that newline, which I assume you pass to Xpath or some such:
xpath //nodeA/nodeB[nodeC/text() = '
And of course that does not work.

Getting all hostnames from IP address in Perl

I'm trying to find a way to get all hostnames that resolve to an IP address.
The gethostbyaddr function appears to only retrieve the first record from DNS (no matter if it's in scalar or list context).
my $hostname = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($ip_to_check), AF_INET);
$print($hostname); //output:
my #hostnames = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($ip_to_check), AF_INET);
foreach my $hostname (#hostnames){
print "(", join(',',#hostnames), ")"; //output: (,,2,4,?)
From the terminal:
$ host domain name pointer domain name pointer
I've heard that Net::DNS is a little more robust, but I haven't had any luck getting that to pull all entries as well.
I used a combination of answers given here and elsewhere on stack overflow to find the answer I was looking for.
# create new Resolver Object
my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
# change IP from to for searching
my $target_IP = join('.', reverse split(/\./, $ip_to_check))."";
# query DNS
my $query = $res->query("$target_IP", "PTR");
# if a result is found
if ($query){
print("Resolves to:\n");
# for every result, print the IP address
foreach my $rr ($query->answer){
# show all unless the type is PTR (pointer to a canonical name)
next unless $rr->type eq "PTR";
# remove the period at the end
printf(substr($rr->rdatastr, 0, -1));
The gethostby... interface is quite old and clunky, being defined back in primeval times before Perl got references and pretensions to OO. And it doesn't work the way you're trying to use it. When used in list context, it returns the primary name as the first element and a space-separated(!) list of aliases as the second:
my ($hostname, $aliases) = gethostbyaddr($addr, AF_INET);
my #hostname = ($hostname, split ' ', $aliases);
say join ' ', #hostname;
Now that's the theory; I didn't locate any IP addresses with multiple PTR records offhand, so I can't test if gethostbyaddr will actually return them -- it probably depends on your underlying C runtime as well -- but it does work if you use gethostbyname with a CNAMEd name, for instance.
Here's a small program I use to lookup all PTR records for a netmask (for example ) when doing abuse tracking tasks. It sends up to 15 queries a second and when they are all sent then starts reading the responses (so it'd need a little work to function properly for bigger net blocks).
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Netmask;
use Net::DNS;
#ARGV or die "$0 ip/cidr\n";
my $block = Net::Netmask->new(shift);
my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
my %sockets;
my $i = 0;
for my $i (1 .. $block->size - 1) {
my $ip = $block->nth($i);
my $reverse_ip = join ".", reverse split m/\./, $ip;
$reverse_ip .= "";
#print "$ip\n";
my $bgsock = $res->bgsend($reverse_ip, 'PTR');
$sockets{$ip} = $bgsock;
sleep 1 unless $i % 15;
$i = 0;
for my $i (1 .. $block->size - 1) {
my $ip = $block->nth($i);
my $socket = $sockets{$ip};
my $wait = 0;
until ($res->bgisready($socket)) {
print "waiting for $ip\n" if $wait > 0;
sleep 1 + $wait;
my $packet = $res->bgread($socket);
my #rr = $packet->answer;
printf "%-15s %s\n", $ip, $res->errorstring
unless #rr;
for my $rr (#rr) {
printf "%-15s %s\n", $ip, $rr->string;
I don't think this is a well-formed problem statement. In the general case, there's a nearly infinite number of DNS names that could resolve to any IP address, even unknown to the party that holds the address. Reverse-lookups are fundamentally unreliable, and are not capable of answering the question the poster would like, since all names for an IP do not need to be in the visible reverse map.
The first answer, which enumerates the reverse map, is the best one can do, but it will miss any names that have not been entered in the map.
This is what I have used:
sub getauthoritivename
my ($printerdns)=#_;
my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(searchlist=>$config->{searchlist});
my $query = $res->search($printerdns);
if ($query)
foreach my $rr ($query->answer)
next unless $rr->type eq "A";
print $rr->name;
warn "query failed: ", $res->errorstring, "\n";
return 0;
As long as $rr->name finds names, it keeps adding them.

How can I replace only complete IP addresses in a file using Perl?

I used the following Perl syntax in order to replace strings or IP address in a file:
OLD=aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd (old IP address)
NEW=yyy.zzz.www.qqq (new IP address)
export OLD
export NEW
perl -pe 'next if /^ *#/; s/\Q$ENV{OLD }\E/$1$ENV{NEW }$2/' file
example of problem:
I want to change the IP address in file from to
But I get the following:
more file (before change) machine_moon1
more file (after change) machine_moon1
According to "after change example) the IP "" must to stay as it is , because I want to change only the and not
I need help about my perl one line syntax:
How to change my perl syntax only according to the following rule:
RULE: Not change the IP address if:left IP side or right IP side have number/s
[number][number] - then not replace
[number][number] - then not replace
[number]yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy[number] - then not replace
Other cases:
[any character beside number ]yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy[[any character beside number ]] - then replace
Here's what you start with:
export OLD
export NEW
~/sandbox/$ cat file machine1 machine2 machine3 machine4
A1.1.1.1 machine5
A1.1.1.1 machine6 machine7
If you anchor the patterns to only match on word boundaries or non-digits (see perlre), you should only match a complete IP address:
~/sandbox/$ perl -pe 'next if /^ *#/; s/(\b|\D)$ENV{OLD}(\b|\D)/$1$ENV{NEW}$2/' file machine1 machine2 machine3 machine4
A5.5.5.5 machine5
A5.5.5.5Z machine6 machine7
You should use look-behind and look-ahead syntax, see a good article on perlmonks :
It might be easier to write a short script to do this.
use strict;
use autodie;
my $old_ip =; # or $ENV{'OLD'}
my $new_ip =; # or $ENV{'NEW'}
open my $infh, '<', $ARGV[0];
open my $outfh, '>', $ARGV[1];
while ( my $line = <$infh> ) {
chomp $line;
my #elems = split '\s+', $line;
next unless $elems[0] eq $old_ip;
print $outfh $new_ip . join(" ", #elems[1..$#elems]) . "\n";
close $outfh;
close $infh;

How do I create valid IP ranges given an IP address and Subnet mask in Perl?

How do I create valid IP ranges given an IP address and Subnet mask in Perl? I understand the concept of generating the IP ranges but need help writing in Perl. For example, if I AND the IP address and subnet mask I get the subnet number. Adding 1 to this number should give me the first valid IP. If I invert the subnet mask and OR with the subnet number, I should get the broadcast address. Subtracting 1 from it should give the last valid IP address.
See perldoc perlop for information about the bitwise operators (they are the same as in most other C-like languages):
& is bitwise AND
| is bitwise OR
^ is bitwise XOR
>> is right-shift
<< is left-shift
However, if you really want to do some work with network blocks and IP addresses (as opposed to simply answering a homework assignment - although I'm curious what course you'd be taking that used Perl), you can avoid reinventing the wheel by turning to CPAN:
If you want to play with bitwise operators yourself, it becomes this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Socket;
my $ip_address = '';
my $netmask = 28;
my $ip_address_binary = inet_aton( $ip_address );
my $netmask_binary = ~pack("N", (2**(32-$netmask))-1);
my $network_address = inet_ntoa( $ip_address_binary & $netmask_binary );
my $first_valid = inet_ntoa( pack( 'N', unpack('N', $ip_address_binary & $netmask_binary ) + 1 ));
my $last_valid = inet_ntoa( pack( 'N', unpack('N', $ip_address_binary | ~$netmask_binary ) - 1 ));
my $broadcast_address = inet_ntoa( $ip_address_binary | ~$netmask_binary );
print $network_address, "\n";
print $first_valid, "\n";
print $last_valid, "\n";
print $broadcast_address, "\n";
With Net::Netmask it's easier to understand:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Netmask;
my $ip_address = '';
my $netmask = 28;
my $block = Net::Netmask->new( "$ip_address/$netmask" );
my $network_address = $block->base();
my $first_valid = $block->nth(1);
my $last_valid = $block->nth( $block->size - 2 );
my $broadcast_address = $block->broadcast();
print $network_address, "\n";
print $first_valid, "\n";
print $last_valid, "\n";
print $broadcast_address, "\n";
Quick & dirty way to find the subnet mask:
use Socket;
my $subnet_mask = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($ip_str) & inet_aton($mask_str)):
Following Snippet can help you to find ip address and subnet mask on rhel7
my $ip=`hostname -i`;
my $subnet = `ip addr show|grep -i ".*${ip}/.*"|tail -1|cut -d "/" -f2|cut -d " " -f1`;